The Saudi enemy targets areas in Razih district in Saada with artillery shells
العدو السعودي يستهدف بقذائف المدفعية مناطق في مديرية رازح بصعدة
O inimigo saudita ataca áreas com projéteis de artilharia no distrito de Razih, em Saada
El enemigo saudita ataca con proyectiles de artillería áreas en el distrito de Razih en Saada
Саудовский противник обстреливает артиллерийские снаряды районы Разиха в Сааде.
सऊदी दुश्मन ने सादा के रज़ीह जिले के इलाकों को तोप के गोले से निशाना बनाया
L'ennemi saoudien cible avec des obus d'artillerie les zones du district de Razih à Saada
العدو السعودي يستهدف بقذائف المدفعية مناطق في مديرية رازح بصعدة
Der saudische Feind beschießt Gebiete im Bezirk Razih in Saada mit Artilleriegranaten
Il nemico saudita prende di mira con colpi di artiglieria aree nel distretto di Razih a Saada
De Saoedische vijand richt zich met artilleriegranaten op gebieden in het Razih-district in Saada
Ο Σαουδάραβας εχθρός στοχεύει με βλήματα πυροβολικού σε περιοχές στην περιοχή Razih στη Saada
2/9/2025, 5:11:27 PM
A. Ahmed Al -Rahwi for the march: There is a guarantee for the owners of capital that they will have privileges if they invest in the country
2/17/2025, 1:10:06 PM
The Media Committee in Tulkarm Camp: The Israeli enemy turned the camp into a closed military area, and targeting every mobile in it
2/17/2025, 1:10:08 PM
The Media Committee in Tulkarm camp: The enemy prevents ambulance crews from reaching patients and wounded and rejects any attempts to introduce aid to the people
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The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: We welcome the decisions issued by the African Summit supporting Palestine and its invitation to cut ties with the Zionist entity
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A. Ahmed Al -Rahwi for the march: We discovered a lot of financial and administrative imbalances in state institutions