Settler militias attack residents of Susya village in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron.
مليشيات المستوطنين تهاجم الأهالي في قرية سوسيا بمسافر يطا جنوب الخليل.
定居者民兵袭击了希伯伦南部 Masafer Yatta 村 Susiya 的居民。
Milícias de colonos atacam residentes na aldeia de Susiya, Masafer Yatta, ao sul de Hebron.
Milicias de colonos atacan a los residentes de la aldea de Susiya, Masafer Yatta, al sur de Hebrón.
Ополченцы-поселенцы нападают на жителей деревни Сусия, Масафер Ятта, к югу от Хеврона.
सेटलर मिलिशिया ने हेब्रोन के दक्षिण में सुसिया, मसाफर यत्ता गांव में निवासियों पर हमला किया।
Les milices de colons attaquent les habitants du village de Susiya, Masafer Yatta, au sud d'Hébron.
مليشيات المستوطنين تهاجم الأهالي في قرية سوسيا بمسافر يطا جنوب الخليل.
Siedlermilizen greifen Bewohner im Dorf Susiya, Masafer Yatta, südlich von Hebron an.
Le milizie dei coloni attaccano i residenti nel villaggio di Susiya, Masafer Yatta, a sud di Hebron.
Kolonistenmilities vallen inwoners aan in het dorp Susiya, Masafer Yatta, ten zuiden van Hebron.
Οι πολιτοφυλακές εποίκων επιτίθενται σε κατοίκους στο χωριό Susiya, Masafer Yatta, νότια της Χεβρώνας.
1/4/2025, 8:08:42 AM
A wounded woman lost her eye and fingers as a result of the occupation blowing up pager devices on resistance fighters and volunteers from Hezbollah elements and supporters during the aggression on Lebanon.
1/4/2025, 8:11:14 AM
This morning from the southern Gaza Strip...
The path of knowledge is not stopped by missiles and war... Two children from the town of Al-Fakhari, east of Khan Younis, carry their bags and make their way to school despite the ongoing war.
1/4/2025, 8:13:59 AM
1/4/2025, 8:14:11 AM
1/4/2025, 8:18:30 AM
Urgent | Quds Network correspondent: A martyr in the occupation's bombing of a number of Palestinians in Al-Mukhabarat Street, northwest of Gaza City.