🔴Urgent | Mr. Leader: The Americans failed to prevent our operations and were unable to deter us or influence the level of our position
🔴عاجل| السيد القائد: الأمريكي فشل في منع عملياتنا ولم يتمكن من ردعنا ولا من التأثير على مستوى موقفنا
🔴Urgente| Senhor Comandante: Os americanos não conseguiram impedir nossas operações e não foram capazes de nos deter ou influenciar o nível de nossa posição
🔴Urgente| Señor comandante: Los estadounidenses no lograron impedir nuestras operaciones y no pudieron disuadirnos ni influir en el nivel de nuestra posición.
🔴Срочно| Г-н Лидер: Американцы не смогли предотвратить наши операции и не смогли сдержать нас или повлиять на уровень нашей позиции.
🔴अत्यावश्यक| श्री कमांडर: अमेरिकी हमारे अभियानों को रोकने में विफल रहे और हमें रोकने या हमारी स्थिति के स्तर को प्रभावित करने में असमर्थ रहे
🔴Urgent| M. Commandant : Les Américains n'ont pas réussi à empêcher nos opérations et ont été incapables de nous dissuader ou d'influencer le niveau de notre position.
🔴عاجل| السيد القائد: الأمريكي فشل في منع عملياتنا ولم يتمكن من ردعنا ولا من التأثير على مستوى موقفنا
🔴Dringend| Herr Kommandant: Die Amerikaner konnten unsere Operationen nicht verhindern und waren nicht in der Lage, uns abzuschrecken oder die Höhe unserer Position zu beeinflussen
🔴Urgente| Signor Comandante: Gli americani non sono riusciti a impedire le nostre operazioni e non sono stati in grado di scoraggiarci o influenzare il livello della nostra posizione
🔴Dringend| De heer Commandant: De Amerikanen zijn er niet in geslaagd onze operaties te voorkomen en waren niet in staat ons af te schrikken of het niveau van onze positie te beïnvloeden
🔴Επείγοντα| κ. Διοικητής: Οι Αμερικανοί απέτυχαν να αποτρέψουν τις επιχειρήσεις μας και δεν μπόρεσαν να μας αποτρέψουν ή να επηρεάσουν το επίπεδο της θέσης μας
1/23/2025, 1:40:04 PM
Popular Front: The classification is nothing but a badge of honor for our brothers in Yemen who have sacrificed their lives in defense of the nation’s issues, especially the Palestinian cause.
1/23/2025, 1:40:07 PM
Popular Front: The American decision will not succeed in dissuading Yemen from continuing its resistance to the American-Zionist project
1/23/2025, 1:40:10 PM
Popular Front: America is the head of terrorism in the world, along with those who ally with it in its aggression against Yemen, Palestine and the entire region
1/23/2025, 1:40:13 PM
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: We strongly condemn US President Trump’s decision to designate “Ansar Allah” as a terrorist organization
1/23/2025, 1:40:17 PM
Popular Front: We affirm our full solidarity with the Yemeni people and their resistance forces, and we call on all free people of the nation to escalate the confrontation with the American project and its tools.