Hamas: With the entry into force of the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, we affirm our commitment to implementing the terms of the agreement
حماس: مع دخول وقف إطلاق النَّار في قطاع غزة نؤكِّد التزامنا بتنفيذ بنود الاتفاق
Hamas: Com a entrada em vigor do cessar-fogo na Faixa de Gaza, afirmamos o nosso compromisso de implementar os termos do acordo
Hamás: Con la entrada en vigor del alto el fuego en la Franja de Gaza, reafirmamos nuestro compromiso de implementar los términos del acuerdo
ХАМАС: С вступлением в силу соглашения о прекращении огня в секторе Газа мы подтверждаем нашу приверженность выполнению условий соглашения
हमास: गाजा पट्टी में युद्ध विराम लागू होने के साथ ही हम समझौते की शर्तों को लागू करने के प्रति अपनी प्रतिबद्धता की पुष्टि करते हैं
Hamas : Avec l'entrée en vigueur du cessez-le-feu dans la bande de Gaza, nous affirmons notre engagement à mettre en œuvre les termes de l'accord
حماس: مع دخول وقف إطلاق النَّار في قطاع غزة نؤكِّد التزامنا بتنفيذ بنود الاتفاق
Hamas: Mit dem Inkrafttreten des Waffenstillstands im Gazastreifen bekräftigen wir unsere Verpflichtung zur Umsetzung der Bedingungen des Abkommens
Hamas: Con l'entrata in vigore del cessate il fuoco nella Striscia di Gaza, affermiamo il nostro impegno ad attuare i termini dell'accordo
Hamas: Met de inwerkingtreding van het staakt-het-vuren in de Gazastrook bevestigen wij onze toewijding aan de uitvoering van de voorwaarden van de overeenkomst
Χαμάς: Με την έναρξη ισχύος της κατάπαυσης του πυρός στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας, επιβεβαιώνουμε τη δέσμευσή μας για την εφαρμογή των όρων της συμφωνίας
Rafidain Bank announces the start of distributing retirees' salaries for the month of January
1/5/2025, 4:39:49 PM
Car bomb explodes in Idlib, Syria
1/5/2025, 4:43:13 PM
The President of the Republic on the occasion of the (104) anniversary of the founding of the Iraqi army
- We recall with great pride and honor the heroism of the Iraqi army as it confronted the forces of terrorism that wanted to harm Iraq.
- Building a national army capable of facing challenges and rearming it with the latest weapons and equipment must be a top priority.
- The planning and hopes of everyone who thought and is thinking of returning the dictatorial regime, whose tragedies still bear witness to its injustice, tyranny, brutality and aggression, have been disappointed.
- Our message in building our national army is to protect the people, protect their freedom and constitution, and defend the borders of the homeland, not to threaten the security of the neighborhood and the stability of the region
1/5/2025, 4:46:12 PM
Minister of Education announces the recruitment of more than 3,000 international students within the Study in Iraq program