

Real time military news

Published date: 12/28/2024, 6:19:36 AM
12/28/2024, 6:19:36 AM
#Enemy_Media Israeli media: Once again, the Yemenis launched a ballistic missile tonight towards "Israel", and the number of missiles launched from Yemen since the beginning of this month has reached ten missiles, in addition to the launch of nine drones. #War_Media
#إعلام_العدو وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: مرة أخرى، أطلق اليمنيون الليلة صاروخًا باليستيًا باتجاه "إسرائيل"، وبلغ عدد الصواريخ التي أُطلقت من اليمن منذ بداية هذا الشهر عشرة صواريخ، كما تم إطلاق تسع طائرات بدون طيار. #الإعلام_الحربي
#敌人信息 以色列媒体:也门今晚再次向以色列发射弹道导弹,本月初以来也门发射的导弹数量达到十枚,并发射了九架无人机。 #War_Media
#enemy_information Mídia israelense: Mais uma vez, os iemenitas lançaram esta noite um míssil balístico contra Israel. O número de mísseis lançados do Iêmen desde o início deste mês chegou a dez, e nove drones foram lançados. #War_Media
#Medios_enemigos Medios israelíes: Una vez más, los yemeníes lanzaron un misil balístico hacia "Israel" esta noche. El número de misiles lanzados desde Yemen desde principios de este mes ha llegado a diez misiles, y se han lanzado nueve drones. #Medios_de_Guerra
#enemy_information Израильские СМИ: Сегодня вечером йеменцы вновь запустили баллистическую ракету в сторону Израиля. Число ракет, выпущенных из Йемена с начала этого месяца, достигло десяти, было запущено девять беспилотников. #War_Media
#शत्रु_जानकारी इज़रायली मीडिया: एक बार फिर, यमनियों ने आज रात इज़राइल की ओर एक बैलिस्टिक मिसाइल लॉन्च की। इस महीने की शुरुआत से यमन से लॉन्च की गई मिसाइलों की संख्या दस तक पहुंच गई, और नौ ड्रोन लॉन्च किए गए। #युद्ध_मीडिया
#informations_ennemies Médias israéliens : Une fois de plus, les Yéménites ont lancé ce soir un missile balistique vers Israël. Le nombre de missiles lancés depuis le Yémen depuis le début de ce mois a atteint dix, et neuf drones ont été lancés. #War_Media
#إعلام_العدو وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية: مرة أخرى، أطلق اليمنيون الليلة صاروخًا باليستيًا باتجاه "إسرائيل"، وبلغ عدد الصواريخ التي أُطلقت من اليمن منذ بداية هذا الشهر عشرة صواريخ، كما تم إطلاق تسع طائرات بدون طيار. #الإعلام_الحربي
#enemy_information Israelische Medien: Die Jemeniten haben heute Abend erneut eine ballistische Rakete auf Israel abgefeuert. Die Zahl der seit Anfang dieses Monats aus dem Jemen abgefeuerten Raketen erreichte zehn, und neun Drohnen wurden abgefeuert. #War_Media
#informazione_nemica Media israeliani: Ancora una volta, gli yemeniti stasera hanno lanciato un missile balistico verso Israele. Il numero di missili lanciati dallo Yemen dall'inizio di questo mese ha raggiunto i dieci e sono stati lanciati nove droni. #Guerra_Media
#敵の情報 イスラエルメディア:イエメン人は今夜再び弾道ミサイルをイスラエルに向けて発射した 今月初めからイエメンから発射されたミサイルの数は10発に達し、9機の無人機が発射された。 #戦争メディア
#vijandige_informatie Israëlische media: Opnieuw lanceerden de Jemenieten vanavond een ballistische raket richting Israël. Het aantal raketten dat sinds begin deze maand vanuit Jemen is gelanceerd, bedroeg tien, en er werden negen drones gelanceerd. #War_Media
#enmy_information Ισραηλινά ΜΜΕ: Για άλλη μια φορά, οι Υεμενίτες εκτόξευσαν απόψε βαλλιστικό πύραυλο προς το Ισραήλ Ο αριθμός των πυραύλων που εκτοξεύτηκαν από την Υεμένη από τις αρχές αυτού του μήνα έφτασε τους δέκα και εκτοξεύτηκαν εννέα drones. #War_Media

1/10/2025, 9:53:04 AM
#Enemy_Media Israel Today Hebrew newspaper - Yoav Limor: The gap between the government's promises and the way things are being done on the ground in the north is widening. The compensation plan published this week is another link in a series of failed and dangerous decisions that harm residents and may prevent many of them from returning to their homes. #War_Media
1/10/2025, 9:54:07 AM
#Enemy_Media Israel Today Hebrew newspaper - Yoav Limor: Just as the Israeli government acted in the south when it forced residents to return by force, it is now acting in the north. Sensitivity and compassion are absent as usual from the work of the government, which does not realize the depth of the crisis on the ground, the extent of the damage to property and businesses, and the number of residents who choose not to return, whether temporarily or permanently, as a result of the loss of confidence. Instead of making the reconstruction of the north a top national priority, the government is content to put a "check mark" on the task and move on. #War_Media
1/10/2025, 1:40:53 PM
Statement issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful God Almighty said: {O you who believe, if you support God, He will support you and plant firmly your feet} God Almighty is true In victory for the oppression of the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen and in response to the massacres against our brothers in Gaza, and within the fifth stage of the support stages in the battle of the promised conquest and the holy jihad The Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of God Almighty, carried out several military operations during the past 48 hours, the most prominent of which was targeting the American aircraft carrier "USS Harry Truman" and a number of its warships in the northern Red Sea region with a number of Winged missiles and drones. The operation was carried out by the missile force and the drone air force, and the operation succeeded in thwarting a new air attack against our country from that carrier, which was forced with its warships to leave the northern Red Sea region. Yesterday, the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out an operation targeting a number of targets belonging to the Israeli enemy in the occupied Jaffa region with three drones, and they were able to reach their targets successfully, thanks to God. The Armed Forces salute you, the sons of our great Yemeni people, in this arena and in all arenas and fields, salute your steadfastness, jihad, and faith, and salute your response to the leader, Mr. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, may God protect him, and emphasize your great role in this honorable battle. The Yemeni Armed Forces reiterate that they will continue to perform their duties towards the oppressed Palestinian people and that their operations will not stop until the aggression stops and the siege on the Gaza Strip is lifted. And Allah is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs, the best Master and the best Supporter Long live Yemen, free, honorable and independent And victory to Yemen and to all the free people of the nation Sana'a, 10 Rajab 1446 AH Corresponding to January 10, 2025 AD Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces #Military_Media
1/10/2025, 8:41:20 PM
#Enemy_Media Hebrew Channel 12: Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General Amir Baram, informed Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi of his intention to end his duties at the end of next month. In a letter Baram sent to the Chief of Staff, he criticized his performance during the war. The decision to leave the position also came against the backdrop of tense and turbulent relations between their offices. #War_Media
1/10/2025, 12:56:03 PM
#Enemy_Media Israeli Army Radio: The Israeli army has completed an air strike in coordination with the United States and Britain, targeting a number of areas in Yemen. #War_Media