$ 3.6 million a month: Russian icebreakers help Putin sell gas to Europe -Greenpeace
According to Greenpeace, the Russian Federation uses the navy of atomic icebreakers and the unwillingness of certain union countries of Ukraine to comply with sanctions imposed on it to sell millions of tons of liquefied natural gas to EU ports.
It is, in particular, the ports of Bilbao, Rotterdam and Dunkirk. This allows the Russian Federation to earn millions in a short time and continue financing the war against Ukraine.
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3,6 млн доларів на місяць: російські криголами допомагають путіну продавати газ в Європу, - Greenpeace
За даними Greenpeace, рф використовує флот атомних криголамів і небажання певних країн-союзниць України виконувати накладені на нього санкції, щоб продавати мільйони тонн зрідженого природного газу до портів ЄС.
Йдеться, зокрема, про порти Більбао, Роттердаму та Дюнкерку. Це дозволяє рф заробляти мільйони за короткий час і продовжувати фінансування війни проти України.
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US $ 3,6 milhões por mês: os quebra -gelo russo ajudam Putin a vender gás para a Europa -Greenpeace
De acordo com o Greenpeace, a Federação Russa usa a Marinha de quebra -gelo atômico e a falta de vontade de certos países sindicais da Ucrânia em cumprir as sanções impostas a ele para vender milhões de toneladas de gás natural liquefeito para os portos da UE.
É, em particular, os portos de Bilbao, Roterdã e Dunkirk. Isso permite que a Federação Russa ganhe milhões em pouco tempo e continue financiando a guerra contra a Ucrânia.
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$ 3.6 millones al mes: los rompehielos rusos ayudan a Putin a vender gas a Europa -Greenpeace
Según Greenpeace, la Federación de Rusia utiliza la Armada de los rompehielos atómicos y la falta de voluntad de ciertos países sindicales de Ucrania para cumplir con las sanciones impuestas para vender millones de toneladas de gas natural licuado a los puertos de la UE.
Es, en particular, los puertos de Bilbao, Rotterdam y Dunkerque. Esto permite que la Federación de Rusia gane millones en poco tiempo y continúe financiando la guerra contra Ucrania.
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3,6 миллиона долларов в месяц. Российские ледоколы помогают Путин продавать газ в Европу -Грипейс
Согласно Гринпису, Российская федерация использует военно -морской флот атомных ледоколов и нежелание определенных стран Союза Украины в соответствии с санкциями, введенными на него для продажи миллионов тонн сжиженного природного газа в порты ЕС.
Это, в частности, порты Бильбао, Роттердама и Дюнкерка. Это позволяет Российской федерации зарабатывать миллионы за короткое время и продолжать финансировать войну против Украины.
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$ 3.6 मिलियन प्रति माह: रूसी आइसब्रेकर्स पुतिन को यूरोप को गैस बेचने में मदद करते हैं।
ग्रीनपीस के अनुसार, रूसी महासंघ परमाणु आइसब्रेकर्स की नौसेना का उपयोग करता है और यूक्रेन के कुछ संघ देशों की अनिच्छा से यूरोपीय संघ के बंदरगाहों पर लाखों टन तरलीकृत प्राकृतिक गैस को बेचने के लिए उस पर लगाए गए प्रतिबंधों का पालन करने के लिए।
यह, विशेष रूप से, बिलबाओ, रॉटरडैम और डनकर्क के बंदरगाह हैं। यह रूसी संघ को थोड़े समय में लाखों कमाने और यूक्रेन के खिलाफ युद्ध का वित्तपोषण जारी रखने की अनुमति देता है।
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3,6 millions de dollars par mois: les briseurs de glace russes aident Poutine à vendre du gaz à l'Europe -GreenPeace
Selon Greenpeace, la Fédération de Russie utilise la marine des brise-glaces atomiques et la réticence de certains pays de l'Union d'Ukraine pour se conformer aux sanctions qui lui ont été imposées pour vendre des millions de tonnes de gaz naturel liquéfié aux ports de l'UE.
Il s'agit, en particulier, des ports de Bilbao, Rotterdam et Dunkerque. Cela permet à la Fédération de Russie de gagner des millions en peu de temps et de continuer à financer la guerre contre l'Ukraine.
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3.6 مليون دولار شهريًا: تساعد كاسحة الجليد الروس بوتين في بيع الغاز إلى أوروبا -السلام
وفقًا لـ Greenpeace ، يستخدم الاتحاد الروسي البحرية من كاسحة الجليد الذرية وعدم رغبة بعض دول الاتحاد في أوكرانيا للامتثال للعقوبات المفروضة عليها لبيع ملايين الأطنان من الغاز الطبيعي المسال إلى موانئ الاتحاد الأوروبي.
إنه ، على وجه الخصوص ، موانئ بلباو ، روتردام وونكيرك. هذا يسمح للاتحاد الروسي لكسب الملايين في وقت قصير ومواصلة تمويل الحرب ضد أوكرانيا.
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3,6 Millionen US -Dollar pro Monat: Russische Eisbrecher helfen Putin, Gas an Europa zu verkaufen -Greenpeace
Laut Greenpeace nutzt die Russische Föderation die Marine atomischer Eisbrecher und die mangelnde Bereitschaft bestimmter Unionsländer der Ukraine, um die Sanktionen zu erfüllen, um Millionen von Tonnen flüssiger Erdgas an EU -Häfen zu verkaufen.
Insbesondere die Häfen von Bilbao, Rotterdam und Dunkirk. Dies ermöglicht es der Russischen Föderation, in kurzer Zeit Millionen zu verdienen und den Krieg gegen die Ukraine weiter zu finanzieren.
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3,6 milioni di dollari al mese: i rompighiaccio russi aiutano a vendere gas in Europa -greenpeace
Secondo Greenpeace, la Federazione Russa usa la Marina di rompighiaccio atomici e la riluttanza di alcuni paesi sindacali dell'Ucraina a conformarsi alle sanzioni imposte per vendere milioni di tonnellate di gas naturale liquefatto ai porti dell'UE.
Sono, in particolare, i porti di Bilbao, Rotterdam e Dunkerque. Ciò consente alla Federazione Russa di guadagnare milioni in breve tempo e continuare a finanziare la guerra contro l'Ucraina.
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$ 3,6 miljoen per maand: Russische ijsbrekers helpen Poetin gas te verkopen aan Europa -Greenpeace
Volgens Greenpeace gebruikt de Russische Federatie de marine van atomaire ijsbrekers en de onwil van bepaalde Union -landen van Oekraïne om te voldoen aan sancties die zijn opgelegd om miljoenen tonnen vloeibaar aardgas te verkopen aan EU -havens.
Het is in het bijzonder de poorten van Bilbao, Rotterdam en Duinkerken. Dit stelt de Russische Federatie in staat om in korte tijd miljoenen te verdienen en de oorlog tegen Oekraïne te blijven financieren.
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3,6 εκατομμύρια δολάρια το μήνα: Οι Ρώσοι παγοθραυστικοί βοηθούν στον Πούτιν να πωλήσει φυσικό αέριο στην Ευρώπη -Greenpeaceace
Σύμφωνα με την Greenpeace, η ρωσική ομοσ
Είναι, ειδικότερα, οι θύρες του Μπιλμπάο, του Ρότερνταμ και του Dunkirk. Αυτό επιτρέπει στη Ρωσική Ομοσπονδία να κερδίζει εκατομμύρια σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα και να συνεχίσει να χρηματοδοτεί τον πόλεμο κατά της Ουκρανίας.
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1/10/2025, 9:52:55 AM
EU sends Ukraine €3 billion in proceeds from frozen Russian assets
This is the first such tranche from the European Union that Ukraine will direct to priority budget expenditures. It came as part of the G7 ERA initiative, which envisages sending Ukraine $50 billion, of which $20 billion will be provided by the EU.
"In this way, we are implementing the principle of "Russia will pay" and strengthening Ukraine's financial stability in 2025," Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said.
1/10/2025, 10:13:36 AM
More than 7,000 soldiers have already returned to the army from the SZH, - DBR
4,300 soldiers have already been reinstated, the rest are in the process. Benefits and social guarantees established by the state are restored to them. Every day, the number of returnees from the SZH is increasing.
We are talking about servicemen who voluntarily left their units for the first time and wanted to return without consequences, which became possible thanks to the law that decriminalized the first SZH.
1/10/2025, 10:52:31 AM
Ukraine under shelling - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours
According to updated information, 123 people were injured as a result of the Russian attack on the city of Zaporizhzhia on January 8. During the day, the occupiers launched 527 strikes on 10 settlements. 21 reports of the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure were received.
📍Kyiv region
At night, the enemy attacked the capital with strike UAVs: in the Solomyansky district, a drone hit the technical floor of a 16-story residential building. No fire or casualties.
📍Chernihiv region
the enemy struck Semenivka with a "Geran-2" UAV: an elderly woman was injured. 2 houses and a business were damaged.
📍Kherson region
At around 10:00, Russian troops attacked Kherson from a drone: a 43-year-old man received an explosive injury and shrapnel wound to the back. During the day, 1 person died and 16 more were injured due to Russian aggression. The Russian Armed Forces damaged 6 high-rise buildings, 42 private houses, gas pipelines, garages, farm buildings and cars.
📍Dniprovsk region
At night, the Russian Army twice targeted the Nikopol region with heavy artillery (more than 5 shells).
📍Kharkiv region
2 people were injured at the hands of the Russians. Damage was recorded to 4 houses, 2 farm buildings, 3 cars and a building of a civilian enterprise.
📍Donetsk region
The Russian army killed 2 residents of Siversk and damaged 11 high-rise buildings, 24 residential buildings, 2 industrial buildings and shopping pavilions.
📍Sum region
At night and in the morning, the Russians carried out 7 attacks. There were 38 explosions.
📍Mykolaiv region
Yesterday, the occupiers shelled Mykolaiv: a 49-year-old man was wounded. The enemy also shelled the Kutsurubska community: in the village of Dmytrivka, 4 private houses, an outbuilding and a power line were damaged. Power supply has been restored. The community was also attacked three times with FPV drones.
1/10/2025, 11:06:37 AM
Ministry of Justice restores Unified State Register services after massive cyberattack
Now, on the Unified State Register portal, you can again search for information in the register for free, generate extracts, and receive results of administrative services by access code, and state bodies have access to information from the register through access identifiers, the Ministry of Justice reports.
Let us recall that on December 19, 2024, the largest hostile attack on the resources of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine took place.
1/10/2025, 11:20:14 AM
Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - PS