☑️ Iranian Ambassador to Syria: A Syrian state of rebellion. The idea of a Kurdand has grown. How quickly did the Syrian state fall?
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ سفیر ایران در سوریه: دولتمردان سوریه فکر نمیکردند که با این سرعت دولت سوریه سقوط کند/ عدم دفاع ارتش باعث تشجیع کسانی شد که علیه دولت سوریه عملیات کردند
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Embaixador iraniano na Síria: Um estado de rebelião sírio cresceu em termos de pensamento. Com que rapidez o estado sírio caiu?
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Embajador iraní en Siria: Ha crecido el pensamiento sobre un estado de rebelión sirio. ¿Qué tan rápido ha caído el estado sirio?
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Посол Ирана в Сирии: Сирийское восстание выросло в мыслях. Насколько быстро сирийское государство пало?
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ सीरिया में ईरानी राजदूत: सीरिया में विद्रोह की भावना बढ़ गई है, सीरियाई राज्य कितनी तेजी से गिर गया है?
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Ambassadeur d'Iran en Syrie : Un état de rébellion syrien a pris de l'ampleur dans les pensées. À quelle vitesse l'État syrien est-il tombé ?
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ سفیر ایران در سوریه: دولتمردان سوریه فکر نمیکردند که با این سرعت دولت سوریه سقوط کند/ عدم دفاع ارتش باعث تشجیع کسانی شد که علیه دولت سوریه عملیات کردند
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Iranischer Botschafter in Syrien: Ein syrischer Staat der Rebellion ist in Gedanken gewachsen. Wie schnell ist der syrische Staat gefallen?
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Ambasciatore iraniano in Siria: Si sta diffondendo l'idea di uno stato di ribellione siriano. Quanto velocemente è caduto lo stato siriano?
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Iraanse ambassadeur in Syrië: Een Syrische staat van rebellie is in gedachten gegroeid. Hoe snel is de Syrische staat gevallen?
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Ιρανός πρεσβευτής στη Συρία: Ένα συριακό κράτος εξέγερσης έχει μεγαλώσει σε σκέψεις Πόσο γρήγορα έχει πέσει το συριακό κράτος;
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/16/2025, 6:19:36 PM
️️The explosion in the countryside of Iran and Iraq 2 shocked my towers.
🔹 There were 65 people asked after an explosion in the countryside of Iran and Iraq. He left his father's house, and he was severely injured.
🔹 In the Kurdistan Region, about 20 minutes from the site of an accident, two people were shocked and found him in a park in front of a Kurdish bus.
✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/16/2025, 7:29:59 PM
☑️ Sources of news: Bin Gawir Amshab asked for the help of Kawahid Dad.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/16/2025, 7:31:07 PM
☑️ You are an American, regardless of whether you are the Minister of Foreign Affairs of America or what is the official speech:
🔹You will never be able to see the title of the Minister of the Family of Kashshi and the people of Kurdistan, but you will be betrayed, the inheritance of your family is the title of the Minister of the Family of Kashshi, and you will be rewarded with the honor of God.
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/16/2025, 7:34:06 PM
☑️Nero campaign against Israel in Deir Balah, Gaza!!
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/16/2025, 9:23:56 PM
☑️️ The letter Khub Az-Isra’il...!
☑️ @sepah_pasdaran