

Real time military news

Published date: 1/5/2025, 1:38:13 PM
1/5/2025, 1:38:13 PM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Mr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: We have capabilities that are not announced, and we are fighting with the Iraqi armed forces in the battle to defend the homeland Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️عاجل⭕️ السيد فالح الفياض: لدينا من القدرات ما هو غير معلن، ونخوض مع القوات المسلحة العراقية معركة الدفاع عن الوطن Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️紧急⭕️ 法莱赫·法亚德先生:我们拥有尚未公布的能力,我们正在与伊拉克武装部队一起为保卫祖国而战 阿拉玛西拉网 ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Sr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: Temos capacidades que não são anunciadas e estamos lutando com as forças armadas iraquianas na batalha para defender a pátria. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Sr. Faleh Al-Fayyad: Tenemos capacidades que no están declaradas y estamos librando con las fuerzas armadas iraquíes la batalla de defender la patria Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Срочно⭕️ Г-н Фалех Аль-Файад: У нас есть возможности, о которых не заявлено, и мы вместе с иракскими вооруженными силами ведем битву за защиту родины. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️अत्यावश्यक⭕️ श्री फलेह अल-फ़य्याद: हमारे पास ऐसी क्षमताएं हैं जिनकी घोषणा नहीं की गई है, और हम मातृभूमि की रक्षा के लिए इराकी सशस्त्र बलों के साथ लड़ रहे हैं Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgent⭕️ M. Faleh Al-Fayyad : Nous avons des capacités qui ne sont pas déclarées et nous menons aux côtés des forces armées irakiennes la bataille de la défense de la patrie. Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️عاجل⭕️ السيد فالح الفياض: لدينا من القدرات ما هو غير معلن، ونخوض مع القوات المسلحة العراقية معركة الدفاع عن الوطن Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Dringend⭕️ Herr Faleh Al-Fayyad: Wir verfügen über Fähigkeiten, die nicht deklariert werden, und wir kämpfen gemeinsam mit den irakischen Streitkräften um die Verteidigung des Heimatlandes Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Urgente⭕️ Sig. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: Abbiamo capacità che non sono state annunciate e stiamo combattendo con le forze armate irachene nella battaglia per difendere la patria Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️緊急⭕️ ファレ・アル・ファイヤド氏:我々は公表されていない能力を持っており、祖国を守るための戦いでイラク軍と戦っている。 アルマシラ ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Dringend⭕️ De heer Faleh Al-Fayyad: We hebben capaciteiten die niet bekend zijn gemaakt, en we strijden samen met de Iraakse strijdkrachten in de strijd om het vaderland te verdedigen Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
⭕️Επείγοντα⭕️ κ. Faleh Al-Fayad: Έχουμε δυνατότητες που δεν δηλώνονται και δίνουμε με τις ιρακινές ένοπλες δυνάμεις τη μάχη της υπεράσπισης της πατρίδας Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2

1/27/2025, 6:42:02 AM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Hamas Movement: Scenes of the return of the masses of our people to their areas from which they were forced to flee despite their destroyed homes, confirm the greatness of our people and their steadfastness in their land despite the depth of pain and tragedy Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
1/27/2025, 6:42:18 AM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Hamas Movement: The scenes filled with joy of return, love of the land and adherence to it are a message to all those who bet on breaking the will of our people and displacing them from their land Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
1/27/2025, 6:43:14 AM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Hamas Movement: We confirm that the return of our displaced people to their homes proves once again the failure of the occupation to achieve its aggressive goals of displacing our people and breaking their will to steadfastness Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
1/27/2025, 6:43:27 AM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Hamas Movement: We stand with our great people at this historic moment and call for intensifying the delivery of all aid and relief materials to all areas of the Gaza Strip Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2
1/27/2025, 6:45:54 AM
⭕️Urgent⭕️ Islamic Jihad Movement: In a legendary scene, hundreds of thousands of our displaced people return to the northern Gaza Strip, which the Zionist criminality has turned into rubble Almasirah.net.ye ⓣ.me/almasirah2