Lebanese sources: The occupation force withdraws from a house after raiding it on the outskirts of Bint Jbeil, Maroun al-Ras.
مصادر لبنانية: قوة الاحتلال تنسحب من منزل بعد مداهمته عند أطراف بنت جبيل مارون الراس.
Fontes libanesas: A força de ocupação se retira de uma casa após invadi-la nos arredores de Bint Jbeil, Maroun al-Ras.
Fuentes libanesas: La fuerza de ocupación se retira de una casa después de asaltarla en las afueras de Bint Jbeil, Maroun al-Ras.
Ливанские источники: Оккупационные силы покидают дом после рейда на окраине Бинт-Джубейля, Марун-эр-Рас.
लेबनानी सूत्रों के अनुसार, कब्जा करने वाली सेना, मारून अल-रास के बिन्त जेबिल के बाहरी इलाके में एक घर पर छापा मारने के बाद वहां से वापस लौट रही है।
Sources libanaises : La force d'occupation se retire d'une maison après l'avoir attaquée à la périphérie de Bint Jbeil, Maroun al-Ras.
مصادر لبنانية: قوة الاحتلال تنسحب من منزل بعد مداهمته عند أطراف بنت جبيل مارون الراس.
Libanesische Quellen: Die Besatzungstruppen ziehen sich aus einem Haus am Stadtrand von Bint Jbeil, Maroun al-Ras, zurück, nachdem sie es überfallen haben.
Fonti libanesi: le forze di occupazione si ritirano da una casa dopo averla assaltata alla periferia di Bint Jbeil, Maroun al-Ras.
Libanese bronnen: De bezettingsmacht trekt zich terug uit een huis na een inval in de buitenwijken van Bint Jbeil, Maroun al-Ras.
Λιβανέζικες πηγές: Οι δυνάμεις κατοχής αποσύρονται από ένα σπίτι μετά από έφοδο σε αυτό στα περίχωρα του Bint Jbeil, Maroun al-Ras.
1/31/2025, 1:46:20 AM
About Muhammad al-Deif.. Activists: He is an eternal guest in Palestinian memory
Details: https://qudsn.co/post/208771
1/31/2025, 1:58:04 AM
Children chant for the martyr leader Mohammed Deif during the reception of prisoners released in the resistance deal in the city of Qalqilya
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The symbol of Arab greatness.. The martyr leader Ismail Haniyeh speaking about the martyr leader Mohammed Al-Deif
1/31/2025, 2:33:07 AM
Urgent | Calls to perform the funeral prayer in absentia tomorrow after Friday prayers for the soul of the martyred Chief of Staff, Mohammed Deif, in all mosques in Palestine.
1/31/2025, 3:12:29 AM
Muhammad al-Daif
The nickname is said to have been given to him as a guest in the West Bank, where he contributed to building the Qassam Brigades there. Or because he does not settle anywhere; he is often someone's guest.