🔴Urgent | Sayyed Leader: The most ridiculous and stupid thing is that some Zionists pin their hopes on mercenaries to move them against our country
🔴عاجل | السيد القائد: الأكثر سخافة وغباء هو تعليق بعض الصهاينة الآمال على المرتزقة لتحريكهم ضد بلدنا
🔴Urgente | Senhor Líder: O que é mais ridículo e estúpido é que alguns sionistas depositam esperanças em mercenários para movê-los contra o nosso país.
🔴Urgente | Señor líder: Lo más ridículo y estúpido es que algunos sionistas pongan esperanzas en mercenarios para moverlos contra nuestro país.
🔴Срочно | Господин Лидер: Самое смешное и глупое, что некоторые сионисты надеются на наемников, которые направят их против нашей страны.
🔴अत्यावश्यक | श्रीमान नेता: सबसे हास्यास्पद और मूर्खतापूर्ण बात यह है कि कुछ ज़ायोनी लोग भाड़े के सैनिकों पर आशा रखते हैं कि वे उन्हें हमारे देश के विरुद्ध ले जायें।
🔴Urgent | M. Leader : Ce qui est le plus ridicule et le plus stupide, c'est que certains sionistes placent leurs espoirs dans les mercenaires pour les déplacer contre notre pays.
🔴عاجل | السيد القائد: الأكثر سخافة وغباء هو تعليق بعض الصهاينة الآمال على المرتزقة لتحريكهم ضد بلدنا
🔴Dringend | Herr Anführer: Das Lächerlichste und Dummste ist, dass einige Zionisten Hoffnungen auf Söldner setzen, um sie gegen unser Land aufzuhetzen.
🔴Urgente | Signor Leader: Ciò che è più ridicolo e stupido è che alcuni sionisti ripongano speranze nei mercenari per muoverli contro il nostro paese.
🔴Dringend | Meneer Leader: Het meest belachelijke en stomme is dat sommige zionisten hun hoop vestigen op huurlingen om hen tegen ons land op te zetten.
🔴Επείγοντα | κ. Αρχηγός: Το πιο γελοίο και ανόητο είναι ότι ορισμένοι Σιωνιστές εναποθέτουν ελπίδες σε μισθοφόρους για να τους κινήσουν εναντίον της χώρας μας.
1/5/2025, 1:41:58 PM
Hamas Movement: The campaign of incitement and threats against Dr. Mustafa Barghouti is an attempt to target national unity and escalate the approach of political exclusion
1/5/2025, 1:42:04 PM
Head of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Authority, Mr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: The brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Lebanon made great sacrifices, and we record our thanks and gratitude to them.
1/5/2025, 1:42:12 PM
Mr. Faleh Al-Fayyadh: We have capabilities that are not announced, and we are fighting with the Iraqi armed forces in the battle to defend the homeland
1/5/2025, 1:42:18 PM
Mujahideen Brigades: We bombed the Zionist enemy's command and control headquarters in Jabalia Services Club with mortar shells
1/5/2025, 3:07:38 PM
Palestinian sources: A young man was injured by Israeli enemy bullets during clashes in the Khallet al-Amoud neighborhood in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus