Near the headquarters from which many launches were launched towards the Galilee:
This is how fighters of the 188th destroyed an underground Hezbollah route
סמוך למפקדה ממנה יצאו שיגורים רבים לעבר הגליל:
כך השמידו לוחמי 188 תוואי תת-קרקעי של חיזבאללה
Perto da sede de onde foram lançadas muitas lanchas rumo à Galiléia:
Foi assim que os combatentes destruíram 188 rotas subterrâneas do Hezbollah
Cerca de la sede desde donde se lanzaron numerosos lanzamientos hacia Galilea:
Así destruyeron los combatientes 188 vías subterráneas de Hezbollah
Рядом со штабом, из которого производилось множество запусков в сторону Галилеи:
Так боевики уничтожили 188 подземных маршрутов "Хизбаллы"
मुख्यालय के पास जहां से गलील की ओर कई प्रक्षेपण किए गए:
इस तरह लड़ाकों ने हिजबुल्लाह के 188 भूमिगत रास्तों को नष्ट कर दिया
A proximité du quartier général d'où de nombreux lancements ont été lancés vers la Galilée :
C'est ainsi que les combattants ont détruit 188 routes souterraines du Hezbollah
بالقرب من المقر الذي انطلقت منه العديد من الزوارق باتجاه الجليل:
هكذا دمر المقاتلون 188 طريقاً تحت الأرض لحزب الله
In der Nähe des Hauptquartiers, von dem aus viele Boote in Richtung Galiläa gestartet wurden:
So zerstörten 188 Kämpfer eine unterirdische Route der Hisbollah
Vicino al quartier generale da cui partirono numerosi lanci verso la Galilea:
È così che i combattenti hanno distrutto 188 percorsi sotterranei di Hezbollah
Vlakbij het hoofdkwartier van waaruit veel lanceringen richting Galilea werden gelanceerd:
Zo vernietigden de strijders 188 ondergrondse routes van Hezbollah
Κοντά στο αρχηγείο από το οποίο εκτοξεύτηκαν πολλές εκτοξεύσεις προς τη Γαλιλαία:
Έτσι οι μαχητές κατέστρεψαν 188 υπόγειες διαδρομές της Χεζμπολάχ
1/5/2025, 3:02:38 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
A short time ago, a number of suspects were identified outside an IDF base in central Israel.
After extensive searches by security forces, suspicion of infiltration into the base was removed.
1/5/2025, 3:19:39 PM
1/5/2025, 3:19:51 PM
1/6/2025, 7:46:57 AM
IDF Spokesperson:
Following the initial report, terrorists fired at a bus and civilian vehicles near El Pondok in the Ephraim Brigade. Several civilians were injured in various ways and are currently receiving medical treatment.
Security forces have launched a pursuit of the terrorists and are carrying out roadblocks and cordoning off several villages in the area.
1/5/2025, 4:27:47 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
A soldier in the Tsabar Battalion, Givati Brigade, was seriously injured earlier today (Sunday) in a battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
The soldier was taken to a hospital for medical treatment, his family has been notified.