⭕️Urgent | Enemy media: One of the dead in the Qalqilya operation was an officer working as an investigator at a police station in the "Ariel" settlement
⭕️عاجل | إعلام العدو: أحد قتلى عملية قلقيلية ضابط يعمل محققا في مركز شرطة بمستوطنة "أرائيل"
⭕️Urgente | Meios de comunicação inimigos: Um dos mortos na operação Qalqilya era um oficial que trabalhava como investigador numa esquadra de polícia no assentamento de Ariel.
⭕️Urgente | Medios enemigos: Uno de los muertos en la operación de Qalqilya era un oficial que trabajaba como investigador en una comisaría de policía en el asentamiento de Ariel.
⭕️Срочно | Враждебные СМИ: Одним из погибших в ходе операции в Калькилье был офицер, работавший следователем в полицейском участке в поселке Ариэль.
⭕️अत्यावश्यक | शत्रु मीडिया: क़ल्किल्या ऑपरेशन में मारे गए लोगों में से एक एरियल बस्ती के एक पुलिस स्टेशन में जांचकर्ता के रूप में काम करने वाला एक अधिकारी था।
⭕️Urgent | Médias ennemis : L’une des personnes tuées lors de l’opération de Qalqilya était un officier travaillant comme enquêteur dans un poste de police de la colonie d’Ariel.
⭕️عاجل | إعلام العدو: أحد قتلى عملية قلقيلية ضابط يعمل محققا في مركز شرطة بمستوطنة "أرائيل"
⭕️Dringend | Feindmedien: Einer der Toten der Operation in Qalqilya war ein Offizier, der als Ermittler in einer Polizeistation in der Siedlung "Ariel" arbeitete
⭕️Urgente | Media nemici: una delle persone uccise nell'operazione Qalqilya era un ufficiale che lavorava come investigatore presso una stazione di polizia nell'insediamento di Ariel.
⭕️Dringend | Vijandelijke media: Een van de doden tijdens de Qalqilya-operatie was een officier die als onderzoeker werkte op een politiebureau in de Ariel-nederzetting.
⭕️Επείγοντα | Εχθρικά ΜΜΕ: Ένας από αυτούς που σκοτώθηκαν στην επιχείρηση Qalqilya ήταν ένας αξιωματικός που εργαζόταν ως ανακριτής σε αστυνομικό τμήμα στον οικισμό Ariel.
1/6/2025, 9:35:07 AM
Enemy media: A rocket fell in Sderot in the Gaza envelope after being launched from the Strip
1/6/2025, 9:35:09 AM
Palestinian sources: Injuries as a result of a bomb thrown from a Zionist "Quadcopter" drone in the yard of the preparatory school that houses displaced people in Nuseirat
1/6/2025, 9:35:14 AM
The Prisoners Authority and the Palestinian Prisoners Club: 20 citizens were arrested by the Israeli enemy from the occupied West Bank, including two children and former prisoners
1/6/2025, 9:37:10 AM
Enemy media: 3 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip towards Sderot, one of which fell on a building
1/6/2025, 12:24:08 PM
🔶 {And the believers}, the Messenger believed and so did the believers {each} each of them {believed in God and His angels and His books and His messengers}, the Messenger himself and the believers each of them believed in God and His angels and His books and His messengers. Is belief in God Almighty only a mere belief that He is our God?! And that He is our Lord?! Or must it be a conscious faith, a practical faith, a faith that inspires application, a faith that strengthens our trust in God Almighty, in what He promised His friends in this world and the hereafter, He is the One Who said, Almighty and Exalted, in many verses of His Noble Book that He will be with His believing friends, He will be with His righteous servants, He will be with His patient servants, He is the One Who reassured them that He will be with them, so what excuse do they have for sitting back from what He wanted them to move in, from what He wanted them to do, from what He obligated them to call to.
Belief in God, as well as belief in His angels. Belief in God's angels has its great value, it has its great impact on those who know the angels, and on those who know the role that the angels play.
Lessons from the Guidance of the Holy Quran - Faith Identity Book