Due to the missile attack, Ukrenergo introduced emergency shutdowns in Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kirovohrad regions
Missile danger continues throughout Ukraine, there are also enemy UAVs in the airspace.
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Через ракетну атаку «Укренерго» запровадило аварійні відключення у Харківській, Сумській, Полтавській, Донецькій, Дніпропетровській, Запорізькій, Кіровоградській областях
Ракетна небезпека триває по всій Україні, також у повітряному просторі є ворожі БПЛА.
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Devido ao ataque com mísseis, a Ukrenergo introduziu paralisações de emergência nas regiões de Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia e Kirovohrad
A ameaça de mísseis continua por toda a Ucrânia, e também há UAVs inimigos no espaço aéreo.
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Debido al ataque con misiles, Ukrenergo introdujo paradas de emergencia en las regiones de Járkov, Sumy, Poltava, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia y Kirovogrado.
La amenaza de misiles continúa en toda Ucrania, y también hay vehículos aéreos no tripulados enemigos en el espacio aéreo.
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Из-за ракетной атаки «Укрэнерго» ввело аварийные отключения в Харьковской, Сумской, Полтавской, Донецкой, Днепропетровской, Запорожской, Кировоградской областях
Ракетная опасность продолжается по всей Украине, также в воздушном пространстве есть вражеские БПЛА.
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मिसाइल हमले के कारण, यूक्रेनेरगो ने खार्किव, सुमी, पोल्टावा, डोनेट्स्क, निप्रॉपेट्रोस, ज़ापोरीज़िया, किरोवोहराद क्षेत्रों में आपातकालीन शटडाउन की घोषणा की
पूरे यूक्रेन में मिसाइल का खतरा बना हुआ है, तथा हवाई क्षेत्र में दुश्मन के यूएवी भी मौजूद हैं।
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En raison de l'attaque au missile, Ukrenergo a mis en place des arrêts d'urgence dans les régions de Kharkiv, Soumy, Poltava, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia et Kirovohrad
La menace des missiles persiste dans toute l’Ukraine et des drones ennemis circulent également dans l’espace aérien.
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بسبب الهجوم الصاروخي، أعلنت شركة "أوكرينيرجو" عن إغلاقات طارئة في مناطق خاركوف، وسومي، وبولتافا، ودونيتسك، ودنيبروبيتروفسك، وزابوريزهيا، وكيروفوهراد.
ويستمر التهديد الصاروخي في جميع أنحاء أوكرانيا، وهناك أيضًا طائرات بدون طيار معادية في المجال الجوي.
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Aufgrund des Raketenangriffs führte Ukrenergo Notabschaltungen in den Regionen Charkiw, Sumy, Poltawa, Donezk, Dnipropetrowsk, Saporischschja und Kirowohrad ein
Die Raketenbedrohung hält in der gesamten Ukraine an, und im Luftraum befinden sich auch feindliche UAVs.
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A causa dell'attacco missilistico, Ukrenergo ha introdotto chiusure di emergenza nelle regioni di Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia e Kirovohrad
La minaccia missilistica continua in tutta l'Ucraina e nello spazio aereo sono presenti anche droni nemici.
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Vanwege de raketaanval heeft Ukrenergo noodstops ingesteld in de regio's Charkov, Sumy, Poltava, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia en Kirovohrad
De raketdreiging blijft in heel Oekraïne bestaan en er bevinden zich ook vijandelijke UAV's in het luchtruim.
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Λόγω της πυραυλικής επίθεσης, η Ukrenergo εισήγαγε έκτακτη διακοπή λειτουργίας στις περιοχές Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Kirovohrad
Η απειλή πυραύλων συνεχίζεται σε όλη την Ουκρανία, ενώ υπάρχουν και εχθρικά UAV στον εναέριο χώρο.
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3/7/2025, 7:12:32 AM
Italy's premiere advocated article 5 of NATO on Ukraine without its official accession to the Alliance
According to George Meloni, it will provide long -term and effective safety for Ukraine: "The spread to Ukraine of the same protection that NATO countries have, of course, would be much more effective, although it would be something different from NATO membership.
The Italian Government Prescribe said that such a step guarantees that the Mutual Defense Regulations will be applied "also to protect Ukraine, even in the territory outside NATO, regardless of Kyiv membership in the North Atlantic Alliance.
3/7/2025, 6:52:00 AM
The Russian Federation attacked the gas and energy infrastructure of Ukraine with rockets and drones
This was reported by the Minister of Energy, which says the situation in the power system may change and urged to follow official reports.
According to Ova, it is now known that the army of Russia at night was firing Kharkiv region, hitting a civilian enterprise (5 victims (2 hospitalized) and cars lit up), Odesa region, where the energy infrastructure, the Ternopil region, where there may Damaged the production facility, Poltava region, having mutilated the household gas pipeline (the number of disconnected subscribers is installed, 2 people (including a child) were hospitalized, 2 houses were treated) and Ivano-Frankivsk region, aiming at infrastructure (without victims).
Naftogaz writes that this is 17 attacks on the objects of its gas transportation infrastructure due to which the production capacity is damaged to provide gas production.
3/7/2025, 6:54:49 AM
The Russian Federation attacked the gas and energy infrastructure of Ukraine with rockets and drones
This was reported by energy Minister Herman Galushchenko, who says that the situation in the power system may change and urged to follow official reports.
According to Ova, it is now known that the army of Russia at night was firing Kharkiv region, hitting a civilian enterprise (5 victims (2 hospitalized) and cars lit up), Odesa region, where the energy infrastructure, the Ternopil region, where there may Damaged the production facility, Poltava region, having mutilated the household gas pipeline (the number of disconnected subscribers is installed, 2 people (including a child) were hospitalized, 2 houses were treated) and Ivano-Frankivsk region, aiming at infrastructure (without victims).
Naftogaz writes that this is a 17 combined attack on the objects of its gas transportation infrastructure due to which damaged production facilities that provide gas production.
3/7/2025, 6:59:18 AM
Due to the rashist attack, Poland with allies lifted its military aviation
According to the command of the Armed Forces of Poland in the X network, the army intensified for duty fighters, and land systems of air defense and radar intelligence led into a state of the highest readiness: "Due to the intensive activity of long -range air aviation, which strikes the Air Force, in particular.
3/7/2025, 7:57:21 AM
At night Russia launched the Black Sea in Ukraine the most rockets since the beginning of the year
Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk said the Rushists released almost 20 rockets from the Black Sea this night, which is the third case of the use of cruise missiles from the sea from the beginning of the year: "Once in January, once in February and now - March.