

Real time military news

Published date: 2/4/2025, 11:54:47 AM
2/4/2025, 11:54:47 AM
In the Kupyansk direction, Russian troops have abandoned some forward positions, - OSUV "Khortytsia" The operational-strategic group writes that the enemy has been conducting offensive operations in the areas of Petropavlivka, Novaya Kruglyakivka and Zagryzove to no avail: "Due to the active fire of the Defense Forces units, the enemy was forced to abandon its forward positions near one of the settlements. Currently, according to our intelligence, the command of the occupation army, threatening to shoot, is trying to return the personnel to their positions."
На Куп'янському напрямку російські війська залишили деякі передові позиції, - ОСУВ "Хортиця" Оперативно-стратегічне угрупування пише, що ворог безрезультатно проводив наступальні дії в районах Петропавлівки, Нової Кругляківки та Загризового: "Внаслідок активного вогневого впливу підрозділів Сил оборони, противник був змушений залишити свої передові позиції біля одного з населених пунктів. Наразі, за даними нашої розвідки, командування окупаційної армії, погрожуючи розстрілом, намагається повернути особовий склад на позиції.".
在库皮扬斯克方向,俄军留下了一些前沿阵地, - “霍尔蒂恰”军区 战役战略小组写道,敌人在彼得罗巴甫利夫卡、新克鲁格利亚基夫卡和扎格雷佐夫地区发动进攻,但没有成功:“由于国防军部队的积极射击,敌人被迫放弃了靠近其中一个地区的前沿阵地,定居点。目前,根据我们的情报,占领军的指挥部正以处决相威胁,试图让这些人员返回原位。”
Na direção Kupyan, as tropas russas deixaram algumas posições avançadas, - OSUV "Khortytsia" O grupo operacional-estratégico escreve que o inimigo realizou ações ofensivas nas áreas de Petropavlivka, Nova Kruglyakivka e Zagryzovo sem resultados: “Devido à influência do fogo ativo de unidades das Forças de Defesa, o inimigo foi forçado a deixar suas posições avançadas perto um dos assentamentos Atualmente, segundo nossa inteligência, o comando do exército ocupante, ameaçando atirar, tenta devolver o pessoal às suas posições."
En dirección a Kupyansk, las tropas rusas dejaron algunas posiciones avanzadas: Distrito Militar "Khortytsia" El grupo operacional-estratégico escribe que el enemigo llevó a cabo sin éxito acciones ofensivas en las áreas de Petropavlivka, Novaya Kruglyakivka y Zagryzove: "Debido al fuego activo de las unidades de las Fuerzas de Defensa, el enemigo se vio obligado a abandonar sus posiciones avanzadas cerca de una de "En la actualidad, según nuestros servicios de inteligencia, el mando del ejército de ocupación, amenazando con ejecutarlos, está intentando devolver al personal a sus puestos".
На Купянском направлении российские войска оставили некоторые передовые позиции, - ОСУВ "Хортица" Оперативно-стратегическая группировка пишет, что враг безрезультатно проводил наступательные действия в районах Петропавловки, Новой Кругляковки и Загрызового. командование оккупационной армии, угрожая расстрелом, пытается вернуть личный состав на позиции."
कुप्यांस्क दिशा में, रूसी सैनिकों ने कुछ अग्रिम पदों को छोड़ दिया, - "खोर्त्सिया" सैन्य जिला परिचालन-रणनीतिक समूह लिखता है कि दुश्मन ने पेट्रोपावलिव्का, नोवाया क्रुग्लायाकिव्का और ज़ाग्रीज़ोवे के क्षेत्रों में असफल रूप से आक्रामक कार्रवाई की: "रक्षा बलों की इकाइयों की सक्रिय गोलीबारी के कारण, दुश्मन को एक के पास अपने अग्रिम ठिकानों को छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा बस्तियों। वर्तमान में, हमारी खुफिया जानकारी के अनुसार, कब्जे वाली सेना की कमान, निष्पादन की धमकी देकर, कर्मियों को उनके पदों पर वापस लाने की कोशिश कर रही है।
En direction de Kupyansk, les troupes russes ont laissé quelques positions avancées, - District militaire "Khortytsia" Le groupe opérationnel-stratégique écrit que l'ennemi a mené sans succès des actions offensives dans les régions de Petropavlivka, Novaya Kruglyakivka et Zagryzove : « En raison du feu actif des unités des forces de défense, l'ennemi a été contraint d'abandonner ses positions avancées près de l'une des "Actuellement, selon nos renseignements, le commandement de l'armée d'occupation, menaçant d'exécution, tente de renvoyer le personnel à ses positions."
في اتجاه كوبيانسك، غادرت القوات الروسية بعض المواقع المتقدمة، - منطقة "خورتيتسيا" العسكرية تكتب المجموعة العملياتية الاستراتيجية أن العدو نفذ عمليات هجومية دون جدوى في مناطق بتروبافليفكا، ونوفايا كروغلياكيفكا، وزاغريزوف: "بسبب النيران النشطة من وحدات قوات الدفاع، اضطر العدو إلى التخلي عن مواقعه المتقدمة بالقرب من أحد "المستوطنات. وفي الوقت الحالي، وبحسب استخباراتنا، فإن قيادة جيش الاحتلال تحاول إعادة العناصر إلى مواقعهم تحت التهديد بالإعدام".
In Richtung Kupjansk verließen russische Truppen einige vorgeschobene Stellungen - Militärbezirk „Khortyzja“ Die operativ-strategische Gruppe schreibt, dass der Feind erfolglos offensive Aktionen in den Gebieten Petropavlivka, Novaya Kruglyakivka und Zagryzove durchführte: „Aufgrund des aktiven Feuers der Einheiten der Verteidigungskräfte war der Feind gezwungen, seine vorgeschobenen Stellungen in der Nähe eines der die Siedlungen. Gegenwärtig versucht das Kommando der Besatzungsarmee unter Androhung von Hinrichtungen, das Personal an seine Positionen zurückzubringen, wie unsere Geheimdienste berichten.“
In direzione di Kupyansk, le truppe russe hanno lasciato alcune posizioni avanzate, - Distretto militare "Khortytsia" Il gruppo operativo-strategico scrive che il nemico ha eseguito senza successo azioni offensive nelle aree di Petropavlivka, Novaya Kruglyakivka e Zagryzove: "A causa del fuoco attivo delle unità delle Forze di difesa, il nemico è stato costretto ad abbandonare le sue posizioni avanzate vicino a una delle gli insediamenti. Attualmente, secondo la nostra intelligence, il comando dell'esercito di occupazione, minacciando di esecuzione, sta cercando di riportare il personale alle proprie posizioni."
クピャン方向では、ロシア軍はいくつかの前線陣地を離れた - OSUV「ホルティツィア」 作戦戦略グループは、敵がペトロパブリウカ、ノヴァ・クルグリャフカ、ザグリゾヴォの地域で攻撃的行動を行ったが結果は得られなかったと記している。現在、我々の情報によると、占領軍の指揮官は、銃撃すると脅して職員を所定の位置に戻そうとしている。」
In de richting van Kupyansk verlieten Russische troepen enkele geavanceerde posities, - Militair district "Khortytsia" De operationeel-strategische groep schrijft dat de vijand tevergeefs offensieve acties uitvoerde in de gebieden Petropavlivka, Novaya Kruglyakivka en Zagryzove: "Door het actieve vuur van de eenheden van de Defensiemacht werd de vijand gedwongen zijn vooruitgeschoven posities nabij een van de de nederzettingen. Momenteel, volgens onze inlichtingen, probeert het commando van het bezettingsleger, dreigend met executie, het personeel terug te sturen naar hun posities."
Στην κατεύθυνση Kupyansk, τα ρωσικά στρατεύματα άφησαν ορισμένες προηγμένες θέσεις, - Στρατιωτική Περιοχή "Khortytsia" Η επιχειρησιακή-στρατηγική ομάδα γράφει ότι ο εχθρός πραγματοποίησε ανεπιτυχώς επιθετικές ενέργειες στις περιοχές Petropavlivka, Novaya Kruglyakivka και Zagryzove: «Λόγω των ενεργών πυρών των μονάδων των αμυντικών δυνάμεων, ο εχθρός αναγκάστηκε να εγκαταλείψει τις εμπρός θέσεις του κοντά σε μία από τις Οι εποικισμοί αυτή τη στιγμή, σύμφωνα με τις πληροφορίες μας, η διοίκηση του στρατού κατοχής, απειλώντας με εκτέλεση, προσπαθεί να επιστρέψει το προσωπικό στις θέσεις τους».

1/12/2025, 10:21:05 AM
Ballistics in the direction of Pavlohrad (Dnipropetrovsk region)!
12/30/2024, 1:10:21 PM
Russians hit Kupyanshchyna in Kharkiv region A woman died in the village of Kivsharivka. The identities of the victims are still being established. The Russian Armed Forces also damaged an apartment building. Law enforcement officers are working at the scene, - OVA.
12/30/2024, 1:42:52 PM
The MSEC will be liquidated from January 1, 2025 The President of Ukraine signed a corresponding decree. Instead of the outdated and corrupt system, a new digital system for assessing functioning will be introduced, the Verkhovna Rada reported on Telegram. The Verkhovna Rada recalled that "from January 1, expert commissions will start operating in cluster and supracluster hospitals, which will conduct an assessment in accordance with the criteria of the International Classification of Functioning, Life Limitations and Health". The commissions will selectively receive patients for consideration, but neither the patient nor the commission will know which doctor will consider the issue, in order to avoid corruption. The previously established statuses of persons with disabilities, as well as the medical and social examination for children, will remain unchanged.
12/30/2024, 2:21:09 PM
Situation on the front as of 16:00 Since the beginning of the day, 104 combat clashes have occurred. ▪️In the Kharkiv direction, the Russian occupiers twice unsuccessfully attacked the defensive lines of Ukrainian units near Vovchansk and Lyptsy. ▪️In the Kupyansk direction, 4 enemy attacks were repelled near Golubivka, Stepovaya Novoselivka, Kruglyakivka and Zagryzove, 7 more combat clashes are ongoing. ▪️In the Lymansk direction, the invading army carried out 10 attacks near Kopanki, Nadiya, Novoyehorivka, Makiivka, Ivanivka and Terni, fighting is currently ongoing in 2 locations. ▪️The enemy conducted 1 assault in the Siversk direction near the settlement of Bilogorivka, the Defense Forces repelled the attack. ▪️In the Kramatorsk direction, 3 assault actions were repelled near Chasovy Yar and Stupochok, 4 clashes are ongoing.   ▪️In the Toretsk direction, the Russians attacked near Shcherbinivka and in Toretsk, where the Defense Forces repelled 2 attacks. 4 clashes are still ongoing. ▪️In the Pokrovsk direction, the occupiers carried out 30 attacks in the areas of the settlements of Vozdvyzhenka, Myrolyubivka, Promin, Zelene, Dachenske, Novyi Trud, Shevchenko, Vovkove, Novoolenivka and Novoyelyzavetivka. The Defense Forces repelled 23 enemy attacks, 7 clashes are still ongoing.  ▪️In the Kurakhiv direction, the occupiers carried out 11 attacks near Petropavlivka, Slovyanka, Shevchenko and Kurakhiv, 2 attacks are ongoing. ▪️In the Vremivka direction, units of our troops repelled 11 assaults near Yantarne, Uspenivka, Vremivka and in the direction of Konstantinopol and Novosilka, 4 clashes are currently ongoing, - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
12/30/2024, 2:26:51 PM
Elon Musk Criticizes New Ukraine Aid Package, Calls President Volodymyr Zelensky "All-Time Champion" of Scamming the U.S. This is how the American businessman responded to a post by crypto investor and host Mario Naful, who wrote: "Biden Sends Ukraine Another $2.5 Billion — Because $175 Billion Wasn't Enough." Lawyer Clay Thompson responded to the post, writing: "Zelensky Really Did One of the Biggest Money Heists of All Time." Musk agreed with him, tweeting: "All-Time Champion." It is noteworthy that Thompson does not hide in his account on the X platform that he cooperates with Russian propaganda, in particular, RT. As for Naful, according to BBC News, he previously spread fakes about the war between Israel and Hamas. Despite this, Musk recommended it as a source of news about wars in the world, in particular, Russia against Ukraine. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram