The occupation soldiers steal the goods from one of the shops after being bulldozed in Tulkarm camp
جنود الاحتلال يسرقون البضائع من أحد المحلات التجارية بعد تجريفها في مخيم طولكرم
占领士兵在Tulkarm Camp推销后,从其中一家商店偷走了商品
Os soldados de ocupação roubam as mercadorias de uma das lojas depois de serem envergonhadas em Tulkarm Camp
Los soldados de ocupación roban los productos de una de las tiendas después de ser arrastrados en el campamento de Tulkarm
Оккупационные солдаты крадут товары в одном из магазинов после того, как они были бульдозерами в лагере Тулкарм
व्यवसाय सैनिकों ने तुलाकर शिविर में बुलडोजर होने के बाद दुकानों में से एक से सामान चुरा लिया
Les soldats de l'occupation volent les marchandises de l'un des magasins après avoir été bulldozer dans le camp de Tulkarm
جنود الاحتلال يسرقون البضائع من أحد المحلات التجارية بعد تجريفها في مخيم طولكرم
Die Besatzungssoldaten stehlen die Waren aus einem der Geschäfte, nachdem sie im Tulkarm Camp beobachtet wurden
I soldati dell'occupazione rubano la merce da uno dei negozi dopo essere stati demoliti nel campo di Tulkarm
職業兵士は、Tulkarm Campでブルドーザー化された後、店の1つから商品を盗む
De bezettingssoldaten stelen de goederen uit een van de winkels nadat ze in Tulkarm Camp zijn gepest
Οι στρατιώτες κατοχής κλέβουν τα αγαθά από ένα από τα καταστήματα μετά από μπουλντόζαν στο στρατόπεδο Tulkarm
1/5/2025, 1:37:32 PM
A fire broke out in a house inside Jenin camp, as the PA security operation continues.
1/5/2025, 1:39:05 PM
Urgent | Mujahideen Brigades: We shelled with mortar shells the enemy's command and control headquarters in Jabalia Services Club, north of the Gaza Strip.
1/5/2025, 1:42:53 PM
Urgent | WHO: We condemn the removal of Kamal Adwan Hospital from service, and we have verified 50 Israeli attacks targeting hospitals since October 2024
1/5/2025, 1:56:07 PM
Urgent | The occupation carries out new bombings and demolition operations in the town of Sheheen, southern Lebanon.
1/6/2025, 7:46:17 AM
Urgent | Quds translation: Another vehicle was found with a settler inside who was critically injured, bringing the number of those injured in the operation to 7, including 3 who were critically injured.