

Real time military news

Published date: 2/10/2025, 6:51:48 PM
2/10/2025, 6:51:48 PM
The Russians made up to 10 beats of the booth on the frontal village of Tavriya: a man was killed Destroyed private homes, damaged non -residential buildings and cars. The attack took the life of a 29-year-old man, said the head of Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov. Вати We are in WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
росіяни завдали до 10 ударів КАБами по прифронтовому селу Таврійське: загинув чоловік Зруйновані приватні будинки, пошкоджені нежитлові будівлі та автівки. Атака забрала життя  29-річного чоловіка, повідомив голова Запорізької ОВА Іван Федоров. ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
俄罗斯人在塔夫里亚(Tavriya)额叶村庄的摊位上最多可节拍:一个男人被杀 被摧毁的私人房屋,损坏的非住宅建筑物和汽车。 Zaporizhzhya ova Ivan Fedorov的负责人说,这次袭击夺走了一名29岁男子的生命。 我们在WhatsApp | Viber |电报
Os russos fizeram até 10 batidas do estande na vila frontal de Tavriya: um homem foi morto Casas particulares destruídas, edifícios e carros não residenciais danificados. O ataque levou a vida de um homem de 29 anos, disse que o chefe de zaporizhzhya ova ivan fedorov. Estamos no WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
Los rusos hicieron hasta 10 latidos de la cabina en la aldea frontal de Tavriya: un hombre fue asesinado Homas privadas destruidas, edificios y automóviles no residenciales dañados. El ataque se quitó la vida de un hombre de 29 años, dijo el jefe de Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov. Вати estamos en whatsapp | Viber | Telegrama
Русские составили до 10 ударов стенда на фронтальной деревне Таврия: был убит человек Уничтоженные частные дома, поврежденные нежилые здания и автомобили. Атака покончила с собой 29-летнего мужчину, сказал глава Zaporizhja Ova Ivan Fedorov. ВАТИ мы в WhatsApp | Viber | Телеграмма
रूसियों ने तवियाया के ललाट गांव पर बूथ के 10 बीट तक बनाया: एक आदमी मारा गया था निजी घरों को नष्ट कर दिया, गैर -प्रैक्टिकल इमारतों और कारों को क्षतिग्रस्त कर दिया। हमले ने एक 29 वर्षीय व्यक्ति की जान ले ली, ज़ापोरिज़हिया ओवा इवान फेडोरोव के प्रमुख ने कहा। Вати हम व्हाट्सएप में हैं | Viber | तार
Les Russes ont fait jusqu'à 10 battements du stand du village frontal de Tavriya: un homme a été tué Des maisons privées détruites, des bâtiments et des voitures non résidentiels endommagés. L'attaque a duré la vie d'un homme de 29 ans, a déclaré le chef de Zaporizhzhya OVA Ivan Fedorov. Вати nous sommes dans WhatsApp | Viber | Télégramme
يتكون الروس ما يصل إلى 10 نبضة من المقصورة على قرية تافريا الأمامية: قتل رجل تدمير المنازل الخاصة ، والمباني والسيارات غير المقيمين التالفة. قال رئيس Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov ، إن الهجوم استغرق حياة رجل يبلغ من العمر 29 عامًا. ваи نحن في whatsapp | Viber | برقية
Die Russen machten bis zu 10 Schläge des Standes im Frontaldorf Tavriya: Ein Mann wurde getötet Zerstörte Privathäuser, beschädigte nicht -Wohngebäude und Autos. Der Angriff nahm das Leben eines 29-jährigen Mannes, sagte der Kopf von Zaporizhzhya ova Ivan Fedorov. Wir sind in WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramm
I russi hanno fatto fino a 10 battiti dello stand nel villaggio frontale di Tavriya: un uomo è stato ucciso Case private distrutte, edifici e automobili non residenziali danneggiati. L'attacco ha preso la vita di un uomo di 29 anni, ha detto il capo di Zaporizhzya Ova Ivan Fedorov. Вати siamo in whatsapp | Viber | Telegramma
ロシア人は、タブリヤの正面村で最大10ビートのブースを作りました:男が殺されました 破壊された私有地、損傷した非居住者の建物と車。攻撃は29歳の男性の命を奪った、とZaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorovの長は言った。 ВатиWhatsAppにいます| Viber |電報
De Russen maakten tot 10 beats van het stand op het frontale dorp Tavriya: een man werd gedood Vernietigde privéwoningen, beschadigde niet -residentiële gebouwen en auto's. De aanval nam het leven van een 29-jarige man, zei het hoofd van Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov. Вати We zijn in WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
Οι Ρώσοι έφτασαν μέχρι 10 κτύπους του περίπτερο στο μετωπιαίο χωριό Tavriya: Ένας άντρας σκοτώθηκε Καταστράφηκαν ιδιωτικά σπίτια, κατεστραμμένα μη -παρακρατικά κτίρια και αυτοκίνητα. Η επίθεση πήρε τη ζωή ενός 29χρονου άνδρα, δήλωσε ο επικεφαλής της Zaporizhzhya Ova Ivan Fedorov. В ation We Are To Whatsapp | Viber | Τηλεγράφημα

2/26/2025, 11:31:04 AM
Image 2025-02-26T11:31:04
Russia rolled on Konstantinovka in Donetsk region, taking away the lives of 5 people In addition, 8 more wounded is known - Ova. The enemy dropped the controlled airplanes into the city. Previously, 3 pieces.
2/26/2025, 11:36:10 AM
Ukraine's public debt has already reached more than 7 trillion UAH On January 31, 2025, the State Bargr of Ukraine amounted to 7.068 trillion UAH. This is almost $ 169 billion, the Ministry of Finance reports. In January 2025, the debt increased in UAH equivalent by UAH 87.03 billion, in dollar - by $ 2.93 billion. We will remind, the state and state debt guaranteed by the state on December 31, 2024 amounted to 6.980 trillion UAH or $ 166.06 billion.
2/26/2025, 11:42:52 AM
Ukraine does not consider signing a subsoil agreement with US without security guarantees This was stated by the Prime Minister of Ukraine, noting that this has already been laid in the Agreement: "This agreement is directly tied to security guarantees. Neither the President nor the government will consider this agreement in separation from security guarantees for Ukraine. The government will consider it Text today at a meeting. " Currently, Kyiv and Washington have actually worked out the final version of the Rare Grause Agreement, called "Agreement on establishing the Rules and Conditions of the Investment Fund of Ukraine", says Denis Shmigal: "This is a preliminary contract that provides for the establishment of an investment fund for Ukraine and Ukraine's reconstruction On an equal footing will manage this fund, fill it. "
2/26/2025, 12:22:56 PM
Romania detained pro -Russian excandidat The Romanian TV channel Digi24 reports that his car was stopped on the road. Policy was sent for questioning to the Prosecutor General's Office. Also today searched his associates. During the searches, the head of the Gior Gajesko Gorzio found weapons, ammunition and at least € 900,000 in the safe hidden in the floor. All persons involved in the case are suspected of crimes against the constitutional order, providing false information about the sources of financing the election campaign and public incitement for a crime. We will remind, Georgescu won in the first round of elections, however, its results were canceled because it influenced voters through Tiktok. He is known for his pro -Russian statements.
2/26/2025, 12:50:54 PM
US will sell "gold cards" for foreigners for $ 5 million Such valuable cards will allow immigrants to live and work in the states and simplify the process of obtaining American citizenship. Their sale will start in 2 weeks. "Golden Cards" will also probably sell "pleasant" Russian oligarchs. So Trump answered the reporters to the relevant question: "Yes, perhaps. I know some Russian oligarchs who are very pleasant people. They are not as rich as they were before. I think they can afford $ 5 million."