Hamas: The enemy's escalating violations against our prisoners, crimes of enforced disappearance, the policy of medical negligence and torture are the result of the suspicious state of international impotence
حماس: انتهاكات العدو المتصاعدة بحق أسرانا وجرائم الإخفاء القسري وسياسة الإهمال الطبي وعمليات التعذيب نتاج لحالة العجز الدولي المريب
Hamas: As crescentes violações do inimigo contra os nossos prisioneiros, os crimes de desaparecimento forçado, a política de negligência médica e a tortura são o resultado do suspeito estado de impotência internacional
Hamás: Las crecientes violaciones del enemigo contra nuestros prisioneros, los crímenes de desaparición forzada, la política de negligencia médica y las operaciones de tortura son el resultado del sospechoso estado internacional de incapacidad.
ХАМАС: Эскалация нарушений со стороны врага в отношении наших пленных, преступления насильственных исчезновений, политика медицинской халатности и пытки являются результатом подозрительного международного состояния недееспособности.
हमास: हमारे कैदियों के खिलाफ दुश्मन के बढ़ते उल्लंघन, जबरन गायब करने के अपराध, चिकित्सा लापरवाही की नीति और यातना अभियान संदिग्ध अंतरराष्ट्रीय अक्षमता की स्थिति का परिणाम हैं।
Hamas : Les violations croissantes de l’ennemi contre nos prisonniers, les crimes de disparition forcée, la politique de négligence médicale et les opérations de torture sont le résultat d’un état d’incapacité international suspect.
حماس: انتهاكات العدو المتصاعدة بحق أسرانا وجرائم الإخفاء القسري وسياسة الإهمال الطبي وعمليات التعذيب نتاج لحالة العجز الدولي المريب
Hamas: Die zunehmenden Verstöße des Feindes gegen unsere Gefangenen, die Verbrechen des Verschwindenlassens, die Politik der medizinischen Nachlässigkeit und die Foltereinsätze sind ein Ergebnis des verdächtigen internationalen Zustands der Unfähigkeit.
Hamas: Le crescenti violazioni del nemico contro i nostri prigionieri, i crimini di sparizione forzata, la politica di negligenza medica e le operazioni di tortura sono il risultato del sospetto stato di incapacità internazionale.
Hamas: De escalerende schendingen door de vijand van onze gevangenen, de misdaden van gedwongen verdwijning, het beleid van medische nalatigheid en marteloperaties zijn een resultaat van de verdachte internationale staat van onvermogen.
Χαμάς: Οι κλιμακούμενες παραβιάσεις του εχθρού κατά των κρατουμένων μας, τα εγκλήματα αναγκαστικής εξαφάνισης, η πολιτική ιατρικής αμέλειας και βασανιστηρίων είναι το αποτέλεσμα της ύποπτης κατάστασης της διεθνούς ανικανότητας
Palestinian sources: Enemy vehicles targeted with explosive device in Anabta town, east of Tulkarm
12/30/2024, 5:22:09 PM
🔶 When Allah the Almighty says to us: {Follow it}, because it contains what we need to follow, we do not find in anything else that can make us trust it in following it. It is a practical book, follow it. You cannot say: What do we follow in it? What? What is in it?.
{And fear Allah} The word {Fear Allah} comes in many places in the Holy Quran, in cases of warning against neglecting what Allah the Almighty has obligated. After He said: {Follow it and fear Allah}: Beware of being excessive in following it, beware of straying from following it.
Then after we have followed him, and feared Allah not to be negligent in following him, {Perhaps you will be shown mercy} May you be shown mercy, this part of this blessed verse is the saying of Allah the Most High: {Perhaps you will be shown mercy} May you be shown mercy, hoping that you will be shown mercy; to suggest to people that those who do not follow the Quran have been far from His mercy, that those who do not fear Allah in their negligence in following the Quran have been far from His mercy, and where is His mercy? And where is the abode of His mercy? His mercy is in this world, and the abode of His mercy is in the Hereafter, which is Paradise. Isn't there a kind of threat in this? Isn't there a suggestion of the seriousness of the situation?
Lessons from the Guidance of the Noble Quran - Buy the Verses of Allah for a Small Price
12/30/2024, 5:42:05 PM
Hamas: The death of 5 prisoners in enemy prisons in the last few hours is damning evidence of the extent of the enemy’s brutality and its detachment from all human values
12/30/2024, 5:42:45 PM
Saraya Al-Quds: We bombed the "Nir Am" settlement with a barrage of rockets near a gathering of Zionist enemy vehicles north of the Gaza Strip