Ismail Radwan to Al Masirah: We emphasize the unity of the resistance, the unity of the trench, and the unity of goals to liberate Al Aqsa and our Palestinian people
إسماعيل رضوان للمسيرة: نؤكد على وحدة المقاومة ووحدة الخندق ووحدة الأهداف لتحرير الأقصى وشعبنا الفلسطيني
伊斯梅尔·拉德万致 Al Masirah 的信:我们强调抵抗的团结、战壕的团结以及解放阿克萨清真寺和巴勒斯坦人民的目标的统一
Ismail Radwan para Al Masirah: Enfatizamos a unidade da resistência, a unidade da trincheira e a unidade de objetivos para libertar Al Aqsa e nosso povo palestino.
Ismail Radwan a Al Masirah: Destacamos la unidad de la resistencia, la unidad de la trinchera y la unidad de objetivos para liberar Al Aqsa y a nuestro pueblo palestino
Исмаил Радван Аль-Масире: Мы подчеркиваем единство сопротивления, единство траншеи и единство целей по освобождению Аль-Аксы и нашего палестинского народа
इस्माइल राडवान ने अल मसीरा से कहा: हम प्रतिरोध की एकता, खाई की एकता और अल अक्सा तथा हमारे फिलिस्तीनी लोगों को मुक्त कराने के लक्ष्यों की एकता पर जोर देते हैं।
Ismail Radwan à Al Masirah : Nous soulignons l'unité de la résistance, l'unité de la tranchée et l'unité des objectifs pour libérer Al Aqsa et notre peuple palestinien
إسماعيل رضوان للمسيرة: نؤكد على وحدة المقاومة ووحدة الخندق ووحدة الأهداف لتحرير الأقصى وشعبنا الفلسطيني
Ismail Radwan an Al Masirah: Wir betonen die Einheit des Widerstands, die Einheit des Schützengrabens und die Einheit der Ziele zur Befreiung von Al Aqsa und unseres palästinensischen Volkes
Ismail Radwan ad Al Masirah: Sottolineiamo l'unità della resistenza, l'unità della trincea e l'unità degli obiettivi per liberare Al Aqsa e il nostro popolo palestinese
Ismail Radwan tegen Al Masirah: Wij benadrukken de eenheid van het verzet, de eenheid van de loopgraven en de eenheid van de doelen om Al Aqsa en ons Palestijnse volk te bevrijden
Ismail Radwan προς Al Masirah: Τονίζουμε την ενότητα της αντίστασης, την ενότητα της τάφρου και την ενότητα των στόχων για την απελευθέρωση του Al Aqsa και του παλαιστινιακού μας λαού
12/19/2024, 3:49:58 PM
🔴Urgent| Saada: Al-Aqsa Support Committee identifies 33 squares for the million-man march in "With Gaza, Jihad, Mobilization and Alertness, and Ready to Deter Any Aggression" on Friday
Saada: Al-Aqsa Support Committee identifies the Prophet's Birthday Square west of the city as the location for the central march at 10:00 am
Saada Squares: Al-Shaheed Al-Qaed, Sha'ara, Bani Sayyah, Al-Hijlah, Bani Al-Qam, and Gharbi Al-Shawariq in Barazih, Al-Sahlain, Al-Aqlain, and Al-Burqa in Al-Salem, Aro and Jumaa Bani Bahr in the morning
Saada Squares: Al-Ain, Al-Qahra, Al-Sarw, Al-Barak, and the square of Bani Saad and Al-Raqqa in Al-Dhaher, Rubu' Al-Hudud, the city of Jawi, and the square of Walad Amr and Bani Abbad in Majz in the morning
Saada Squares: Al-Jarsha, Baqama, and Al-Rahmanin in Ghamr, Qataber, Yasnim in Baqim, Kataf, Amlah, Dhuib, Al-Maqna' in the morning
Saada Squares: Al-Khamis in Manbeh, Shada, Al-Jafra and Udlah with Hashwa, Al Thabit in Qataber are places for popular outings after the prayer
12/19/2024, 3:50:20 PM
🔴Urgent | Al Bayda: Supporting Al Aqsa determines the main street in Al Bayda and Al Amal Street in Rada’a on Friday afternoon and the directorate centers after prayers
12/18/2024, 6:11:13 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: A fire broke out in the intensive care unit of Kamal Adwan Hospital after it was targeted by Israeli enemy fire
Palestinian sources: Martyrs and wounded as a result of Israeli enemy aircraft bombing homes in the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital, north of the Gaza Strip
Palestinian sources: Two martyrs were recovered from the vicinity of the "Mufti Land" park, north of the Nuseirat camp, central Gaza Strip
12/18/2024, 6:12:34 AM
She reached the peak of human and religious perfection for women.
12/18/2024, 6:43:40 AM
🎥 Commander of the US Fifth Fleet: What happened in the Red Sea is an "unbelievable story"