"When I realized I had a chance to survive - the survival instinct woke up in me":
*An unexpected turn of events led to the saving of Jonathan's life*
"כשהבנתי שיש לי סיכוי לשרוד - התעורר בי יצר ההישרדות":
*סגירת מעגל בלתי צפויה הובילה להצלת חייו של יונתן*
“Quando percebi que tinha uma chance de sobreviver, surgiu em mim o desejo de sobreviver”:
*Um fechamento inesperado do círculo levou ao salvamento da vida de Yonatan*
"Cuando me di cuenta de que tenía la oportunidad de sobrevivir, surgió en mí la necesidad de sobrevivir":
*Un cierre inesperado del círculo llevó a salvar la vida de Yonatan*
"Когда я понял, что у меня есть шанс выжить - во мне возникло желание выжить":
*Неожиданное замыкание круга привело к спасению жизни Йонатана*
"जब मुझे एहसास हुआ कि मेरे पास जीवित रहने का मौका है - तो मेरे अंदर जीवित रहने की ललक पैदा हुई":
*सर्कल के अप्रत्याशित रूप से बंद होने से योनाटन की जान बच गई*
"Quand j'ai réalisé que j'avais une chance de survivre, l'envie de survivre est apparue en moi" :
*Une fermeture inattendue du cercle a permis de sauver la vie de Yonatan*
"عندما أدركت أن لدي فرصة للبقاء على قيد الحياة، نشأت في داخلي الرغبة في البقاء على قيد الحياة":
*إغلاق غير متوقع للدائرة أدى إلى إنقاذ حياة يوناتان*
„Als mir klar wurde, dass ich eine Überlebenschance hatte, entstand in mir der Drang zu überleben“:
*Eine unerwartete Schließung des Kreises führte zur Rettung von Yonatans Leben*
"Quando ho capito che avevo la possibilità di sopravvivere, è nata in me la voglia di sopravvivere":
*Una chiusura inaspettata del cerchio portò alla salvezza della vita di Yonatan*
"Toen ik besefte dat ik een kans had om te overleven, ontstond de drang om te overleven in mij":
*Een onverwachte sluiting van de cirkel leidde tot het redden van Yonatans leven*
«Όταν συνειδητοποίησα ότι είχα την ευκαιρία να επιβιώσω - προέκυψε μέσα μου η παρόρμηση να επιβιώσω»:
*Ένα απροσδόκητο κλείσιμο του κύκλου οδήγησε στη διάσωση της ζωής του Yonatan*
1/5/2025, 3:02:38 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
A short time ago, a number of suspects were identified outside an IDF base in central Israel.
After extensive searches by security forces, suspicion of infiltration into the base was removed.
1/5/2025, 3:19:39 PM
1/5/2025, 3:19:51 PM
1/6/2025, 7:46:57 AM
IDF Spokesperson:
Following the initial report, terrorists fired at a bus and civilian vehicles near El Pondok in the Ephraim Brigade. Several civilians were injured in various ways and are currently receiving medical treatment.
Security forces have launched a pursuit of the terrorists and are carrying out roadblocks and cordoning off several villages in the area.
1/5/2025, 4:27:47 PM
IDF Spokesperson:
A soldier in the Tsabar Battalion, Givati Brigade, was seriously injured earlier today (Sunday) in a battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
The soldier was taken to a hospital for medical treatment, his family has been notified.