

Real time military news

Published date: 1/23/2025, 6:59:43 AM
1/23/2025, 6:59:43 AM
Civil Defense in Gaza: 162 martyrs have been pulled out from under the rubble of homes in the Strip since the ceasefire was implemented last Sunday
الدفاع المدني بغزة: انتشال 162 شهيدا من تحت أنقاض المنازل في القطاع منذ تنفيذ وقف إطلاق النار الأحد الماضي
加沙民防:自上周日停火以来,已有 162 名烈士从加沙地带的废墟中被救出
Defesa Civil em Gaza: 162 mártires foram retirados dos escombros de casas na Faixa desde que o cessar-fogo foi implementado no último domingo
Defensa Civil en Gaza: 162 mártires han sido rescatados de debajo de los escombros de las casas en la Franja desde que se implementó el alto el fuego el pasado domingo
Гражданская оборона в Газе: 162 мученика были извлечены из-под завалов домов в секторе с момента вступления в силу прекращения огня в прошлое воскресенье
गाजा में नागरिक सुरक्षा: पिछले रविवार को युद्ध विराम लागू होने के बाद से अब तक 162 लोगों को घरों के मलबे के नीचे से निकाला गया है
Défense civile à Gaza : 162 martyrs ont été extirpés des décombres des maisons de la bande de Gaza depuis l'entrée en vigueur du cessez-le-feu dimanche dernier
الدفاع المدني بغزة: انتشال 162 شهيدا من تحت أنقاض المنازل في القطاع منذ تنفيذ وقف إطلاق النار الأحد الماضي
Zivilschutz im Gazastreifen: Seit der Waffenruhe am vergangenen Sonntag wurden 162 Märtyrer aus den Trümmern ihrer Häuser im Gazastreifen geborgen
Protezione civile a Gaza: 162 martiri sono stati estratti da sotto le macerie delle case nella Striscia da quando è stato attuato il cessate il fuoco domenica scorsa
Civiele bescherming in Gaza: 162 martelaren zijn onder het puin van huizen in de Gazastrook vandaan gehaald sinds het staakt-het-vuren afgelopen zondag werd afgekondigd
Πολιτική άμυνα στη Γάζα: 162 μάρτυρες ανασύρθηκαν από τα ερείπια σπιτιών στη Λωρίδα από τότε που εφαρμόστηκε η εκεχειρία την περασμένη Κυριακή

12/26/2024, 2:13:19 PM
Image 2024-12-26T14:13:19
The Israeli aggression on our country coincided with a propaganda and media campaign aimed at deterring us and preventing our operations, but it failed The Israeli enemy realizes that our operations are ongoing, effective and influential on it Our missile operations, which the air defense system was unable to intercept, caused great frustration among political and security officials in "Israel" and America The enemies say that their aggression on our country will not deter the "Houthis" and will not harm their capabilities The aggression on our country will not deter us from continuing to support the Palestinian people and their dear Mujahideen
12/26/2024, 2:13:34 PM
🔴Urgent | Sayyed Al-Qaed: No matter how stubborn the criminal Netanyahu and the ministers in his government are regarding the confrontation with Yemen, the picture is clear, and there are admissions of failure in every sense of the word
12/26/2024, 2:16:15 PM
🔴Urgent | Sayyed Leader: The most ridiculous and stupid thing is that some Zionists pin their hopes on mercenaries to move them against our country
12/26/2024, 2:16:32 PM
🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader: It is strange that the Israeli enemy, which the mercenaries look at with respect and reverence, is the same one hoping that the mercenaries will solve the problem of Yemen for him
12/26/2024, 2:18:11 PM
🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader: The mercenaries pin their hopes on the Israeli enemy, and speak with admiration and glorification of what it is doing in Syria, Lebanon, and what it did in Palestine, then it pins its hopes on them to fight on its behalf