Fontes sírias: os aviões de ocupação estão lançando ataques no acampamento da Vogue 68 na área de Al -Muqrouisa, no campo ocidental de Damasco,
Fuentes sirias: los aviones de ocupación están lanzando redadas en el campamento Vogue 68 en el área de Al -Muqrouisa en el campo occidental de Damasco
Сирийские источники: Самолеты оккупации запускают рейды в лагере Vogue 68 в районе Аль -Мукруиса в западной сельской местности Дамаска
सीरियाई स्रोत: द ऑक्यूपेशन प्लेन दमिश्क के पश्चिमी ग्रामीण इलाकों में अल -मुक्रूसा क्षेत्र में वोग 68 शिविर पर छापे शुरू कर रहे हैं
Sources syriennes: Les avions d'occupation lancent des raids sur le camp Vogue 68 dans la région d'Al-Muqrouisa dans la campagne ouest de Damas
مصادر سورية: طائرات الاحتلال تشن غارات على معسكر الفوج 68 في منطقة المقروصة بريف دمشق الغربي
Syrische Quellen: Die Besatzungsflugzeuge starten Razzien im Vogue 68 Camp im Al -Muqrouisa -Gebiet in der westlichen Landschaft von Damaskus
Fonti siriane: gli aerei di occupazione stanno lanciando incursioni nel campo Vogue 68 nella zona di Al -Muqrouisa nella campagna occidentale di Damasco
Syrische bronnen: de bezettingsvliegtuigen lanceren invallen op het Vogue 68 -kamp in het Al -Muqrouisa -gebied in het westelijke platteland van Damascus
Συριακές πηγές: Τα επίπεδα κατοχής ξεκινούν επιδρομές στο στρατόπεδο Vogue 68 στην περιοχή Al -Muqrouisa στη δυτική ύπαιθρο της Δαμασκού
3/5/2025, 3:25:59 PM
Urgent The occupation handed over the Jerusalemite stationing Hanadi Al -Halawani a decision to remove the Al -Aqsa Mosque for a week, renewable for six months
3/5/2025, 2:34:26 PM
The Ministry of Health in Gaza:
- During the past 24 hours .. The Gaza Strip hospitals arrived 35 martyrs (30 martyrs, a martyr affected by his wounds, 4 new martyrs) and 10 injuries.
The rise of the aggression to 48,440 martyrs and 111,845 wounded since October 7 of the year 2023.
3/5/2025, 2:37:04 PM
The deputy of the American envoy "Witkeov", to Fox News: President Trump will do his best to return the American prisoners home, and he has returned at least 11 of them since he took office.
3/5/2025, 2:38:41 PM
Channel 12: The death of a settlement; As a result of the stabbing and stabbing process carried out by the martyr Jamil Zayed, near Al -Khadera last week.
3/5/2025, 2:41:46 PM
A moment at a moment .. This is how the resistance of the elite of the division was able to kill and capture all the soldiers and officers of "Nahal Oz"