Urgent | Occupation aircraft launch a series of raids on areas in northern Gaza, in conjunction with violent artillery shelling.
عاجل| طائرات الاحتلال تشن سلسلة غارات على مناطق في شمال غزة، بالتزامن مع قصف مدفعي عنيف.
紧急 |占领军飞机对加沙北部地区发动了一系列袭击,并进行了猛烈的炮击。
Urgente | Aeronaves de ocupação lançam uma série de ataques em áreas no norte de Gaza, em conjunto com violentos bombardeios de artilharia.
Urgente | Los aviones de ocupación lanzan una serie de ataques contra zonas del norte de Gaza, acompañados de violentos bombardeos de artillería.
Срочно | Оккупационные самолеты совершают серию налетов на районы на севере Газы, сопровождая их интенсивными артиллерийскими обстрелами.
तत्काल | कब्जे वाले विमानों ने उत्तरी गाजा के इलाकों पर हिंसक तोपखाने की गोलाबारी के साथ कई हमले शुरू कर दिए।
Urgent | Les avions d'occupation lancent une série de raids sur des zones du nord de Gaza, accompagnés de violents bombardements d'artillerie.
عاجل| طائرات الاحتلال تشن سلسلة غارات على مناطق في شمال غزة، بالتزامن مع قصف مدفعي عنيف.
Dringend | Besatzungsflugzeuge starten eine Reihe von Angriffen auf Gebiete im Norden des Gazastreifens und beschießen diese mit heftigem Artilleriebeschuss.
Urgente | Gli aerei di occupazione lanciano una serie di incursioni nelle zone settentrionali di Gaza, accompagnate da violenti bombardamenti di artiglieria.
緊急 |占領軍の航空機は激しい砲撃と併せて、ガザ北部の地域に対して一連の空襲を開始した。
Dringend | Bezettingsvliegtuigen voeren een reeks aanvallen uit op gebieden in het noorden van Gaza, gepaard gaand met hevige artilleriebeschietingen.
Επείγον | Τα κατοχικά αεροσκάφη εξαπολύουν σειρά επιδρομών σε περιοχές στη βόρεια Γάζα, σε συνδυασμό με βίαιες βομβαρδισμούς πυροβολικού.
1/5/2025, 1:37:32 PM
A fire broke out in a house inside Jenin camp, as the PA security operation continues.
1/5/2025, 1:39:05 PM
Urgent | Mujahideen Brigades: We shelled with mortar shells the enemy's command and control headquarters in Jabalia Services Club, north of the Gaza Strip.
1/5/2025, 1:42:53 PM
Urgent | WHO: We condemn the removal of Kamal Adwan Hospital from service, and we have verified 50 Israeli attacks targeting hospitals since October 2024
1/5/2025, 1:56:07 PM
Urgent | The occupation carries out new bombings and demolition operations in the town of Sheheen, southern Lebanon.
1/6/2025, 7:46:17 AM
Urgent | Quds translation: Another vehicle was found with a settler inside who was critically injured, bringing the number of those injured in the operation to 7, including 3 who were critically injured.