Hezbollah: We declare our pride in these honorable leaders who remained in the field of jihad and resistance until the last moments of their lives
حزب الله: نعلن اعتزازنا بهؤلاء القادة الشرفاء الذين بقوا في ميدان الجهاد والمقاومة حتى آخر لحظات عمرهم
Hezbollah: Declaramos nosso orgulho por esses líderes honrados que permaneceram no campo da jihad e da resistência até os últimos momentos de suas vidas
Hezbolá: Declaramos nuestro orgullo por estos honorables líderes que permanecieron en el campo de la yihad y la resistencia hasta los últimos momentos de sus vidas
Хезболла: Мы выражаем нашу гордость за этих достойных лидеров, которые оставались на поле джихада и сопротивления до последних минут своей жизни.
हिज़्बुल्लाह: हम इन सम्माननीय नेताओं पर गर्व करते हैं जो अपने जीवन के अंतिम क्षणों तक जिहाद और प्रतिरोध के क्षेत्र में बने रहे
Hezbollah : Nous déclarons notre fierté envers ces honorables dirigeants qui sont restés sur le terrain du djihad et de la résistance jusqu'aux derniers instants de leur vie
حزب الله: نعلن اعتزازنا بهؤلاء القادة الشرفاء الذين بقوا في ميدان الجهاد والمقاومة حتى آخر لحظات عمرهم
Hisbollah: Wir erklären unseren Stolz auf diese ehrenwerten Führer, die bis zum letzten Augenblick ihres Lebens im Feld des Dschihad und des Widerstands blieben
Hezbollah: Dichiariamo il nostro orgoglio per questi onorevoli leader che sono rimasti nel campo della jihad e della resistenza fino agli ultimi momenti della loro vita
Hezbollah: Wij verklaren onze trots op deze eervolle leiders die tot de laatste momenten van hun leven op het slagveld van de jihad en het verzet bleven
Χεζμπολάχ: Δηλώνουμε περήφανοι για αυτούς τους αξιότιμους ηγέτες που παρέμειναν στο πεδίο της τζιχάντ και της αντίστασης μέχρι τις τελευταίες στιγμές της ζωής τους
12/19/2024, 3:49:58 PM
🔴Urgent| Saada: Al-Aqsa Support Committee identifies 33 squares for the million-man march in "With Gaza, Jihad, Mobilization and Alertness, and Ready to Deter Any Aggression" on Friday
Saada: Al-Aqsa Support Committee identifies the Prophet's Birthday Square west of the city as the location for the central march at 10:00 am
Saada Squares: Al-Shaheed Al-Qaed, Sha'ara, Bani Sayyah, Al-Hijlah, Bani Al-Qam, and Gharbi Al-Shawariq in Barazih, Al-Sahlain, Al-Aqlain, and Al-Burqa in Al-Salem, Aro and Jumaa Bani Bahr in the morning
Saada Squares: Al-Ain, Al-Qahra, Al-Sarw, Al-Barak, and the square of Bani Saad and Al-Raqqa in Al-Dhaher, Rubu' Al-Hudud, the city of Jawi, and the square of Walad Amr and Bani Abbad in Majz in the morning
Saada Squares: Al-Jarsha, Baqama, and Al-Rahmanin in Ghamr, Qataber, Yasnim in Baqim, Kataf, Amlah, Dhuib, Al-Maqna' in the morning
Saada Squares: Al-Khamis in Manbeh, Shada, Al-Jafra and Udlah with Hashwa, Al Thabit in Qataber are places for popular outings after the prayer
12/19/2024, 3:50:20 PM
🔴Urgent | Al Bayda: Supporting Al Aqsa determines the main street in Al Bayda and Al Amal Street in Rada’a on Friday afternoon and the directorate centers after prayers
12/18/2024, 6:11:13 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: A fire broke out in the intensive care unit of Kamal Adwan Hospital after it was targeted by Israeli enemy fire
Palestinian sources: Martyrs and wounded as a result of Israeli enemy aircraft bombing homes in the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital, north of the Gaza Strip
Palestinian sources: Two martyrs were recovered from the vicinity of the "Mufti Land" park, north of the Nuseirat camp, central Gaza Strip
12/18/2024, 6:12:34 AM
She reached the peak of human and religious perfection for women.
12/18/2024, 6:43:40 AM
🎥 Commander of the US Fifth Fleet: What happened in the Red Sea is an "unbelievable story"