

Real time military news

Published date: 12/24/2024, 11:42:07 PM
12/24/2024, 11:42:07 PM
🔴 Safa correspondent: The Israeli raid on Deir al-Balah targeted the home of the al-Munirawi family on Jaffa Street in Deir al-Balah
🔴 مراسل صفا: الغارة الإسرائيلية على دير البلح استهدفت منزلًا لعائلة المنيراوي في شارع يافا بدير البلح
🔴 萨法记者:以色列对代尔巴拉赫的袭击目标是代尔巴拉赫亚法街穆尼拉维一家的一所房子。
🔴 Correspondente de Safa: O ataque israelense a Deir al-Balah teve como alvo uma casa da família Munirawi na rua Yafa, em Deir al-Balah.
🔴 Corresponsal de Safa: El ataque israelí en Deir al-Balah tuvo como objetivo una casa de la familia Munirawi en la calle Yafa en Deir al-Balah.
🔴 Корреспондент Safa: Целью израильского рейда на Дейр-эль-Балах был дом семьи Мунирави на улице Яфа в Дейр-эль-Балахе.
🔴 सफा संवाददाता: दीर अल-बलाह पर इजरायली हमले ने दीर अल-बलाह में याफा स्ट्रीट पर मुनिरावी परिवार के एक घर को निशाना बनाया।
🔴 Correspondant Safa : Le raid israélien sur Deir al-Balah a ciblé une maison de la famille Munirawi dans la rue Yafa à Deir al-Balah.
🔴 مراسل صفا: الغارة الإسرائيلية على دير البلح استهدفت منزلًا لعائلة المنيراوي في شارع يافا بدير البلح
🔴 Safa-Korrespondent: Der israelische Überfall auf Deir al-Balah zielte auf ein Haus der Familie Munirawi in der Yafa-Straße in Deir al-Balah.
🔴 Corrispondente di Safa: Il raid israeliano a Deir al-Balah ha preso di mira una casa della famiglia Munirawi in Yafa Street a Deir al-Balah.
🔴 サファ特派員: イスラエルによるデリ・アル・バラ襲撃では、デリ・アル・バラのヤファ通りにあるムニラウィ家の住宅が標的となった。
🔴 Safa-correspondent: De Israëlische inval in Deir al-Balah was gericht op het huis van de familie al-Munirawi aan de Jaffastraat in Deir al-Balah
🔴 Ανταποκριτής Safa: Η ισραηλινή επιδρομή στο Deir al-Balah είχε στόχο ένα σπίτι για την οικογένεια Munirawi στην οδό Yafa στο Deir al-Balah.

12/25/2024, 10:45:19 AM
🔴 Safa follow-up | 21 martyrs since dawn today in Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip
12/25/2024, 10:49:43 AM
🔴 Safa correspondent: 4 martyrs and wounded as a result of Israeli shelling targeting a group of citizens near Zamo roundabout east of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip
12/25/2024, 10:56:39 AM
🔴 Safa correspondent: An Israeli air strike targets Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, northwest of Gaza City
12/25/2024, 10:56:54 AM
🔴 Safa correspondent: Injured as a result of Israeli shelling targeting tents inside the Gifted School, which houses displaced people in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, northwest of Gaza City.
12/25/2024, 11:07:30 AM
🔴 Safa Follow-up | Press release issued by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas): ▪️We send our Christian people in all of Palestine congratulations and blessings on the occasion of the glorious Christmas holidays, and we highly appreciate their genuine position in limiting their celebrations to religious rituals in light of the ongoing Zionist war of extermination against our people, Muslims and Christians, and in all areas of our Palestinian land, especially in the Gaza Strip. ▪️We commend the firm national positions of our Palestinian Christian people, and their rejection of the occupation and its measures against our people and our Islamic and Christian sanctities, and what it practices of abuse and oppression against our people and violation of their right to freedom of worship, and preventing access to their holy places, mosques, churches and their celebration of their religious occasions. ▪️These honorable positions of our Christian people reaffirm the unity of Palestinian society and the comprehensive solidarity among all its components in the face of the brutal war waged by the Zionist occupation to liquidate our cause and obliterate our identity, and its failed attempts to undermine our steadfastness and insistence on achieving our aspirations for freedom and establishing our free and independent state.