Lebanese sources: The enemy army carries out an explosion in the town of Adaisseh, south of Lebanon
مصادر لبنانية: جيش العدو ينفذ تفجيرا في بلدة عديسة جنوب لبنان
Fontes libanesas: O exército inimigo realiza uma explosão na cidade de Adaisseh, ao sul do Líbano
Fuentes libanesas: El ejército enemigo realiza una explosión en la ciudad de Adaisseh, al sur del Líbano
Ливанские источники: Вражеская армия производит взрыв в городе Адайсех на юге Ливана
लेबनानी सूत्र: दुश्मन सेना ने लेबनान के दक्षिण में अदाइसेह शहर में विस्फोट किया
Sources libanaises : L'armée ennemie procède à une explosion dans la ville d'Adaisseh, au sud du Liban
مصادر لبنانية: جيش العدو ينفذ تفجيرا في بلدة عديسة جنوب لبنان
Libanesische Quellen: Die feindliche Armee verübt eine Explosion in der Stadt Adaisseh im Süden des Libanon
Fonti libanesi: l'esercito nemico effettua un'esplosione nella città di Adaisseh, nel sud del Libano
Libanese bronnen: Het vijandelijke leger voert een explosie uit in de stad Adaisseh, ten zuiden van Libanon
Λιβανικές πηγές: Ο εχθρικός στρατός πραγματοποιεί βομβαρδισμό στην πόλη Adissa, νότια του Λιβάνου
12/30/2024, 12:52:37 PM
Mujahideen Brigades - Tulkarm: We carried out a tight ambush for a Zionist mechanized force in Tulkarm camp
12/30/2024, 12:52:41 PM
Mujahideen Brigades - Tulkarm: We blew up a Zionist bulldozer and a Zionist jeep with a number of explosive devices, which resulted in the injury of two senior Zionist officers, according to the enemy's admission.
12/30/2024, 12:54:48 PM
Salah al-Din Brigades: We bombed a concentration of enemy vehicles and soldiers in Abu Sharkh roundabout, west of Jabalia camp, with mortar shells, in cooperation with the Qassam Brigades.
12/30/2024, 12:59:08 PM
Enemy media: The number of wounded soldiers rose to 8 during the battles in the Gaza Strip
12/30/2024, 1:05:39 PM
⭕️Urgent/ Al-Quds Brigades - Jenin Battalion: We targeted a number of military points and enemy soldiers' gathering points in the "Dotan" settlement, achieving confirmed casualties