

Real time military news

Published date: 2/19/2025, 10:42:12 PM
2/19/2025, 10:42:12 PM
☑️ Camps, Mashki, Rossa, with it, and Odsa 🔹 Equatorial sources, with a supply of a liability, as the activity of Samanhahi, Bedandand Huaii, and the explosion of Shadid Dar, south, and the center of Ein Kashur, Bari Sumin Rose Payy, Pedded Kordand. ☑️ @Sepah_pasdaran
☑️حملات موشکی گسترده روسیه به کی‌یف و اودسا 🔹 منابع اوکراینی بامداد پنجشنبه تصاویری از فعالیت سامانه‌های پدافند هوایی و انفجارهای شدید در جنوب و مرکز این کشور، برای سومین روز پیاپی منتشر کردند. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️营地,Mashki,Rossa和ODSA samanhahi,Bedandand huaii的活动以及Showid dar,South,以及Ein Kashur的中心,Bari Sumin Rose Payy,Bari Sumin Rose Payy,Kordand兜售Kordand。 ☑️@sepah_pasdaran
Camps Camps, Mashki, Rossa, com ele e ODSA Fontes Equatorial Fontes, com o fornecimento de um passivo, como a atividade de Samnhahi, Bedandand Huaii, e a explosão de Shadid Dar, South e o centro de Ein Kashur, Bari Sumin Rose Payy, Pedded Kordand. ☑️ @SEPAH_PASDARAN
☑️ Camps, Mashki, Rossa, con él y Odsa 🔹 Fuentes ecuatoriales, con un suministro de una responsabilidad, como la actividad de Samanhahi, Bedandand Huaii, y la explosión de Shadid Dar, Sur, y el centro de Ein Kashur, Bari Sumin Rose Payy, Pedded Kordand. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑ лагеря, Машка, Росса, с ним и ODSA 🔹 Экваториальные источники, с поставкой ответственности, как деятельность Саманхахи, Беданда и Хуаи, и взрыв Шадид Дар, Юг и центра Эйн Кашур, Бари Сумин Роуз Пейти, перепитый Корданд. ☑ @sepah_pasdaran
☑ शिविर, मशकी, रॉसा, इसके साथ और ओड्सा 🔹 इक्वेटोरियल स्रोत, एक देयता की आपूर्ति के साथ, समन्हाही, बेडंडंड हुआई की गतिविधि के रूप में, और शादिद डार, दक्षिण, और ईन कशुर के केंद्र, बारी सुमिन रोज पेनी, पेडेड कोर्डैंड का विस्फोट। ☑ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Camps, Mashki, Rossa, avec lui et Odsa 🔹 Sources équatoriales, avec une fourniture de responsabilité, comme l'activité de Samanhahi, Bedandand Huaii, et l'explosion de Shadid Dar, du Sud et du centre d'Ein Kashur, Bari Sumin Rose Payy, Pedded Kordand. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️حملات موشکی گسترده روسیه به کی‌یف و اودسا 🔹 منابع اوکراینی بامداد پنجشنبه تصاویری از فعالیت سامانه‌های پدافند هوایی و انفجارهای شدید در جنوب و مرکز این کشور، برای سومین روز پیاپی منتشر کردند. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Camps, Mashki, Rossa, damit und ODSA 🔹 Äquatoriale Quellen mit einer Haftung als Aktivität von Samanhahi, Bettandand Huaii und der Explosion von Shadid Dar, Süd und dem Zentrum von Ein Kashur, Bari Sumin Rose Payy, Peded Kordand. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Campi, Mashki, Rossa, con esso e ODSA 🔹 Fonti equatoriali, con la fornitura di una responsabilità, come attività di Samanhahi, Bedandand Huaii e l'esplosione di Shadid Dar, South e il centro di Ein Kashur, Bari Sumin Rose Payy, Kordanda scontata. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
Camps、Mashki、Rossa、It、Odsa Samanhahi、Bedandand Huaiiの活動、Shadid Darの爆発、Ein Kashurの中心、Bari Sumin Rose Payyの爆発など、責任の供給を伴う赤道源。 ☑️@sepah_pasdaran
☑️ kampen, mashki, rossa, ermee en odsa 🔹 Equatoriale bronnen, met een aanbod van een aansprakelijkheid, als de activiteit van Samanhahi, Bedandand en Huaii, en de explosie van Shadid Dar, South, en het centrum van Ein Kashur, Bari Sumin Rose Payy, Peded Kordand. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑् στρατόπεδα, Mashki, Rossa, με αυτό, και ODSA 🔹 Ισημερινές πηγές, με παροχή ευθύνης, όπως η δραστηριότητα του Samanhahi, του Bedandand Huaii, και της έκρηξης του Shadid Dar, του νότου και του κέντρου του Ein Kashur, του Bari Fins Rose Payy, του Kordand. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran

12/15/2024, 6:30:31 PM
☑️️ Netanyahu: From their side on the borders of Syria, what is Israel’s policy towards Syria, based on a realistic approach, in the event that the appointment of their neighbors as a Kurdish regime emerges? Change the meaning of the present word and change it into the present state. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/15/2024, 7:16:19 PM
☑️‌ Didar Pezshkian with two madran and hamsran witnesses 🔹President of the public, the father of the martyrs of Khadija Mansour Dehqan, the father of the martyr Hussein, Nokhba Zare’, the father of Akram Vulchi, the father of the martyrs of Amir Ali, Abbas and Mohsen Hosni, and the father of Zahra Imam, the father of the martyr of Daoud Imam and Hamsar. The martyr of Muhammad Hussein Moradi, the martyr of the defender of the Holy Shrine, has disappeared. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/15/2024, 7:26:26 PM
☑️ Iranian Ambassador to Syria: A Syrian state of rebellion. The idea of ​​a Kurdand has grown. How quickly did the Syrian state fall? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/15/2024, 7:46:40 PM
☑️ Compensation for the loss of Syria due to what is lost here. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
12/15/2024, 8:12:59 PM
☑️The Iranian embassy in Syria is active in conducting gas tests. The Iranian ambassador to Syria received some news: Before Tahrir al-Sham arrived in Damascus, there were several names in Damascus, in a word, embassies had never invaded Kurdand. Questionable events in the Syrian agreement and the presence of Dasht. There is a lot of data on your phone. How about this Iranian one? Please provide the Iranian embassy in Syria with the necessary information. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran