The enemy hit Kharkiv with a Molniya strike UAV
In the Kholodnohirsky district, a landing near a private house. Windows were broken, a fence was damaged.
There is one victim - an acute reaction to stress, said the mayor of the city, Igor Terekhov.
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Ворог вдарив по Харкову ударним БпЛа «Молнія»
У Холодногірському районі приліт біля приватного будинку. Вибиті шибки, пошкоджено паркан.
Є один постраждалий - гостра реакція на стрес, повідомив мер міста Ігор Терехов.
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O inimigo atingiu Kharkiv com um UAV de ataque Molniya
No distrito de Kholodnohirsky, o desembarque foi perto de uma casa particular. Janelas foram quebradas, a cerca foi danificada.
Há uma vítima — uma reação aguda ao estresse, disse o prefeito da cidade, Igor Terekhov.
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El enemigo atacó Járkov con un UAV de ataque Molniya
En el distrito de Kholodnohirsky, el desembarco se produjo cerca de una casa particular. Las ventanas estaban rotas y la valla dañada.
"Hay una víctima: una reacción aguda al estrés", dijo el alcalde de la ciudad, Igor Terekhov.
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Враг ударил по Харькову ударным БпЛа «Молния»
В Холодногорском районе прилет у частного дома. Выбиты стекла, поврежден забор.
Есть один пострадавший – острая реакция на стресс, сообщил мэр города Игорь Терехов.
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दुश्मन ने मोलनिया हमले वाले यूएवी से खार्किव पर हमला किया
खोलोदनोहिर्स्की जिले में, लैंडिंग एक निजी घर के पास थी। खिड़कियाँ टूट गईं, बाड़ क्षतिग्रस्त हो गई।
शहर के मेयर इगोर तेरेखोव ने कहा कि इसका एक ही शिकार है - तनाव के प्रति तीव्र प्रतिक्रिया।
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L'ennemi a frappé Kharkiv avec un drone d'attaque Molniya
Dans le district de Kholodnohirsky, le débarquement se trouvait à proximité d'une maison privée. Les fenêtres ont été brisées, la clôture a été endommagée.
Il y a une victime : une réaction aiguë au stress, a déclaré le maire de la ville, Igor Terekhov.
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العدو هاجم خاركوف بطائرة هجومية بدون طيار من طراز مولنيا
في منطقة خولودنوهيرسكي، وقع الهبوط بالقرب من منزل خاص. تم كسر النوافذ، وتضرر السياج.
وقال رئيس بلدية المدينة إيغور تيريخوف إن هناك ضحية واحدة وهي رد فعل حاد للتوتر.
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Der Feind griff Charkiw mit einem Molniya-Angriffs-UAV an
Im Bezirk Kholodnohirsky befand sich die Landung in der Nähe eines Privathauses. Fenster waren zerbrochen, der Zaun beschädigt.
Es gebe ein Opfer – eine akute Stressreaktion, sagte der Bürgermeister der Stadt, Igor Terekhov.
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Il nemico ha colpito Kharkiv con un UAV d'attacco Molniya
Nel distretto di Kholodnohirsky, l'atterraggio è avvenuto vicino a una casa privata. Le finestre erano rotte e la recinzione era danneggiata.
C'è una vittima: una reazione acuta allo stress, ha affermato il sindaco della città, Igor Terekhov.
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De vijand viel Charkov aan met een Molniya-aanvals-UAV
In het district Kholodnohirsky vond de landing plaats vlak bij een privéwoning. Ramen waren kapot, het hek was beschadigd.
Er is één slachtoffer: een acute reactie op stress, aldus de burgemeester van de stad, Igor Terekhov.
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Ο εχθρός χτύπησε το Χάρκοβο με ένα UAV επίθεσης Molniya
Στην περιοχή Kholodnohirsky, η προσγείωση ήταν κοντά σε ένα ιδιωτικό σπίτι. Έσπασαν τα παράθυρα, η περίφραξη υπέστη ζημιές.
Υπάρχει ένα θύμα - μια οξεία αντίδραση στο άγχος, δήλωσε ο δήμαρχος της πόλης, Igor Terekhov.
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1/19/2025, 1:35:07 PM
⚡️18 citizens of Ukraine and Russia have been hit by new NSDC sanctions
We are talking about People's Deputy Yuriy Boyko, former deputy editor-in-chief of the pro-Russian publication "" Svitlana Kryukova, MP Nestor Shufrych, former People's Deputy Yevgeny Murayev and others.
They were permanently deprived of state awards and titles in Ukraine. Some of them had their accounts blocked for 10 years, according to a decree published on the website of the President of Ukraine.
1/19/2025, 1:53:03 PM
In 2 days, the SBU and the National Police have eliminated 10 evasion schemes
All organizers of the transactions in different regions of Ukraine (Bukovyna, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr region, Kyiv, Cherkasy region, Vinnytsia region, Lviv region) were detained, who sold fictitious medical certificates to men of draft age or organized their transportation abroad bypassing checkpoints.
They face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property, - the SBU.
We will remind, on January 17, the National Police began conducting over 200 searches in 19 regions in cases of illegal travel abroad by conscripts.