

Real time military news

Published date: 1/20/2025, 9:23:21 AM
1/20/2025, 9:23:21 AM
Since the very morning, the Russians have covered Stepanivka in the Kherson region with fire A residential building was under fire. As a result of the “arrival” in the courtyard of the house, the roof, facade were torn apart, and windows were broken. A 39-year-old woman was injured. ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
З самого ранку росіяни вкрили вогнем Степанівку на Херсонщині Під вогнем опинився житловий будинок. Внаслідок “прильоту” на подвірʼя в оселі потрощило дах, фасад, вибило шибки. Поранено 39-річну жінку. ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
从那天早上起,俄军就用火力覆盖了赫尔松地区的斯捷潘尼夫卡 一栋住宅楼发生火灾。由于“入侵”到院子里,房子的屋顶和外墙被掀翻,窗户也被砸碎。一名 39 岁妇女受伤。 ✅ 我们在 WhatsApp 上 | Viber |电报
Desde a manhã, os russos cobriram Stepanivka, na região de Kherson, com fogo Um prédio residencial estava sob fogo. Com a “chegada” ao pátio, o telhado e a fachada da casa foram destruídos e as janelas quebradas. Uma mulher de 39 anos ficou ferida. ✅ Estamos no WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
Desde la mañana, los rusos cubrieron con fuego Stepanivka, en la región de Kherson. Un edificio residencial estaba en llamas. Como resultado de la “llegada” al patio, el techo y la fachada de la casa quedaron destrozados y las ventanas rotas. Una mujer de 39 años resultó herida. ✅Estamos en WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
С самого утра россияне покрыли огнем Степановку Херсонской области Под огнем оказался жилой дом. В результате "прилета" во дворе в доме разбили крышу, фасад, выбило стекла. Ранена 39-летняя женщина. ✅ Мы в WhatsApp | Вибер | Telegram
सुबह से ही रूसियों ने खेरसॉन क्षेत्र के स्टेपनिव्का को आग से ढक दिया एक आवासीय इमारत में आग लग गई। यार्ड में “आगमन” के परिणामस्वरूप, घर की छत और मुखौटा टूट गए, और खिड़कियां टूट गईं। एक 39 वर्षीय महिला घायल हो गयी। ✅ हम व्हाट्सएप पर हैं | वाइबर | टेलीग्राम
Dès le matin, les Russes ont couvert de feu Stepanivka, dans la région de Kherson. Un immeuble résidentiel était en feu. À la suite de « l’arrivée » dans la cour, le toit et la façade de la maison ont été arrachés et les fenêtres ont été brisées. Une femme de 39 ans a été blessée. ✅ Nous sommes sur WhatsApp | Viber | Télégramme
منذ الصباح الباكر، غطى الروس مدينة ستيبانيفكا في منطقة خيرسون بالنيران اشتعلت النيران في مبنى سكني. ونتيجة لـ«وصول» القوة إلى الفناء، تمزق سقف المنزل وواجهته، وتحطمت النوافذ. وأصيبت امرأة تبلغ من العمر 39 عامًا بجروح. ✅ نحن على الواتساب | فايبر | برقية
Vom Morgen an bedeckten die Russen Stepaniwka in der Region Cherson mit Feuer Ein Wohngebäude brannte. Durch den „Einmarsch“ im Hof ​​wurden Dach und Fassade des Hauses eingerissen, Fensterscheiben zerbrochen. Eine 39-jährige Frau wurde verletzt. ✅ Wir sind auf WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramm
Fin dal mattino i russi hanno coperto di fuoco Stepanivka nella regione di Kherson Un edificio residenziale era in fiamme. A seguito dell'"arrivo" nel cortile, il tetto e la facciata della casa sono stati divelti e le finestre sono state rotte. Una donna di 39 anni è rimasta ferita. ✅ Siamo su WhatsApp | Italiano: Telegramma
ロシア軍は朝からヘルソン地方のステパニフカを砲撃した。 住宅が火事になった。庭への「到着」の結果、家の屋根と正面が引き裂かれ、窓が割れました。 39歳の女性が負傷した。 ✅ WhatsApp で連絡を取ることができます |モバイル電報
Vanaf de ochtend beschoten de Russen Stepanivka in de regio Cherson met vuur Er stond brand in een woongebouw. Door de ‘aankomst’ in de tuin werden het dak en de gevel van het huis uit elkaar gerukt en de ramen kapotgeslagen. Een 39-jarige vrouw raakte gewond. ✅ Wij zijn op WhatsApp | Viber-account | Telegram
Από το πρωί οι Ρώσοι κάλυψαν με φωτιά τη Στεπανίβκα στην περιοχή Χερσώνα Ένα κτίριο κατοικιών κάηκε. Αποτέλεσμα της «άφιξης» στην αυλή ήταν να σκιστεί η στέγη και η πρόσοψη του σπιτιού και να σπάσουν τα τζάμια. Τραυματίστηκε μια 39χρονη. ✅ Είμαστε στο WhatsApp | Viber | Τηλεγράφημα

1/10/2025, 9:52:55 AM
EU sends Ukraine €3 billion in proceeds from frozen Russian assets This is the first such tranche from the European Union that Ukraine will direct to priority budget expenditures. It came as part of the G7 ERA initiative, which envisages sending Ukraine $50 billion, of which $20 billion will be provided by the EU. "In this way, we are implementing the principle of "Russia will pay" and strengthening Ukraine's financial stability in 2025," Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said.
1/10/2025, 10:13:36 AM
More than 7,000 soldiers have already returned to the army from the SZH, - DBR 4,300 soldiers have already been reinstated, the rest are in the process. Benefits and social guarantees established by the state are restored to them. Every day, the number of returnees from the SZH is increasing. We are talking about servicemen who voluntarily left their units for the first time and wanted to return without consequences, which became possible thanks to the law that decriminalized the first SZH.
1/10/2025, 10:52:31 AM
Ukraine under shelling - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours 📍Zaporizhzhia According to updated information, 123 people were injured as a result of the Russian attack on the city of Zaporizhzhia on January 8. During the day, the occupiers launched 527 strikes on 10 settlements. 21 reports of the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure were received. 📍Kyiv region At night, the enemy attacked the capital with strike UAVs: in the Solomyansky district, a drone hit the technical floor of a 16-story residential building. No fire or casualties. 📍Chernihiv region the enemy struck Semenivka with a "Geran-2" UAV: ​​an elderly woman was injured. 2 houses and a business were damaged. 📍Kherson region At around 10:00, Russian troops attacked Kherson from a drone: a 43-year-old man received an explosive injury and shrapnel wound to the back. During the day, 1 person died and 16 more were injured due to Russian aggression. The Russian Armed Forces damaged 6 high-rise buildings, 42 private houses, gas pipelines, garages, farm buildings and cars. 📍Dniprovsk region At night, the Russian Army twice targeted the Nikopol region with heavy artillery (more than 5 shells). 📍Kharkiv region 2 people were injured at the hands of the Russians. Damage was recorded to 4 houses, 2 farm buildings, 3 cars and a building of a civilian enterprise. 📍Donetsk region The Russian army killed 2 residents of Siversk and damaged 11 high-rise buildings, 24 residential buildings, 2 industrial buildings and shopping pavilions. 📍Sum region At night and in the morning, the Russians carried out 7 attacks. There were 38 explosions. 📍Mykolaiv region Yesterday, the occupiers shelled Mykolaiv: a 49-year-old man was wounded. The enemy also shelled the Kutsurubska community: in the village of Dmytrivka, 4 private houses, an outbuilding and a power line were damaged. Power supply has been restored. The community was also attacked three times with FPV drones.
1/10/2025, 11:06:37 AM
Ministry of Justice restores Unified State Register services after massive cyberattack Now, on the Unified State Register portal, you can again search for information in the register for free, generate extracts, and receive results of administrative services by access code, and state bodies have access to information from the register through access identifiers, the Ministry of Justice reports. Let us recall that on December 19, 2024, the largest hostile attack on the resources of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine took place.
1/10/2025, 11:20:14 AM
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Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - PS