

Real time military news

Published date: 1/5/2025, 1:38:51 PM
1/5/2025, 1:38:51 PM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Mujahideen Brigades: We bombed the Zionist enemy's command and control headquarters in Jabalia Services Club with mortar shells Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️عاجل⭕️ كتائب المجاهدين: قصفنا مقر قيادة وسيطرة للعدو الصهيوني في نادي خدمات جباليا بقذائف الهاون Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️紧急⭕️ 圣战者旅:我们用迫击炮弹轰炸了位于贾巴利亚服务俱乐部的犹太复国主义敌人的指挥和控制总部。 Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Brigadas Mujahideen: Bombardeamos o quartel-general de comando e controle do inimigo sionista no Clube de Serviços Jabalia com morteiros. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Brigadas Muyahidines: Bombardeamos el cuartel general de mando y control del enemigo sionista en el Club de Servicios de Jabalia con granadas de mortero. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Срочно⭕️ Бригады моджахедов: Мы бомбили минометными снарядами штаб управления сионистского врага в Клубе служб Джабалии. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️अर्जेंट⭕️ मुजाहिदीन ब्रिगेड: हमने जबालिया सर्विसेज क्लब में ज़ायोनी दुश्मन के कमांड और कंट्रोल मुख्यालय पर मोर्टार के गोले से बमबारी की। Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Brigades moudjahidines : Nous avons bombardé le quartier général de commandement et de contrôle de l'ennemi sioniste dans le club des services de Jabalia avec des obus de mortier. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️عاجل⭕️ كتائب المجاهدين: قصفنا مقر قيادة وسيطرة للعدو الصهيوني في نادي خدمات جباليا بقذائف الهاون Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Dringend⭕️ Mudschaheddin-Brigaden: Wir bombardierten das Kommando- und Kontrollhauptquartier des zionistischen Feindes im Jabalia Services Club mit Mörsergranaten. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Brigate Mujahideen: Abbiamo bombardato con colpi di mortaio il quartier generale di comando e controllo del nemico sionista nel Jabalia Services Club. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️緊急⭕️ ムジャヒディーン旅団:我々はジャバリア奉仕クラブにある敵シオニストの指揮統制本部を迫撃砲弾で爆撃した。 Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/アルマシラ2
⭕️Dringend⭕️ Mujahideen Brigades: We bombardeerden het commando- en controlehoofdkwartier van de zionistische vijand in de Jabalia Services Club met mortiergranaten Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.ik/almasirah2
⭕️Επείγοντα⭕️ Ταξιαρχίες Μουτζαχεντίν: Βομβαρδίσαμε το αρχηγείο διοίκησης και ελέγχου του σιωνιστικού εχθρού στη Λέσχη Υπηρεσιών Jabalia με βλήματα όλμων. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2

1/11/2025, 5:25:44 PM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Lebanese News Agency: The enemy army carries out a bombing operation in the town of Kfar Kila, southern Lebanon Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
1/11/2025, 5:28:52 PM
Image 2025-01-11T17:28:52
🔻🔺You are following the main news bulletin of Al Masirah Channel - Saturday 11-07-1446 AH 11-01-2025 AD 🔶 President Al-Mashat: We warn against the consequences of any involvement by anyone in the aggression against our country, and we affirm our firm position alongside our people in Gaza and our readiness to defend Yemen, its interests and its gains 🔶 Zionist security concerns about an expected Yemeni response, and a former Minister of War: We need Mossad to infiltrate the areas of the Aden government 🔶 Al-Walaei: The evil trio has not absorbed the shock of the naval blockade, and we affirm our standing with Yemen in the face of any satanic plan 🔶 Martyrs and wounded in the Gaza Strip and the enemy continues to prevent the arrival of vital aid to the northern governorate Gaza 🔶 Enemy media: Four soldiers killed and thirty injured, eleven of them in critical condition 🔶 Revolutionary Guards unveil a missile city and confirm: Our country has the necessary power to defend itself 🔷 Follow the main bulletin daily 🕣 20:30 🔷 📺 Via Nilesat - Frequency: 11096 - 27500 Horizontal H 📡 Telegram https://t.me/ALMASIRAH_LIVE_YE 🌐 #AlMasirah_Net website: www.almasirah.net.ye/live.php 📱 Twitter #Watch_AlMasirah https://x.com/ShahidAlmasirah
1/11/2025, 5:38:53 PM
Introduction to the main 8:30 pm bulletin for Saturday 11-07-1446 AH 11-01-2025 AD The area of ​​uncertainty is expanding in front of the aggression camp on the Gaza Strip, failure besieges it until some balance is restored to the confrontation. The Mujahideen from Palestine to Yemen imposed its stations, time and place, and established its correct contexts and dropped all the standards and deceptive slogans that control the world until the tongues of the free in Europe and elsewhere repeated "Yemen made us proud." In contrast, the tripartite aggression on Yemen showed a state of distribution of roles between the aggressors with the aim of creating a state of comprehensive pressure targeting the stability of the popular and official position supporting Gaza. It was proven that the enemy entity fears the marches in solidarity with Gaza, just as it is terrified by the flying of our marches. This was clearly expressed The enemy's Minister of War and his media are buzzing about this, and targeting the presidential palace has drawn a scenario fraught with the risks of rolling towards escalation. The war criminal Netanyahu must await Yemen's messages, as the President of the Republic threatened him in a context that confirmed Yemen's readiness to meet the enemies in the middle of the escalation path. Nothing can silence the Yemenis or remove them from the equation of confrontation. His support for Gaza will remain an arrow with two heads, one of which strikes at sea and the other in the occupied Palestinian land. Yesterday, the world witnessed an unprecedented level of endless insistence on waging the battle without ceilings or borders. Yemen in this does not confine itself in a state of reaction, but rather holds the reins of the attack. It has waited for this battle and sought it for a long time. It is not afraid of it and defies all threats and is ready to bring down... All bets are off after a year of failure of the American-British aggression on all levels, as none of the pressures can affect the steadfastness of a people who have carried the banners of conquest since the dawn of history, and our soldiers are the victors for them.
1/11/2025, 6:06:45 PM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Palestinian sources: Enemy forces blow up residential buildings in the northern areas of the Gaza Strip Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
1/11/2025, 6:08:48 PM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Jamal Amer to Al Masirah: We are almost losing confidence in the role of the United Nations and the Security Council because they only see with one eye Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2