🔴Urgent | Sayyed Leader: Zionists' statements are evidence and confessions of the effectiveness of Yemeni weapons and the Yemeni role
🔴عاجل | السيد القائد: تصريحات الصهاينة شواهد واعترافات على فاعلية السلاح اليمني والدور اليمني
🔴Urgente | Sr. Líder: As declarações dos sionistas são provas e confissões da eficácia das armas iemenitas e do papel do Iêmen
🔴Urgente | Señor Líder: Las declaraciones de los sionistas son evidencia y confesiones de la eficacia de las armas yemeníes y del papel que desempeñan los yemeníes en el conflicto.
🔴Срочно | Господин Лидер: Заявления сионистов являются свидетельством и признанием эффективности йеменского оружия и роли Йемена
🔴अत्यावश्यक | श्रीमान नेता: ज़ायोनीवादियों के बयान यमनी हथियारों की प्रभावशीलता और यमनी भूमिका के सबूत और स्वीकारोक्ति हैं
🔴Urgent | Monsieur le Leader : Les déclarations des sionistes sont des preuves et des aveux de l'efficacité des armes yéménites et du rôle yéménite.
🔴عاجل | السيد القائد: تصريحات الصهاينة شواهد واعترافات على فاعلية السلاح اليمني والدور اليمني
🔴Dringend | Herr Vorsitzender: Die Aussagen der Zionisten sind Beweise und Geständnisse für die Wirksamkeit der jemenitischen Waffen und die Rolle des Jemen
🔴Urgente | Signor Leader: Le dichiarazioni dei sionisti sono prove e confessioni dell’efficacia delle armi yemenite e del ruolo yemenita
🔴Dringend | Meneer Leader: De verklaringen van de zionisten zijn bewijs en bekentenissen van de effectiviteit van Jemenitische wapens en de Jemenitische rol
🔴Επείγοντα | κ. Αρχηγός: Οι δηλώσεις των Σιωνιστών είναι στοιχεία και ομολογίες της αποτελεσματικότητας των όπλων της Υεμένης και του ρόλου της Υεμένης
If the stars were weapons in your stores!
And you can add more to them.. add
Victory will not come close to you by an inch
And we are a people promised victory by God!!
Moaz Al-Junaid
⭕️ Urgent | Saada: Al-Aqsa Support Committee identifies 35 squares for the million-man march in "Jihad for the sake of Allah and in support of Gaza, we will confront all tyrants" on Friday
Saada: Al-Aqsa Support Committee identifies the Prophet's Birthday Square west of the city as the location for the central march at 10:00 am
Saada Squares: Al-Shaheed Al-Qaed, Sha'ara, Bani Sayyah, Al-Hijlah, Bani Al-Qam, and Gharbi Al-Shawariq in Barazih, Al-Sahlain, Al-Aqlain, and Al-Burqa in Al-Salem, Aro and Jumaa Bani Bahr in the morning
Saada Squares: Al-Ain, Al-Qahra, Al-Sarw, Al-Barak, and the square of Bani Saad and Al-Raqqa in Al-Dhaher, Rubu' Al-Hudud, the city of Jawi, and the square of Walad Amr and Bani Abbad in Majz in the morning
Saada Squares: Al-Jarshah, Baqama, and Al-Rahmanin in Ghamr, Qataber, Yasnim in Baqim, Kataf, Amlah, Al-Aqeeq, Dhuib, Madhab, and Al-Maqna' in the morning
Saada Squares: Al-Khamis in Manbeh, Shada, Al-Jafra and Udlah with Al-Hashoua, Al-Thabit in Qataber are places for popular outings after the prayer.