

Real time military news

Published date: 12/28/2024, 12:18:28 PM
12/28/2024, 12:18:28 PM
Image 2024-12-28T12:18:28
After the failure of the Israeli "Hetz" system.. for the first time, the occupation uses the American "THAAD" system to confront the Yemeni missile in the skies of occupied Palestine
بعد عجز منظومة "حيتس" الإسرائيلية.. لأول مرة الاحتلال يستخدم منظومة "ثاد" الأمريكية للتصدي للصاروخ اليمني في سماء فلسطين المحتلة
Após a incapacidade do sistema “Hatz” israelita, pela primeira vez a ocupação utiliza o sistema americano “THAAD” para enfrentar o míssil iemenita nos céus da Palestina ocupada.
Tras la incapacidad del sistema israelí "Hatz", la ocupación utiliza por primera vez el sistema estadounidense "THAAD" para enfrentarse al misil yemení en los cielos de la Palestina ocupada.
После неработоспособности израильской системы «Хатц» оккупация впервые использует американскую систему «THAAD» для противодействия йеменской ракете в небе оккупированной Палестины.
इजरायली "हत्ज़" प्रणाली की अक्षमता के बाद, कब्जे वाले फिलिस्तीन के आसमान में यमनी मिसाइल का सामना करने के लिए पहली बार कब्जे वाले अमेरिकी "थाड" प्रणाली का उपयोग करते हैं।
Après l'incapacité du système israélien "Hatz", l'occupation utilise pour la première fois le système américain "THAAD" pour faire face au missile yéménite dans le ciel de la Palestine occupée.
بعد عجز منظومة "حيتس" الإسرائيلية.. لأول مرة الاحتلال يستخدم منظومة "ثاد" الأمريكية للتصدي للصاروخ اليمني في سماء فلسطين المحتلة
Nach der Unfähigkeit des israelischen „Hatz“-Systems setzt die Besatzung zum ersten Mal das amerikanische „THAAD“-System ein, um der jemenitischen Rakete am Himmel des besetzten Palästina entgegenzutreten.
Dopo il fallimento del sistema israeliano "Hetz", per la prima volta l'occupazione utilizza il sistema americano "THAAD" per contrastare il missile yemenita nei cieli della Palestina occupata
Na het onvermogen van het Israëlische “Hatz”-systeem, gebruikt de bezetting voor het eerst het Amerikaanse “THAAD”-systeem om de Jemenitische raket in het luchtruim van bezet Palestina te confronteren.
Μετά την αδυναμία του ισραηλινού συστήματος «Hatz», για πρώτη φορά η κατοχή χρησιμοποιεί το αμερικανικό σύστημα «THAAD» για να αντιμετωπίσει τον Υεμενίτικο πύραυλο στους ουρανούς της κατεχόμενης Παλαιστίνης.

3/2/2025, 10:21:27 AM
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4 martyrs and a number of wounded in the bombing of the occupation in the northern and southern Gaza Strip, since this morning
3/2/2025, 10:27:53 AM
Jenin Camp: Jenin Camp: - The occupation destroyed the infrastructure, which led to the interruption of water and electricity with a severe shortage of food and the basic needs of children Because of the aggression, schools and health services stopped - The occupation destroyed about 498 homes and facilities completely or partially - The occupation arrested 187 Palestinians and was subjected to dozens of field investigation The number of raids reached 336 - The occupation army carried out 15 air strikes during the aggression
3/2/2025, 10:31:57 AM
Jenin Camp: Jenin Camp: - During the past hours, the occupation forces' resistance fighters targeted an explosive device while it was stationed inside a building in the vicinity of Jenin camp. - The occupation forces withdrew a damaged mechanism from Jenin towards the Jalamah Military checkpoint. - The occupation forces continue to storm the villages and towns of Rif Jenin The village of Al -Taibah stormed the west of Jenin with the launch of lighting bombs - The occupation forces destroyed the main water line in Bir al -Saada in Jenin after its rehabilitation - The occupation continues to burn homes and bulldozing the main roads - The occupation continues to seize homes, turn them into military barracks, and push reinforcements to the city and the camp
3/2/2025, 10:32:48 AM
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The leader of the Ansar Allah group Abdul -Malik Al -Houthi: The return of the war on Gaza will be accompanied by the return of all the enemy entity under fire.
3/2/2025, 10:43:35 AM
The Israeli Broadcasting Authority of the prisoner's mother to the resistance, Mattan: Netanyahu decided to break the agreement and drag us into a futile war in complete contradiction with the Israeli interest and the will of the people.