

Real time military news

Published date: 1/8/2025, 1:03:40 PM
1/8/2025, 1:03:40 PM
Director of Al-Awda Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip: Zionist enemy vehicles surround the hospital and fire randomly
مدير مستشفى العودة شمال قطاع غزة: آليات للعدو الصهيوني تحاصر المستشفى وتطلق النار عشوائيا
加沙地带北部Al Awda医院院长:犹太复国主义敌方车辆包围医院并随机开火
Diretor do Hospital Al Awda no norte da Faixa de Gaza: Veículos inimigos sionistas cercaram o hospital e abriram fogo aleatoriamente
Director del Hospital Al Awda en el norte de la Franja de Gaza: Vehículos enemigos sionistas rodearon el hospital y abrieron fuego al azar
Директор больницы Аль-Ауда на севере сектора Газа: сионистские вражеские машины окружили больницу и открыли беспорядочный огонь
उत्तरी गाजा पट्टी में अल अवदा अस्पताल के निदेशक: ज़ायोनी दुश्मन वाहनों ने अस्पताल को घेर लिया और बेतरतीब ढंग से गोलीबारी की
Directeur de l'hôpital Al Awda au nord de la bande de Gaza : des véhicules ennemis sionistes ont encerclé l'hôpital et ouvert le feu au hasard
مدير مستشفى العودة شمال قطاع غزة: آليات للعدو الصهيوني تحاصر المستشفى وتطلق النار عشوائيا
Direktor des Al-Awda-Krankenhauses im nördlichen Gazastreifen: Fahrzeuge des zionistischen Feindes umzingelten das Krankenhaus und eröffneten wahllos das Feuer
Direttore dell'ospedale Al Awda nel nord della Striscia di Gaza: veicoli nemici sionisti circondarono l'ospedale e aprirono il fuoco a caso
Directeur van het Al Awda-ziekenhuis in de noordelijke Gazastrook: Zionistische vijandelijke voertuigen omsingelden het ziekenhuis en openden willekeurig het vuur
Διευθυντής του νοσοκομείου Al Awda στη βόρεια Λωρίδα της Γάζας: Σιωνιστικά εχθρικά οχήματα περικύκλωσαν το νοσοκομείο και άνοιξαν πυρ τυχαία

12/30/2024, 9:05:08 PM
Is this the morality of Islam? Dr. Ahmed Al-Shami We entered Sana'a after the September 21 revolution, and our leader dealt with the previous dark forces with the morals of his grandfather, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and his family and grant them peace (Go, you are free). We did not hesitate to look with our eyes sharply and threateningly at the faces of the national security men (Afafish) and the politicians (Muslim Brotherhood) and in the prisons of the Takfiris, who tortured us in their prisons and cells. Some of us had their ribs or hands broken under torture, some suffered a deficiency in the function of one of their limbs, some were subjected to severe psychological torture, and some were imprisoned in an underground cell that sunlight did not enter for years. Many were subjected to beatings and humiliation, some were killed under torture, some were threatened with slaughter several times, and some were made to believe that they would be thrown into a well and had to bear witness, and we were subjected to an unjust war and the killing of our men, women and children, and yet we dealt with our enemies with amazing tolerance and did not take revenge on anyone. There are even leaders who fought us on the front lines, and his wife, children and relatives live in Sana'a, safe from any act of revenge against us. I remember that I arrived at a wedding of one of the sheikhs in one of the villages and I found myself sitting in front of one of the political security men who had been tortured by him. He was very confused when he saw me in front of him, and suddenly jumped up to me to justify his position and that he was overwhelmed and that he was defending us without us realizing it. I dealt with him as if he had done nothing and went on to another topic, and many other mujahideen deal with us in the same way. I truly felt the greatness of the project and the morals that our imams and leaders from the family of the Prophet raised us on, and at the head of them in this era are Sayyid Hussein and Sayyid Abdul Malik, may God be pleased with them. At every stage, the greatness of our project is revealed when we see those who claim to be Muslims and how they deal with others, the latest of which are the Takfiri groups in Syria, who have gone out and shed their humanity as well as the morals of their religion. ‎#Yemen_Faith_and_Wisdom
12/30/2024, 9:13:41 PM
#Enemy_Media Sirens sound in Tel Aviv and its surroundings.
12/30/2024, 9:14:51 PM
🔴#Urgent: "Channel 14" Hebrew: The security establishment monitored the launch of missiles from Yemen.
12/30/2024, 9:15:19 PM
🔴Urgent.. Enemy media: Sirens sound in Tel Aviv, Ashdod and Palmachim Air Base
12/30/2024, 9:15:32 PM
🔴Urgent #Enemy_Media Spokesperson for the "Israeli enemy army": Activating alerts in several areas in the center of the country following the launch of a missile from Yemen, and the details are being investigated. #War_Media