Palestinian sources: Injuries as a result of a bomb thrown from a Zionist "Quadcopter" drone in the yard of the preparatory school that houses displaced people in Nuseirat
مصادر فلسطينية: جرحى نتيجة إلقاء قنبلة من مسيّرة "كواد كابتر" صهيونية في ساحة مدرسة الإعدادية التي تؤوي نازحين بالنصيرات
Fontes palestinas: Feridos em consequência de uma bomba lançada por um drone “quadricóptero” sionista no pátio da escola secundária que abriga pessoas deslocadas em Nuseirat.
Fuentes palestinas: Heridos como resultado de una bomba lanzada desde un dron “quadcopter” sionista en el patio de la escuela secundaria que alberga a personas desplazadas en Nuseirat.
Палестинские источники: Ранен в результате взрыва бомбы, брошенной с сионистского дрона-"квадрокоптера" во дворе средней школы, где проживают перемещенные лица в Нусейрате.
फ़िलिस्तीनी स्रोत: नुसीरात में विस्थापित लोगों के रहने वाले मिडिल स्कूल के प्रांगण में ज़ायोनी "क्वाडकॉप्टर" ड्रोन से फेंके गए बम के परिणामस्वरूप घायल हो गए।
Sources palestiniennes : Blessé suite à une bombe lancée depuis un drone « quadricoptère » sioniste dans la cour du collège qui héberge des personnes déplacées à Nuseirat.
مصادر فلسطينية: جرحى نتيجة إلقاء قنبلة من مسيّرة "كواد كابتر" صهيونية في ساحة مدرسة الإعدادية التي تؤوي نازحين بالنصيرات
Palästinensische Quellen: Verwundet durch eine Bombe, die von einer zionistischen „Quadcopter“-Drohne auf den Hof der Mittelschule geworfen wurde, in der Vertriebene in Nuseirat untergebracht sind.
Fonti palestinesi: Feriti a seguito di una bomba lanciata da un drone “quadricottero” sionista nel cortile della scuola media che ospita gli sfollati a Nuseirat.
Palestijnse bronnen: Gewonden als gevolg van een bom die werd gegooid door een zionistische ‘quadcopter’-drone op de binnenplaats van de middelbare school waar ontheemden in Nuseirat verblijven.
Παλαιστινιακές πηγές: Τραυματισμός ως αποτέλεσμα βόμβας που εκτοξεύτηκε από σιωνιστικό drone «τετρακόπτερο» στην αυλή του γυμνασίου που φιλοξενεί εκτοπισμένους στο Νουσεϊράτ.
1/7/2025, 6:27:40 AM
⭕️Urgent | Al-Quds Brigades - Tubas: We are engaged in fierce battles in the Tamoun Company with the occupation forces storming the fighting axes in the town and targeting them with heavy bullets and explosive devices, achieving direct hits
1/7/2025, 7:35:58 AM
⭕️Urgent | Salah al-Din Brigades: We bombed the Zionist enemy's command and control headquarters in the Jahar al-Dik area with mortar shells
1/7/2025, 7:36:08 AM
⭕️Urgent | Al-Quds Brigades - Tubas: We ambushed a Zionist infantry force during its raid on the home of one of the wanted men, achieving confirmed injuries among its ranks
1/7/2025, 7:36:26 AM
⭕️Urgent | Palestinian sources: Israeli enemy raids target the vicinity of Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip
Palestinian sources: Mujahideen target Israeli enemy forces with explosive devices in Al-Far'a camp in Tubas in the occupied West Bank
1/7/2025, 7:37:05 AM
⭕️ Urgent | Enemy media: A new poll conducted for the Knesset paints a worrying picture of the situation in the north of the country, as 44% of the displaced have not yet made a decision regarding their return to the settlements