

Real time military news

Published date: 1/18/2025, 7:17:24 AM
1/18/2025, 7:17:24 AM
Consequences of the missile attack on Kyiv In the capital, at around 6:00, the area of ​​the Lukyanivska metro station was hit by ballistic missiles, killing at least four people and injuring three more, said the head of the KMVA, Timur Tkachenko. The water supply pipeline was damaged. The downed ballistic missiles fell in the Shevchenkivskyi district of the city, the Ukrainian Air Force reported. Video: Radio Liberty ✅ We are on WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
Наслідки ракетної атаки на Київ У столиці близько 6:00 удару балістичними ракетами зазнав район станції метро «Лук’янівська», загинули щонайменше четверо людей, поранень зазнали ще троє, вказав голова КМВА Тимур Ткаченко. Пошкоджений трубопровід водопостачання. Збиті балістичні ракети упали в Шевченківському районі міста, повідомили в Повітряних силах ЗСУ. Відео: Радіо Свобода ✅ Ми у WhatsApp | Viber | Telegram
基辅导弹袭击的后果 KMVA负责人铁木尔·特卡琴科(Timur Tkachenko)表示,首都卢基亚尼夫斯卡(Lukyanivska)地铁站地区于早上6:00左右遭到弹道导弹袭击,造成至少四人死亡、三人受伤。供水管道损坏。 据乌克兰武装部队空军报道,被击落的弹道导弹落在该市的舍甫琴基夫区。 视频:斯沃博达广播电台 ✅ 我们使用 WhatsApp |维伯 |电报
Consequências do ataque com mísseis a Kyiv Na capital, por volta das 6h, a área ao redor da estação de metrô Lukyanivska foi atingida por mísseis balísticos, matando pelo menos quatro pessoas e ferindo outras três, disse Timur Tkachenko, chefe do Serviço Antiterrorismo do Estado da Cidade de Kiev. Tubulação de abastecimento de água danificada. Os mísseis balísticos abatidos caíram no distrito de Shevchenkivskyi da cidade, informou a Força Aérea Ucraniana. Vídeo: Rádio Liberdade ✅ Estamos no WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
Consecuencias del ataque con misiles a Kyiv En la capital, alrededor de las 6:00 a.m., el área alrededor de la estación de metro Lukyanivska fue alcanzada por misiles balísticos, matando al menos a cuatro personas e hiriendo a otras tres, dijo Timur Tkachenko, jefe del Servicio Antiterrorista del Estado de la Ciudad de Kiev. Tubería de suministro de agua dañada. Los misiles balísticos derribados cayeron en el distrito Shevchenkivskyi de la ciudad, informó la Fuerza Aérea de Ucrania. Vídeo: Radio Libertad ✅Estamos en WhatsApp | Viber | Telegrama
Последствия ракетной атаки на Киев В столице около 6:00 удар баллистическими ракетами получил район станции метро «Лукьяновская», погибли по меньшей мере четыре человека, ранения получили еще трое, указал глава КМВА Тимур Ткаченко. Поврежден трубопровод водоснабжения. Сбитые баллистические ракеты упали в Шевченковском районе города, сообщили в воздушных силах ВСУ. Видео: Радио Свобода ✅ Мы в WhatsApp | Вибер | Telegram
कीव पर मिसाइल हमले के परिणाम कीव सिटी स्टेट एंटी-टेररिज्म सर्विस के प्रमुख तिमुर तकाचेंको ने बताया कि राजधानी में सुबह करीब 6 बजे लुक्यानिवस्का मेट्रो स्टेशन के आसपास के क्षेत्र पर बैलिस्टिक मिसाइलों से हमला किया गया, जिसमें कम से कम चार लोगों की मौत हो गई और तीन अन्य घायल हो गए। क्षतिग्रस्त जल आपूर्ति पाइपलाइन. यूक्रेनी वायु सेना ने बताया कि गिराई गई बैलिस्टिक मिसाइलें शहर के शेवचेनकिव्स्की जिले में गिरी। वीडियो: रेडियो लिबर्टी ✅ हम व्हाट्सएप पर हैं | वाइबर | टेलीग्राम
Conséquences de l'attaque de missiles contre Kiev Dans la capitale, vers 6 heures du matin, la zone autour de la station de métro Lukyanivska a été touchée par des missiles balistiques, tuant au moins quatre personnes et en blessant trois autres, a déclaré Timur Tkachenko, chef du Service antiterroriste de la ville de Kiev. Conduite d'approvisionnement en eau endommagée. Les missiles balistiques abattus sont tombés dans le quartier Shevchenkivskyi de la ville, a rapporté l'armée de l'air ukrainienne. Vidéo: Radio Liberty ✅ Nous sommes sur WhatsApp | Viber | Télégramme
عواقب الهجوم الصاروخي على كييف وفي العاصمة، تعرضت المنطقة المحيطة بمحطة مترو لوكيانيفسكا في حوالي الساعة السادسة صباحا لقصف بصواريخ باليستية، مما أسفر عن مقتل أربعة أشخاص على الأقل وإصابة ثلاثة آخرين، بحسب ما قاله تيمور تكاتشينكو، رئيس جهاز مكافحة الإرهاب في مدينة كييف. خط أنابيب إمدادات المياه تالف. وذكرت القوات الجوية الأوكرانية أن الصواريخ الباليستية التي أسقطتها سقطت في منطقة شيفشينكيفسكي في المدينة. فيديو: راديو ليبرتي ✅ نحن على الواتساب | فايبر | برقية
Folgen des Raketenangriffs auf Kiew In der Hauptstadt wurde gegen 6:00 Uhr das Gebiet rund um die U-Bahn-Station Lukyanivska von ballistischen Raketen getroffen, wobei mindestens vier Menschen getötet und drei weitere verletzt wurden, sagte Timur Tkachenko, Leiter des staatlichen Anti-Terror-Dienstes der Stadt Kiew. Beschädigte Wasserversorgungsleitung. Die abgeschossenen ballistischen Raketen seien im Bezirk Schewtschenkiwskyj der Stadt niedergegangen, berichtete die ukrainische Luftwaffe. Video: Radio Liberty ✅ Wir sind auf WhatsApp | Viber | Telegramm
Conseguenze dell'attacco missilistico a Kiev Nella capitale, intorno alle 6 del mattino, la zona attorno alla stazione della metropolitana Lukyanivska è stata colpita da missili balistici, uccidendo almeno quattro persone e ferendone altre tre, ha affermato Timur Tkachenko, capo del Servizio antiterrorismo dello Stato della città di Kiev. Conduttura di approvvigionamento idrico danneggiata. I missili balistici abbattuti sono caduti nel quartiere Shevchenkivskyi della città, ha riferito l'aeronautica militare ucraina. Video: Radio Libertà ✅ Siamo su WhatsApp | Italiano: Telegramma
キエフへのミサイル攻撃の結果 KMVAのティムール・トカチェンコ所長によると、首都では午前6時ごろ、地下鉄ルキャニフスカ駅一帯が弾道ミサイルの攻撃を受け、少なくとも4人が死亡、さらに3人が負傷した。給水パイプラインが損傷。 ウクライナ軍空軍の発表によると、撃墜された弾道ミサイルは同市シェフチェンキフ地区に落下した。 ビデオ: ラジオ スヴォボダ ✅ 私たちはWhatsAppを利用しています |バイバー |電報
Gevolgen van de raketaanval op Kiev In de hoofdstad werd rond 6.00 uur het gebied rond het metrostation Lukyanivska getroffen door ballistische raketten. Hierbij kwamen minstens vier mensen om het leven en raakten drie anderen gewond, aldus Timur Tkachenko, hoofd van de antiterrorismedienst van de stad Kiev. Beschadigde waterleiding. De neergehaalde ballistische raketten kwamen neer in het district Shevchenkivskyi van de stad, meldde de Oekraïense luchtmacht. Video: Radio Vrijheid ✅ Wij zijn op WhatsApp | Viber-account | Telegram
Συνέπειες της πυραυλικής επίθεσης στο Κίεβο Στην πρωτεύουσα, γύρω στις 6:00 π.μ., η περιοχή του σταθμού του μετρό Lukyanivska χτυπήθηκε από βαλλιστικούς πυραύλους, τουλάχιστον τέσσερις άνθρωποι σκοτώθηκαν και άλλοι τρεις τραυματίστηκαν, δήλωσε ο επικεφαλής της KMVA Timur Tkachenko. Κατεστραμμένος αγωγός παροχής νερού. Οι βαλλιστικοί πύραυλοι που καταρρίφθηκαν έπεσαν στην περιοχή Shevchenkiv της πόλης, ανέφερε η Πολεμική Αεροπορία των Ουκρανικών Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων. Βίντεο: Radio Svoboda ✅ Είμαστε στο WhatsApp | Viber | Τηλεγράφημα

1/10/2025, 9:52:55 AM
EU sends Ukraine €3 billion in proceeds from frozen Russian assets This is the first such tranche from the European Union that Ukraine will direct to priority budget expenditures. It came as part of the G7 ERA initiative, which envisages sending Ukraine $50 billion, of which $20 billion will be provided by the EU. "In this way, we are implementing the principle of "Russia will pay" and strengthening Ukraine's financial stability in 2025," Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said.
1/10/2025, 10:13:36 AM
More than 7,000 soldiers have already returned to the army from the SZH, - DBR 4,300 soldiers have already been reinstated, the rest are in the process. Benefits and social guarantees established by the state are restored to them. Every day, the number of returnees from the SZH is increasing. We are talking about servicemen who voluntarily left their units for the first time and wanted to return without consequences, which became possible thanks to the law that decriminalized the first SZH.
1/10/2025, 10:52:31 AM
Ukraine under shelling - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours 📍Zaporizhzhia According to updated information, 123 people were injured as a result of the Russian attack on the city of Zaporizhzhia on January 8. During the day, the occupiers launched 527 strikes on 10 settlements. 21 reports of the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure were received. 📍Kyiv region At night, the enemy attacked the capital with strike UAVs: in the Solomyansky district, a drone hit the technical floor of a 16-story residential building. No fire or casualties. 📍Chernihiv region the enemy struck Semenivka with a "Geran-2" UAV: ​​an elderly woman was injured. 2 houses and a business were damaged. 📍Kherson region At around 10:00, Russian troops attacked Kherson from a drone: a 43-year-old man received an explosive injury and shrapnel wound to the back. During the day, 1 person died and 16 more were injured due to Russian aggression. The Russian Armed Forces damaged 6 high-rise buildings, 42 private houses, gas pipelines, garages, farm buildings and cars. 📍Dniprovsk region At night, the Russian Army twice targeted the Nikopol region with heavy artillery (more than 5 shells). 📍Kharkiv region 2 people were injured at the hands of the Russians. Damage was recorded to 4 houses, 2 farm buildings, 3 cars and a building of a civilian enterprise. 📍Donetsk region The Russian army killed 2 residents of Siversk and damaged 11 high-rise buildings, 24 residential buildings, 2 industrial buildings and shopping pavilions. 📍Sum region At night and in the morning, the Russians carried out 7 attacks. There were 38 explosions. 📍Mykolaiv region Yesterday, the occupiers shelled Mykolaiv: a 49-year-old man was wounded. The enemy also shelled the Kutsurubska community: in the village of Dmytrivka, 4 private houses, an outbuilding and a power line were damaged. Power supply has been restored. The community was also attacked three times with FPV drones.
1/10/2025, 11:06:37 AM
Ministry of Justice restores Unified State Register services after massive cyberattack Now, on the Unified State Register portal, you can again search for information in the register for free, generate extracts, and receive results of administrative services by access code, and state bodies have access to information from the register through access identifiers, the Ministry of Justice reports. Let us recall that on December 19, 2024, the largest hostile attack on the resources of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine took place.
1/10/2025, 11:20:14 AM
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Threat of use of ballistic weapons in areas where air alert has been declared - PS