Published date: 12/16/2024, 1:23:05 PM
Urgent | Loud explosions in central occupied Palestine.
عاجل | دوي انفجارات قوية وسط فلسطين المحتلة.
Urgente | Fortes explosões soaram na Palestina ocupada.
Urgente | Fuertes explosiones sonaron en la Palestina ocupada.
Срочно | В оккупированной Палестине прозвучали сильные взрывы.
अत्यावश्यक | क़ब्ज़े वाले फ़िलिस्तीन में तेज़ धमाके हुए।
Urgent | De fortes explosions ont retenti en Palestine occupée.
عاجل | دوي انفجارات قوية وسط فلسطين المحتلة.
Dringend | Laute Explosionen im Zentrum Palästinas.
Urgente | Forti esplosioni risuonarono nella Palestina occupata.
緊急 |占領下のパレスチナで激しい爆発音が響いた。
Dringend | In het bezette Palestina klonken krachtige explosies.
Επείγον | Ισχυρές εκρήξεις ακούστηκαν στην κατεχόμενη Παλαιστίνη.
Local sources: 3 injured by occupation bullets during storming of Qalandia camp north of occupied Jerusalem
Urgent | Occupation aircraft bomb a house in the "Al-Sha'af" area east of Gaza City.
Urgent | A martyr and injuries as a result of the occupation bombing the house of the "Al-Jundi" family in the Al-Sha'af area east of Gaza City
Urgent | Artillery shelling west of the new camp north of Nuseirat in central Gaza Strip