🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader: The Americans failed to prevent our operations and were unable to deter us or influence the level of our position
🔴عاجل| السيد القائد: الأمريكي فشل في منع عملياتنا ولم يتمكن من ردعنا ولا من التأثير على مستوى موقفنا
🔴Urgente| Senhor Comandante: Os americanos não conseguiram impedir nossas operações e não foram capazes de nos deter ou influenciar o nível de nossa posição
🔴Urgente| Señor comandante: Los estadounidenses no lograron impedir nuestras operaciones y no pudieron disuadirnos ni influir en el nivel de nuestra posición.
🔴Срочно| Г-н Лидер: Американцы не смогли предотвратить наши операции и не смогли сдержать нас или повлиять на уровень нашей позиции.
🔴अत्यावश्यक| श्री कमांडर: अमेरिकी हमारे अभियानों को रोकने में विफल रहे और हमें रोकने या हमारी स्थिति के स्तर को प्रभावित करने में असमर्थ रहे
🔴Urgent| M. Commandant : Les Américains n'ont pas réussi à empêcher nos opérations et ont été incapables de nous dissuader ou d'influencer le niveau de notre position.
🔴عاجل| السيد القائد: الأمريكي فشل في منع عملياتنا ولم يتمكن من ردعنا ولا من التأثير على مستوى موقفنا
🔴Dringend| Herr Kommandant: Die Amerikaner konnten unsere Operationen nicht verhindern und waren nicht in der Lage, uns abzuschrecken oder die Höhe unserer Position zu beeinflussen
🔴Urgente| Signor Comandante: Gli americani non sono riusciti a impedire le nostre operazioni e non sono stati in grado di scoraggiarci o influenzare il livello della nostra posizione
🔴Dringend| De heer Commandant: De Amerikanen zijn er niet in geslaagd onze operaties te voorkomen en waren niet in staat ons af te schrikken of het niveau van onze positie te beïnvloeden
🔴Επείγοντα| κ. Διοικητής: Οι Αμερικανοί απέτυχαν να αποτρέψουν τις επιχειρήσεις μας και δεν μπόρεσαν να μας αποτρέψουν ή να επηρεάσουν το επίπεδο της θέσης μας
12/14/2024, 11:52:45 AM
Resistance Committees in Palestine: We condemn the security services of the Authority launching a campaign targeting resistance fighters and those wanted by the Zionist enemy in a state of identification with the Zionist agenda
12/14/2024, 11:53:07 AM
Resistance Committees in Palestine: We call on all components of our people to confront the shameful and suspicious actions carried out by the security services of the Authority, especially in Jenin.
12/14/2024, 11:53:11 AM
Resistance Committees in Palestine: We mourn the martyr leader of the Al-Quds Brigades, Yazid Ja'ayseh, who was killed by the bullets of the security services of the Authority
12/14/2024, 11:53:14 AM
Palestinian sources: 3 injured as a result of the enemy targeting Al-Jalaa Street in Gaza City
12/14/2024, 11:53:19 AM
Palestinian sources: 5 martyrs and about 20 wounded in an Israeli raid on a school housing displaced persons west of Gaza City