

Real time military news

Published date: 12/15/2024, 7:26:26 PM
12/15/2024, 7:26:26 PM
☑️ Iranian Ambassador to Syria: A Syrian state of rebellion. The idea of ​​a Kurdand has grown. How quickly did the Syrian state fall? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ سفیر ایران در سوریه: دولتمردان سوریه فکر نمی‌کردند که با این سرعت دولت سوریه سقوط کند/ عدم دفاع ارتش باعث تشجیع کسانی شد که علیه دولت سوریه عملیات کردند ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️伊朗驻叙利亚大使:叙利亚叛乱国家的衰落速度有多快? ☑️@sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Embaixador iraniano na Síria: Um estado de rebelião sírio cresceu em termos de pensamento. Com que rapidez o estado sírio caiu? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Embajador iraní en Siria: Ha crecido el pensamiento sobre un estado de rebelión sirio. ¿Qué tan rápido ha caído el estado sirio? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Посол Ирана в Сирии: Сирийское восстание выросло в мыслях. Насколько быстро сирийское государство пало? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ सीरिया में ईरानी राजदूत: सीरिया में विद्रोह की भावना बढ़ गई है, सीरियाई राज्य कितनी तेजी से गिर गया है? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Ambassadeur d'Iran en Syrie : Un état de rébellion syrien a pris de l'ampleur dans les pensées. À quelle vitesse l'État syrien est-il tombé ? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ سفیر ایران در سوریه: دولتمردان سوریه فکر نمی‌کردند که با این سرعت دولت سوریه سقوط کند/ عدم دفاع ارتش باعث تشجیع کسانی شد که علیه دولت سوریه عملیات کردند ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Iranischer Botschafter in Syrien: Ein syrischer Staat der Rebellion ist in Gedanken gewachsen. Wie schnell ist der syrische Staat gefallen? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Ambasciatore iraniano in Siria: Si sta diffondendo l'idea di uno stato di ribellione siriano. Quanto velocemente è caduto lo stato siriano? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ 駐シリア・イラン大使:シリア反乱国家の考えが高まっている シリア国家はどれくらいの速さで崩壊したのか。 ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Iraanse ambassadeur in Syrië: Een Syrische staat van rebellie is in gedachten gegroeid. Hoe snel is de Syrische staat gevallen? ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
☑️ Ιρανός πρεσβευτής στη Συρία: Ένα συριακό κράτος εξέγερσης έχει μεγαλώσει σε σκέψεις Πόσο γρήγορα έχει πέσει το συριακό κράτος; ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran

1/30/2025, 5:18:19 PM
️We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return ✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/30/2025, 5:18:37 PM
️#Fouri / Qassam Shahadat Muhammad Dhaif of Kurdish media Abu Ubaidah Sakhngui is the official leader of the Hamas regime. Officially, the Kurdish media figures, Muhammad is the guest of all of them. The last flow of traffic in Gaza is like a hamlet with a hole in it. It has good testimonies. ✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/30/2025, 5:19:25 PM
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☑️What is Muhammad Al-Dhaif like? 📌 Verify every word that is Qassam, the name of the Hamas regime. 📌 Muhammad Al-Masry (Abu Khaled) Hamishah when changing the position of the squontsch, the sound will be repeated; For the sake of Humān, it means ‘important’. 📌 In the Islamic dance of Gaza, the most important things. 📌 The first group of people in Gaza to establish a Kurdish society. 📌 Before Israel, there are 7 bars for the guest room to be removed from the Kurdah area. 📌 Shahid Hajj Qasem Soleimani in his name or see Shahid Zanda Khattab in Kurdah ✊ Or between a Zionist regime and the operations of the Al-Aqsa Flood, there is nothing more that Mujahid asked her about the holiest God. ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/30/2025, 5:24:31 PM
☑️In addition to the testimony of the martyr Muhammad Dhaif Farmandhan in a short period of time during the operations of the Al-Aqsa Flood: Marwan Issa (Deputy Martyr Guest), Ghazi Abu Tamaa (Farkandeh Bakhsh Gengi Armaments and Services), Raed Thabet (Farmandeh Niruhai Insani), Rafi Salama (Farmandat Tip Khan Yunis) ☑️ @sepah_pasdaran
1/30/2025, 5:36:25 PM
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️A man of God The great jihadi leader, Shahid Muhammad Al-Dhaif Abu Khaled ✅ ️ @sepah_pasdaran