IDF Spokesperson:
A soldier in the Tsabar Battalion, Givati Brigade, was seriously injured earlier today (Sunday) in a battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
The soldier was taken to a hospital for medical treatment, his family has been notified.
דובר צה"ל:
לוחם בגדוד צבר, חטיבת גבעתי, נפצע באורח קשה מוקדם יותר היום (א') בקרב בצפון רצועת עזה.
הלוחם פונה לקבלת טיפול רפואי בבית חולים, משפחתו עודכנה.
Porta-voz da IDF:
Um combatente do Batalhão Sabar, Brigada Givati, ficou gravemente ferido na manhã de hoje (domingo) em uma batalha no norte da Faixa de Gaza.
O lutador foi levado a um hospital para tratamento médico, informou sua família.
Portavoz de las FDI:
Un combatiente del Batallón Sabar, Brigada Givati, resultó gravemente herido hoy (domingo) en una batalla en el norte de la Franja de Gaza.
El luchador fue trasladado a un hospital para recibir tratamiento médico, informó su familia.
Представитель ЦАХАЛа:
Боец батальона «Сабар» бригады «Гивати» сегодня (воскресенье) получил серьезное ранение в бою на севере сектора Газа.
Боец был доставлен в больницу для оказания медицинской помощи, сообщили его семье.
आईडीएफ प्रवक्ता:
साबर बटालियन, गिवती ब्रिगेड का एक सेनानी आज (रविवार) उत्तरी गाजा पट्टी में एक लड़ाई में गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गया था।
सेनानी को इलाज के लिए अस्पताल ले जाया गया, उनके परिवार को सूचित किया गया।
Porte-parole de Tsahal :
Un combattant du bataillon Sabar, la brigade Givati, a été grièvement blessé plus tôt dans la journée (dimanche) lors d'une bataille dans le nord de la bande de Gaza.
Le combattant a été transporté à l'hôpital pour y recevoir des soins médicaux, a-t-on informé sa famille.
المتحدث باسم الجيش الإسرائيلي:
أصيب مقاتل في كتيبة صبار، لواء جفعاتي، في وقت سابق اليوم (الأحد)، بجروح خطيرة خلال معركة شمال قطاع غزة.
وتم نقل المقاتل إلى المستشفى لتلقي العلاج الطبي، حسبما أبلغت عائلته.
Ein Kämpfer des Sabar-Bataillons der Givati-Brigade wurde heute (Sonntag) bei einer Schlacht im nördlichen Gazastreifen schwer verletzt.
Der Kämpfer wurde zur medizinischen Behandlung in ein Krankenhaus gebracht, seine Familie wurde informiert.
Portavoce dell'IDF:
Un combattente del battaglione Sabar, brigata Givati, è stato gravemente ferito oggi (domenica) in una battaglia nel nord della Striscia di Gaza.
Il combattente è stato portato in ospedale per cure mediche, la sua famiglia è stata informata.
Een strijder van het Sabar-bataljon, Givati Brigade, raakte eerder vandaag (zondag) ernstig gewond bij een gevecht in de noordelijke Gazastrook.
De vechter werd voor medische behandeling naar een ziekenhuis gebracht, zo werd zijn familie geïnformeerd.
Εκπρόσωπος του IDF:
Ένας μαχητής στο τάγμα Sabar, Givati Brigade, τραυματίστηκε σοβαρά νωρίτερα σήμερα (Κυριακή) σε μάχη στη βόρεια Λωρίδα της Γάζας.
Ο μαχητής μεταφέρθηκε σε νοσοκομείο για ιατρική περίθαλψη, ενημερώθηκε η οικογένειά του.
2/10/2025, 4:01:20 PM
Urined terrorists, hundreds of wanted persons were arrested and about 70 weapons were confiscated:
The operation was expanded in northern Samaria. Watch the records
2/10/2025, 6:35:04 PM
IDF Spokesman:
Following unusual identification, IDF forces are scanned in the Yad Mordechai space for the denial of a security event, the details of the test.
At this point, there are no special guidelines for the home front.
2/10/2025, 7:17:55 PM
IDF Spokesman:
After extensive scans of IDF forces in the Yad Mordechai space, the suspicion of a security event was denied.
The IDF forces are deployed in the space and will be required to protect the citizens of the State of Israel.
2/10/2025, 8:58:18 PM
IDF Spokesman:
In accordance with the assessment of the situation, it was decided to raise alert and stop exits for the fighter forces and the operational arrays in the Southern Command.
In addition, it was decided to reinforce significant forces for space protection tasks.
Reinforcement forces will strengthen the protection in the space, and the forces are preparing for various scenarios in the sector.
2/10/2025, 10:18:14 PM
IDF Spokesman:
In accordance with the assessment of the situation,
It was decided to postpone the "Iron Parties" planting event designed to take place tomorrow as part of the Southern Heart Festival.
There are no additional changes to the home front.
The IDF forces are deployed in the space and will be required to protect the citizens of the State of Israel.