Between a Flying Iron Bullet and a Deadly Taxi:
Not Just Observation and Intelligence Gathering - What Else Are Drones Capable of in the Field?
בין כדור ברזל מעופף למונית קטלנית:
לא רק תצפית ואיסוף מודיעין - למה עוד מסוגלים הרחפנים בשטח?
Entre uma bola de ferro voadora e um táxi mortal:
Não apenas observação e coleta de informações: o que mais os drones são capazes de fazer em campo?
Entre una bola de hierro voladora y un taxi mortal:
No sólo observación y recopilación de información: ¿de qué más son capaces los drones sobre el terreno?
Между летящим железным шаром и смертоносным такси:
Не только наблюдение и сбор разведданных — на что еще способны дроны в полевых условиях?
उड़ती लोहे की गेंद और घातक टैक्सी के बीच:
न केवल अवलोकन और खुफिया जानकारी एकत्र करना - ड्रोन क्षेत्र में और क्या करने में सक्षम हैं?
Entre une boule de fer volante et un taxi mortel :
Il ne s’agit pas seulement d’observation et de collecte de renseignements : de quoi d’autre les drones sont-ils capables sur le terrain ?
بين كرة حديدية طائرة وتاكسي قاتل:
لا تقتصر قدرات الطائرات بدون طيار على المراقبة وجمع المعلومات الاستخبارية فحسب، بل ما هي القدرات الأخرى التي تستطيع الطائرات بدون طيار القيام بها في الميدان؟
Zwischen fliegender Eisenkugel und tödlichem Taxi:
Nicht nur Beobachtung und Informationsbeschaffung – wozu sind Drohnen im Außeneinsatz noch in der Lage?
Tra una palla di ferro volante e un taxi mortale:
Non solo osservazione e raccolta di informazioni: cos'altro sono in grado di fare i droni sul campo?
Tussen een vliegende ijzeren bal en een dodelijke taxi:
Niet alleen observatie en het verzamelen van inlichtingen - wat kunnen drones nog meer in het veld?
Ανάμεσα σε μια ιπτάμενη σιδερένια μπάλα και ένα θανατηφόρο ταξί:
Όχι μόνο παρατήρηση και συλλογή πληροφοριών - τι άλλο μπορούν να κάνουν τα drones στο πεδίο;
1/5/2025, 3:02:38 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
A short time ago, a number of suspects were identified outside an IDF base in central Israel.
After extensive searches by security forces, suspicion of infiltration into the base was removed.
1/5/2025, 3:19:39 PM
1/5/2025, 3:19:51 PM
1/6/2025, 7:46:57 AM
IDF Spokesperson:
Following the initial report, terrorists fired at a bus and civilian vehicles near El Pondok in the Ephraim Brigade. Several civilians were injured in various ways and are currently receiving medical treatment.
Security forces have launched a pursuit of the terrorists and are carrying out roadblocks and cordoning off several villages in the area.
1/5/2025, 4:27:47 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
A soldier in the Tsabar Battalion, Givati Brigade, was seriously injured earlier today (Sunday) in a battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
The soldier was taken to a hospital for medical treatment, his family has been notified.