Urgent | Clashes erupt between young men and occupation forces around the town of Yitma, southeast of Nablus.
عاجل | اندلاع مواجهات بين شبان وقوات الاحتلال بمحيط بلدة يِتما جنوب شرق نابلس.
Urgente | Os confrontos eclodiram entre os jovens e as forças de ocupação em torno da cidade de Yatma, a sudeste de Nablus.
Urgente | Estallaron enfrentamientos entre jóvenes y las fuerzas de ocupación alrededor de la ciudad de Yatma, al sureste de Nablus.
Срочно | Столкновения вспыхнули между молодыми людьми и оккупационными силами вокруг города Ятма, к юго-востоку от Наблуса.
तत्काल | नब्लस के दक्षिण-पूर्व में यित्मा शहर के आसपास युवाओं और कब्ज़ाकारी बलों के बीच झड़पें शुरू हो गईं।
Urgent | Des affrontements ont éclaté entre des jeunes hommes et les forces d'occupation autour de la ville de Yatma, au sud-est de Naplouse.
عاجل | اندلاع مواجهات بين شبان وقوات الاحتلال بمحيط بلدة يِتما جنوب شرق نابلس.
Dringend | Rund um die Stadt Yatma südöstlich von Nablus kam es zu Auseinandersetzungen zwischen jungen Männern und den Besatzungstruppen.
Urgente | Sono scoppiati scontri tra giovani uomini e le forze di occupazione intorno alla città di Yatma, a sud-est di Nablus.
緊急 |ナブルスの南東にあるヤトマの町周辺で、若者と占領軍との間で衝突が勃発した。
Dringend | Rond de stad Yatma, ten zuidoosten van Nablus, braken confrontaties uit tussen jonge mannen en de bezettingsmacht.
Επείγον | Αντιπαραθέσεις ξέσπασαν μεταξύ νεαρών ανδρών και των δυνάμεων κατοχής γύρω από την πόλη Γιάτμα, νοτιοανατολικά της Ναμπλούς.
2/17/2025, 6:56:18 AM
Theft, attacks and arrests .. The settlers attack towns in Nablus and the occupation launches a campaign of arrests in the West Bank
Details: https://qudsn.co/post/209043
2/17/2025, 7:07:11 AM
The occupation court approves the decision to extend the closure of the Al -Jazeera office in Jerusalem and prohibit its work for other 60 days.
2/17/2025, 7:12:12 AM
Jerusalem translation The Hebrew newspaper "Yediot Aharonot": At the beginning of the war, there were those who believed that from the midst of this major crisis will create a unique opportunity for reform in northern Palestine, but the population will return to a more collapsed reality, it needs many years to reform it, the price will be unbearable, but no They worried about the offices of ministers in Jerusalem and in the institutions of various authorities, no one will feel that, as is always the case.
2/17/2025, 9:20:11 AM
Journalist Jonathan Cook in an article on Middle East Eye:
- Netanyahu has not invented the plan (ethnic cleansing) in Gaza, but rather this American policy has been since 2007.
- US President Biden was his ally in the genocide within 15 months and Trump is his ally in (ethnic cleansing)
- Biden grenades weighing 2000 pounds for genocide, while Trump is said to offer larger munitions - a Map bomb that weighs 11 tons, or a massive air bomb bomb, which has a circle of effect with a complete mile (in order to stimulate the migration of the population) .
- Biden described the destruction of 70 % of Gaza buildings as "self -defense", while Trump describes the destruction of 30 % remaining as a "hell explosion".
2/17/2025, 7:38:15 AM
The conference started a short time ago ... The authority prevents 35 members of the Palestinian National Congress from traveling to Doha to participate in the conference .. Here is what private sources revealed to "Quds Network" about this step.
the details: