

Real time military news

Published date: 2/26/2025, 10:26:44 PM
2/26/2025, 10:26:44 PM
Pictures The Lebanese army discovers the two mortal Israeli spying apparatus and equipped with photography machines and sensors within the framework of engineering survey operations in the southern regions
بالصور | الجيش اللبناني يكتشف جهازَي تجسس إسرائيليين مموَّهَين ومزوَّدَين بآلات تصوير وأجهزة تحسُّس ضمن إطار عمليات المسح الهندسي في المناطق الجنوبية
Fotos O exército libanês descobre o aparelho de espionagem israelense mortal e equipado com máquinas e sensores fotográficos dentro da estrutura de operações de pesquisa de engenharia nas regiões do sul
Fotos El ejército libanés descubre el aparato de espionaje israelí mortal y equipado con máquinas y sensores de fotografía en el marco de las operaciones de encuestas de ingeniería en las regiones del sur en las regiones del sur.
Картинки Ливанская армия обнаруживает два смертных израильских шпионских аппарата и оснащенных фотомаковниками и датчиками в рамках операций инженерных исследований в южных регионах
चित्र लेबनानी सेना ने दो नश्वर इजरायली जासूसी तंत्र को खोजा और दक्षिणी क्षेत्रों में इंजीनियरिंग सर्वेक्षण संचालन के ढांचे के भीतर फोटोग्राफी मशीनों और सेंसर से सुसज्जित है
Photos L'armée libanaise découvre les deux appareils d'espionnage israéliens mortels et équipés de machines de photographie et de capteurs dans le cadre des opérations d'enquête d'ingénierie dans les régions du sud
بالصور | الجيش اللبناني يكتشف جهازَي تجسس إسرائيليين مموَّهَين ومزوَّدَين بآلات تصوير وأجهزة تحسُّس ضمن إطار عمليات المسح الهندسي في المناطق الجنوبية
Bilder Die libanesische Armee entdeckt die beiden sterblichen israelischen Spionagegeräte und mit Fotomaschinen und Sensoren im Rahmen des technischen Umfragebetriebs in den südlichen Regionen aus
Immagini L'esercito libanese scopre gli apparati di spionaggio israeliano mortale e dotato di macchine e sensori fotografici nell'ambito delle operazioni di sondaggio di ingegneria nelle regioni meridionali
Foto's Het Libanese leger ontdekt het twee sterfelijke Israëlische spionageapparaat en uitgerust met fotografiemachines en sensoren binnen het kader van engineeringonderzoeksactiviteiten in de zuidelijke regio's
Εικόνες Ο στρατός του Λιβάνου ανακαλύπτει τις δύο θανάσιμες ισραηλινές συσκευές κατασκοπείας και εξοπλισμένη με μηχανές φωτογραφίας και αισθητήρες στο πλαίσιο των λειτουργιών της μηχανικής έρευνας στις νότιες περιοχές

12/27/2024, 2:40:39 PM
🔶 Rather, we have become misguided and with our money, we Muslims lead each other astray. All those works that lead Muslim women astray, which push women to unveil and show off, are funded by the public funds of the people. They are funded, or encouraged, by the public funds of the people if there is a private sector that does those works. The institutes in which those who later graduate as directors or actors receive training and education are also among the projects funded by the public funds of the people in any Islamic country. We buy misguidance as the Children of Israel bought it. They want us to go astray. Rather, to reach what they have reached, we buy misguidance. Don't our media buy misguidance for large sums? They buy films from Egyptians, Syrians, and others to show them to our women in our homes. Isn't this buying misguidance? Isn't this the soul that Allah said the Jews carry? {They purchase error and want you to go astray} So this is another one. At the same time, is there anyone who offers guidance? Offers guidance that shouts in the face of these people? No.. Because even if you bear the name of a believer, you yourself are capable of being tamed until everything in front of you becomes natural and unexciting, everything in front of you becomes natural. #Martyr_Leader Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran - A must for you to follow in the footsteps of the Children of Israel @ansarollah1
1/25/2025, 6:53:45 AM
Image 2025-01-25T06:53:45
12/27/2024, 2:46:16 PM
Gaza Ministry of Health: Burning of the operating rooms, surgery, laboratory, maintenance and ambulance units at Kamal Adwan Hospital
12/27/2024, 2:46:20 PM
Gaza Ministry of Health: The enemy army is forcibly transferring patients under threat of arms to the Indonesian hospital
12/27/2024, 2:46:25 PM
Gaza Ministry of Health: The fire has now begun to spread to all buildings of Kamal Adwan Hospital