Palestinian Mujahideen Movement: We strongly condemn the escalation of brutal crimes, racist and destructive attacks by settler gangs in the cities of the West Bank
حركة المجاهدين الفلسطينية: ندين بشدة تصاعد الجرائم الوحشية والاعتداءات العنصرية والتخريبية لقطعان المستوطنين في مدن الضفة الغربية
Movimento Mujahideen Palestino: Condenamos veementemente a escalada de crimes brutais, ataques racistas e destrutivos por gangues de colonos nas cidades da Cisjordânia
Movimiento Muyahidín Palestino: Condenamos enérgicamente la escalada de crímenes brutales y ataques racistas y destructivos por parte de bandas de colonos en las ciudades de Cisjordania
Движение палестинских моджахедов: Мы решительно осуждаем эскалацию жестоких преступлений, расистских и разрушительных нападений со стороны поселенческих банд в городах Западного берега.
फिलिस्तीनी मुजाहिदीन आंदोलन: हम पश्चिमी तट के शहरों में बसने वाले गिरोहों द्वारा क्रूर अपराधों, नस्लवादी और विनाशकारी हमलों में वृद्धि की कड़ी निंदा करते हैं।
Mouvement des moudjahidines palestiniens : Nous condamnons fermement l'escalade des crimes brutaux, des attaques racistes et destructrices perpétrées par les bandes de colons dans les villes de Cisjordanie
حركة المجاهدين الفلسطينية: ندين بشدة تصاعد الجرائم الوحشية والاعتداءات العنصرية والتخريبية لقطعان المستوطنين في مدن الضفة الغربية
Palästinensische Mudschaheddin-Bewegung: Wir verurteilen aufs Schärfste die Eskalation brutaler Verbrechen, rassistischer und zerstörerischer Angriffe durch Siedlerbanden in den Städten des Westjordanlands
Movimento dei Mujahideen Palestinesi: Condanniamo fermamente l'escalation di crimini brutali, attacchi razzisti e distruttivi da parte di bande di coloni nelle città della Cisgiordania
De Palestijnse Mujahideen-beweging: Wij veroordelen krachtig de escalatie van brute misdaden en racistische en sabotageaanvallen op kuddes kolonisten in de steden op de Westelijke Jordaanoever.
Κίνημα Παλαιστινίων Μουτζαχεντίν: Καταδικάζουμε σθεναρά την κλιμάκωση βάναυσων εγκλημάτων, ρατσιστικών και καταστροφικών επιθέσεων από συμμορίες εποίκων στις πόλεις της Δυτικής Όχθης
1/2/2025, 2:06:22 PM
Saada: A citizen was injured by Saudi enemy fire in the Al Sheikh area in the border directorate of Munabbih
1/2/2025, 3:32:40 PM
🔶 Those who imagine or wonder what the Jews do? The Jews have penetrated our souls and imprinted us with their mentality, which is to give religion in exchange for money, which the Holy Quran spoke about in more than one verse, and it tells about their mentality, their reality, and their disdain for religion until they sell it to anyone who offers them a price.
And selling religion - brothers - is not easy, it means: to sell ourselves, to whom? To whom will this soul fall into the depths of Hell, to whom will you sell yourself to whom will you humiliate yourself in this world, and expose you to humiliation and disgrace in the Hereafter, to whom will you not benefit in this world, and even if he benefits you in some way, he will not benefit you in a time of dire need for benefit in the Hereafter.
Lessons from the guidance of the Holy Quran - Buy with the verses of Allah a small price
1/2/2025, 2:07:03 PM
Renewed artillery shelling of areas west of Nuseirat in central Gaza Strip
1/2/2025, 2:12:57 PM
Syrian sources: Material damage due to an explosion caused by an Israeli aggression targeting Tal al-Shahm, located on the administrative border between the Damascus countryside and Quneitra
1/2/2025, 2:13:34 PM
Enemy aircraft targets a residential apartment in the vicinity of Sheikh Radwan Market, west of Gaza City