

Real time military news

Published date: 1/10/2025, 8:41:20 PM
1/10/2025, 8:41:20 PM
#Enemy_Media Hebrew Channel 12: Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General Amir Baram, informed Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi of his intention to end his duties at the end of next month. In a letter Baram sent to the Chief of Staff, he criticized his performance during the war. The decision to leave the position also came against the backdrop of tense and turbulent relations between their offices. #War_Media
#إعلام_العدو القناة 12 العبرية: نائب رئيس الأركان، اللواء أمير برعام، أبلغ رئيس الأركان هرتسي هاليفي بنيته إنهاء مهامه بنهاية الشهر المقبل. في رسالة وجهها برعام لرئيس الأركان، وجه انتقادًا لأدائه خلال الحرب. القرار بمغادرة المنصب جاء أيضًا على خلفية العلاقات المتوترة والمضطربة بين مكتبيهما. #الإعلام_الحربي
#敌人媒体 第 12 频道希伯来语:副参谋长阿米尔·巴拉姆少将告知参谋长赫尔齐·哈勒维,他打算在下月底结束职务。巴拉姆在写给总参谋长的一封信中批评了他在战争期间的表现。辞职决定也是在两部门关系紧张和动荡的背景下做出的。 #战争媒体
#Mídia_Inimiga Canal 12 Hebraico: O vice-chefe do Estado-Maior, Major-General Amir Baram, informou ao chefe do Estado-Maior Herzi Halevi sobre sua intenção de encerrar suas funções no final do mês que vem. Em uma carta que Baram endereçou ao Chefe do Estado-Maior, ele criticou seu desempenho durante a guerra. A decisão de deixar o cargo também ocorreu em um contexto de relações tensas e turbulentas entre seus gabinetes. #Mídia_de_Guerra
#Medios_enemigos Canal 12 Hebreo: El subjefe del Estado Mayor, mayor general Amir Baram, informó al jefe del Estado Mayor Herzi Halevi de su intención de finalizar sus funciones a fines del próximo mes. En una carta que Baram dirigió al Jefe del Estado Mayor, criticó su actuación durante la guerra. La decisión de dejar el cargo también se produjo en un contexto de relaciones tensas y turbulentas entre sus oficinas. #Medios_de_Guerra
#enemy_information Еврейский канал 12: Заместитель начальника штаба генерал-майор Амир Барам проинформировал начальника штаба Герци Галеви о своем намерении завершить свои обязанности к концу следующего месяца. В письме Барам, адресованном начальнику штаба, он раскритиковал его действия во время войны. Решение покинуть должность также было принято на фоне напряженных и непростых отношений между их ведомствами. #War_Media
#शत्रु_मीडिया चैनल 12 हिब्रू: डिप्टी चीफ ऑफ स्टाफ, मेजर जनरल अमीर बारम ने चीफ ऑफ स्टाफ हर्ज़ी हलेवी को अगले महीने के अंत में अपने कर्तव्यों को समाप्त करने के अपने इरादे से अवगत कराया। बारम ने चीफ ऑफ स्टाफ को लिखे पत्र में युद्ध के दौरान उनके प्रदर्शन की आलोचना की। पद छोड़ने का निर्णय उनके कार्यालयों के बीच तनावपूर्ण और अशांत संबंधों की पृष्ठभूमि में लिया गया। #युद्ध_मीडिया
#Médias_Ennemis Le chef d'état-major adjoint, le général de division Amir Baram, a informé le chef d'état-major Herzi Halevi de son intention de mettre fin à ses fonctions à la fin du mois prochain. Dans une lettre adressée au chef d'état-major, Baram critique sa performance pendant la guerre. La décision de quitter ce poste intervient également dans un contexte de relations tendues et turbulentes entre leurs bureaux. #Médias_de_Guerre
#إعلام_العدو القناة 12 العبرية: نائب رئيس الأركان، اللواء أمير برعام، أبلغ رئيس الأركان هرتسي هاليفي بنيته إنهاء مهامه بنهاية الشهر المقبل. في رسالة وجهها برعام لرئيس الأركان، وجه انتقادًا لأدائه خلال الحرب. القرار بمغادرة المنصب جاء أيضًا على خلفية العلاقات المتوترة والمضطربة بين مكتبيهما. #الإعلام_الحربي
#Feind_Medien Channel 12 Hebräisch: Der stellvertretende Stabschef, Generalmajor Amir Baram, informierte Stabschef Herzi Halevi über seine Absicht, seinen Dienst Ende nächsten Monats zu beenden. In einem Brief an den Stabschef kritisierte Baram seine Leistung während des Krieges. Die Entscheidung, den Posten zu verlassen, erfolgte auch vor dem Hintergrund der angespannten und turbulenten Beziehungen zwischen ihren Ämtern. #Kriegsmedien
#Media_nemici Canale 12 Ebraico: Il vice capo di stato maggiore, il maggiore generale Amir Baram, ha informato il capo di stato maggiore Herzi Halevi della sua intenzione di terminare il suo incarico alla fine del mese prossimo. In una lettera indirizzata al Capo di Stato Maggiore, Baram criticò il suo comportamento durante la guerra. La decisione di lasciare l'incarico è stata presa anche in un contesto di relazioni tese e turbolente tra i loro uffici. #Media_di_guerra
#敵メディア チャンネル12ヘブライ語:アミール・バラム参謀副総長少将は、ヘルジ・ハレヴィ参謀総長に対し、来月末に職務を終える意向を伝えた。バラム氏は参謀総長に宛てた手紙の中で、戦争中の参謀総長の働きを批判した。辞任の決定は、両官庁間の緊張と混乱した関係を背景に下された。 #戦争メディア
#vijandelijke_media Kanaal 12 Hebreeuws: De plaatsvervangend stafchef, generaal-majoor Amir Baram, informeerde stafchef Herzi Halevi over zijn voornemen om zijn taken eind volgende maand te beëindigen. In een brief die Baram aan de stafchef richtte, bekritiseerde hij diens optreden tijdens de oorlog. Het besluit om de functie neer te leggen werd genomen tegen de achtergrond van de gespannen en turbulente verhoudingen tussen hun kantoren. #Oorlogsmedia
#Enemy_Media Κανάλι 12 Εβραϊκά: Αναπληρωτής Αρχηγός Επιτελείου, Υποστράτηγος Amir Baram, ενημέρωσε τον Αρχηγό του Επιτελείου Herzi Halevi για την πρόθεσή του να τερματίσει τα καθήκοντά του στα τέλη του επόμενου μήνα. Σε μια επιστολή του Baram που απηύθυνε στον Αρχηγό του Επιτελείου, επέκρινε την απόδοσή του κατά τη διάρκεια του πολέμου. Η απόφαση να εγκαταλείψουν το πόστο ήρθε επίσης με φόντο τις τεταμένες και ταραχώδεις σχέσεις μεταξύ των γραφείων τους. #War_Media

1/20/2025, 1:56:04 PM
#Yemen The most important points in the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi On the occasion of the historic victory of the Palestinian people: - God has blessed the Palestinian people and their dear Mujahideen in the Gaza Strip with the great historic victory. - We extend our praise and thanks to God Almighty who helped the Mujahideen, strengthened their feet, supported them with His victory, and provided the Palestinian people with steadfastness and resilience. - We extend our best congratulations and blessings to the Palestinian people with all their factions and components inside and outside the country, starting with their Mujahideen in the Gaza Strip, the Qassam Brigades, the Al-Quds Brigades, and the Mujahideen factions. - Cooperation between the Palestinian factions was of great importance in what God has blessed them with and achieved great results. - The Mujahideen in Gaza were at the level of capabilities, fighting with simple and limited capabilities with a severe siege in contrast to what the enemy has. - The enemy has mobilized for the battle in Gaza with American and British participation, which helps it destroy any resistance activity and eliminate any jihadist movement. - Despite the great sacrifices of the martyrs' convoys from the leaders, at the forefront of whom are the dear martyrs Ismail Haniyeh, Al-Arouri and Al-Sinwar, may God have mercy on them, and the field leaders, their will was not broken. - Despite the widespread official Arab inaction and the negative position of some Arab regimes, as well as the extremely negative position of the Palestinian Authority, God has guided, helped and strengthened the Mujahideen. - The Mujahideen in Gaza were steadfast and effective in their jihadi work and their heroic confrontation with the Israeli enemy, and they were creative in adapting to various military circumstances. - The Mujahideen in Gaza carried out heroic and sacrificial jihadi operations that will remain in their great historical record, inspiring generations. - Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa is a qualitative shift in Palestinian jihadi work. - The great steadfastness over 15 months is a great and important shift and a successful experience. - The steadfastness of the resistance movements in the political position and the Hamas movement carrying the banner of political jihad did not yield to all the pressures and blackmail attempts to accept a surrender formula. - The rounds of negotiations, and those before and between them, were a real arena for political confrontation in the face of the extent of American and Western pressure. - The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, along with the Islamic Jihad Movement and the rest of the Palestinian factions, stood firm with full cooperation and a brotherly spirit until important results were achieved. - With the steadfastness of the Palestinian popular incubator despite the genocide, complete siege and destruction of all the necessities of life, important results were achieved. - The sacrifices and heroic operations provided by the West Bank achieved important results that will continue, God willing, on an upward path. - Yesterday was a day of Palestinian victory and for the Palestinian Mujahideen. It was clearly an enthusiastic day in Gaza. - This round of confrontation with the Israeli enemy is a milestone in the history of the conflict with the Israeli enemy. #Military_Media
1/20/2025, 1:59:10 PM
#Yemen The most prominent words of the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, on the occasion of the historic victory of the Palestinian people: - Hezbollah contributed to the level of spite against the Israeli enemy and engagement in major operations and comprehensive confrontations and the very large amount of attrition of the enemy. - Hezbollah contributed to the torment of the enemy and the heavy losses and great damage inflicted on it in its great jihadist work and during the stage of confronting the Israeli aggression on Lebanon. - The support front in Iraq and its operations continued until recently and some of its factions continued without stopping until victory was achieved. - The role of the Islamic Republic in Iran continued with support without stopping despite the pressures and temptations as well as its major, destructive, and unprecedented operations in the Truthful Promise. - The support front in Yemen of faith surprised the world with the level of its position, continuity, and steadfastness and with its popular momentum and high ceiling. - Our talk about the Yemen front is not for wishful thinking or outbidding, as it is the performance of a sacred duty and a religious responsibility. - We are interested in talking about the important Yemeni experience to build on what has been achieved in the present and the future. - The first advantage of the Yemeni position is that it is the fruit of the faith-based launch and the Quranic orientation of our dear people. - The faith-based launch elevated our dear people from mere emotional sentiment and psychological sympathy to the level of feeling responsible and a comprehensive practical jihadist position in all areas. - America and those with it did not succeed in influencing the Yemeni position through the method it uses in other countries. - America failed to influence Yemen's position as a result of the comprehensive orientation at the official and popular levels. - America was neither able to move the official position to shackle and restrict the popular position nor did it succeed in influencing the popular position to put pressure on the official position. - The official position in Yemen expressed the popular position with all honesty and clarity. - What our dear people wanted, wanted and demanded was to be mobilized and directly participate in the fighting side by side with the mujahideen in Palestine. #Military_Media
1/20/2025, 2:06:59 PM
#Yemen The most prominent words of the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, on the occasion of the historic victory of the Palestinian people: - Regimes, governments and countries between us and Palestine did not respond to the request to open safe land routes and ports to cross to reach Palestine. - Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa is a qualitative, major and very important shift and the Palestinian cause, with its blessing, has reached an advanced stage. - We made a decision that we announced in a televised speech that if the Israeli enemy moves to cross the red lines, we will move to military operations to support the Palestinian people and their Mujahideen in Gaza. - The red lines that we meant are when the Israeli enemy commits mass massacres or works on a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip or targets the structure of the Islamic resistance in Gaza in a way that harms and affects it. - When the Israeli enemy committed its major crime by targeting the Al-Ahli Hospital called the Baptist, we decided that night to intervene with military support. - We wanted that night to be the first military operation to support the enemies by surprise and surprise, but the Americans, with their espionage activity in the Yemeni airspace, monitored the movements and preparations for the operation. - The Americans sent us a message threatening, intimidating and warning, so our response to them, by God's grace, was a strong response, and we decided to carry out the first operation that morning. #Military_Media
1/20/2025, 2:12:40 PM
#Yemen The most prominent words of the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, on the occasion of the historic victory of the Palestinian people: - The operation towards Umm al-Rashrash and southern Palestine was our first stage in military support operations, and that was the most we had. - The Americans sought to intercept our first operation, and they achieved what they achieved. - With the study of an additional option for greater effectiveness and greater pressure on the enemy, we decided to adopt naval operations, and this was a second stage. - The naval operations started successfully, by God’s grace, and were a surprise to the Israeli enemy, the Americans, and the world. - The naval operations began with direct control of an Israeli ship, and it had a great echo and great impact, and an important preparation for the operations that followed. - The Americans are very concerned and have intensified their presence with their warships at sea and their naval activity in order to protect Israeli ships. #War_Media
1/20/2025, 2:15:35 PM
#Yemen The most prominent words of the speech of the leader of Ansar Allah, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, on the occasion of the historic victory of the Palestinian people: - Naval operations continued despite the extensive American movement to protect Israeli ships. - The naval forces were at the forefront of those offering martyrs for the sake of God Almighty in naval operations. - The naval forces, missile forces, and drones in the Yemeni armed forces have a very large role in military operations. - The American intensified the deployment in the seas and sought the help of the Europeans, and his focus, with those who cooperate with him from the Europeans, was on interception operations and escorting Israeli ships. - Despite the American and European deployment, it failed, and their interception strategy was met with the frequent launch of drones and missiles. - The naval operations succeeded in targeting Israeli ships and affected their movement and activity. - The transition to developing missiles, drones, and naval boats achieved important results and important transfers. - The American was greatly surprised, and others were surprised with him, by the use of ballistic missiles in naval operations for the first time in history. - Ballistic missiles, which are usually used to target fixed targets on land, have never been used to target moving naval targets at sea. - The use of ballistic missiles to target ships at sea was a technical effort by the missile force. #War_Media