Deploying a foreign contingent in Ukraine is one of the best tools to force Russia to peace, - Zelensky
"Let's be more practical to make this possible. And we have heard signals from Great Britain - in support of this. We must be bold, and we must offer really strong tools," - the President of Ukraine addressed the allies during the "Rammstein".
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Розгортання іноземного контингенту в Україні є одним з найкращих інструментів, щоб примусити рф до миру, - Зеленський
"Давайте будемо більш практичними, щоб зробити це можливим. І ми почули сигнали з Великої Британії - на підтримку цього. Ми повинні бути сміливими, і ми повинні запропонувати справді сильні інструменти", - звернувся президент України до союзників під час "Рамштайну".
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A implantação de um contingente estrangeiro na Ucrânia é uma das melhores ferramentas para forçar a Federação Russa à paz, - Zelensky
"Vamos ser mais práticos para tornar isso possível. E ouvimos sinais da Grã-Bretanha - em apoio a isso. Devemos ser corajosos e oferecer ferramentas realmente fortes", - o Presidente da Ucrânia dirigiu-se aos aliados durante o "Ramstein".
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El despliegue de un contingente extranjero en Ucrania es una de las mejores herramientas para obligar a la Federación Rusa a la paz, - Zelensky
"Seamos más prácticos para hacer esto posible. Y hemos escuchado señales de Gran Bretaña - en apoyo de esto. Debemos ser valientes y debemos ofrecer herramientas realmente poderosas", - el presidente de Ucrania se dirigió a los aliados durante "Ramstein".
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Развертывание иностранного контингента в Украине является одним из лучших инструментов, чтобы заставить РФ к миру, - Зеленский
"Давайте будем практичнее, чтобы сделать это возможным. И мы услышали сигналы из Великобритании - в поддержку этого. Мы должны быть смелыми, и мы должны предложить действительно сильные инструменты", - обратился президент Украины к союзникам во время "Рамштайна".
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यूक्रेन में विदेशी सैन्य टुकड़ी की तैनाती रूस को शांति के लिए मजबूर करने के सर्वोत्तम साधनों में से एक है, - ज़ेलेंस्की
"आइए इसे संभव बनाने के लिए अधिक व्यावहारिक बनें। और हमने इसके समर्थन में ब्रिटेन से संकेत सुने हैं। हमें साहसी होना चाहिए, और हमें वास्तव में मजबूत उपकरण प्रदान करने चाहिए," यूक्रेनी राष्ट्रपति ने रामस्टीन एयर शो के दौरान सहयोगियों को संबोधित किया।
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Le déploiement d'un contingent étranger en Ukraine est l'un des meilleurs outils pour forcer la Russie à la paix, - Zelensky
« Soyons plus pragmatiques pour rendre cela possible. Et nous avons entendu des signaux du Royaume-Uni en faveur de cette initiative. Nous devons être audacieux et proposer des outils vraiment puissants », a déclaré le président ukrainien aux alliés lors du salon aéronautique de Ramstein.
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إن نشر وحدة أجنبية في أوكرانيا هو أحد أفضل الأدوات لإجبار الاتحاد الروسي على السلام، – زيلينسكي
"دعونا نكون أكثر عملية لجعل هذا ممكنا. وقد سمعنا إشارات من بريطانيا العظمى - دعما لذلك. يجب أن نتحلى بالشجاعة، ويجب أن نقدم أدوات قوية حقا،" - خاطب رئيس أوكرانيا الحلفاء خلال "رامشتاين".
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„Der Einsatz eines ausländischen Kontingents in der Ukraine ist eines der besten Instrumente, um die Russische Föderation zum Frieden zu zwingen“, sagte Selenskyj
„Lasst uns praktischer sein, um dies zu ermöglichen. Und wir haben Signale aus Großbritannien gehört – zur Unterstützung. Wir müssen mutig sein und wirklich starke Werkzeuge anbieten“, – wandte sich der Präsident der Ukraine während „Ramstein“ an die Verbündeten.
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L'invio di un contingente straniero in Ucraina è uno degli strumenti migliori per costringere la Russia alla pace, - Zelensky
"Cerchiamo di essere più pratici per rendere possibile tutto questo. E abbiamo sentito segnali dal Regno Unito a sostegno di questo. Dobbiamo essere audaci e dobbiamo offrire strumenti davvero forti", ha detto il presidente ucraino agli alleati durante l'air show di Ramstein.
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De inzet van een buitenlands contingent in Oekraïne is een van de beste instrumenten om Rusland tot vrede te dwingen, - Zelensky
"Laten we praktischer zijn om dit mogelijk te maken. En we hebben signalen uit het VK gehoord die dit ondersteunen. We moeten stoutmoedig zijn en we moeten echt sterke tools aanbieden," sprak de Oekraïense president de bondgenoten toe tijdens de Ramstein-luchtshow.
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Η ανάπτυξη ξένου στρατεύματος στην Ουκρανία είναι ένα από τα καλύτερα εργαλεία για να εξαναγκάσει τη Ρωσία σε ειρήνη, - Zelensky
"Ας είμαστε πιο πρακτικοί για να το κάνουμε αυτό δυνατό. Και έχουμε ακούσει μηνύματα από το Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο για να το υποστηρίξουμε. Πρέπει να είμαστε τολμηροί και πρέπει να προσφέρουμε πραγματικά ισχυρά εργαλεία", απευθυνόταν ο Ουκρανός πρόεδρος στους συμμάχους κατά τη διάρκεια της αεροπορικής επίδειξης Ramstein.
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1/24/2025, 10:53:29 AM
Ukraine under shelling - situation in the regions over the past 24 hours
📍Chernihiv region
At night, Russians targeted private houses in the Koryukiv district with a drone. Houses and a car were damaged.
📍Lviv region
This night, the region was attacked by 4 enemy drones. Air defense destroyed all targets. In one of the villages of the Lviv district, a residential building was damaged due to falling debris, next to which a crater with a diameter of 4 m was formed.
📍Kyiv region
3 people died at the hands of the Russians at night. A high-rise building was damaged and a residential building was destroyed.
📍Kherson region
At about 11:00, 2 people were injured in an attack by a Russian UAV in Antonivka - an 80-year-old man and a 52-year-old woman were diagnosed with explosive injuries and shrapnel wounds. They were hospitalized. During the day, 3 more people were injured due to Russian aggression. The Russian Armed Forces damaged 2 apartment buildings, 9 private houses, farm buildings, a garage and cars.
1 person was killed, another 54 were injured (17 of them are still in hospitals) as a result of yesterday's enemy attack on Zaporizhzhia. During the day, the occupiers struck 405 times in 7 settlements. 733 reports of the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure were received.
📍Donetsk region
The Russian Armed Forces killed 2 residents of Kostyantynivka and injured 5 more people. 36 private houses, 8 apartment buildings, 3 administrative buildings, 2 farm buildings, 2 gas pipelines and power lines were destroyed.
📍Kharkiv region
In the village of Selektsiyne, due to the fall of UAV debris, a power line was damaged. In the village of Velykyi Burluk 2 "shaheeds" hit the territory of a civilian enterprise. In the village of Petropavlivka, the Russians killed a 54-year-old woman.
At night, the enemy carried out 2 attacks on the Krasnopil community. 5 explosions were recorded.
1/24/2025, 12:04:27 PM
On the shield: the bodies of 757 fallen fighters were returned to Ukraine
Among the returned defenders, 451 were from the Donetsk direction, 71 from the Bakhmut direction, 51 from the Vuhledar direction, 13 from the Luhansk direction, 137 from the Zaporizhia direction, and 34 Ukrainian defenders were returned from morgues on the territory of the Russian Federation, reports the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War.
The department added that law enforcement officers and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' expert institutions will identify the deceased as soon as possible.
1/24/2025, 12:33:25 PM
Calendar of events 01/24-01/30/2025
January 24 (Friday):
• Variety show "Royal" with Lida Lee
19:00 CARIBBEAN club, 4 S. Petlyury st.
• SHOW RADIATION: Kukharchuk, Tkachenko, Kharizma, Zhoglo
19:00 Event Hall at !FESTrepublic, Lviv, 24-26 Staroznesenska st.
January 25 (Saturday):
• Concert "EPOLETS"
19:00 ATLAS, 37-41 Sichovykh Striltsiv st.
• Jazz with Oleksiy Kogan
18:30, Kyiv, Caribbean Club
January 26 (Sunday):
• Performance "Carpathian Western"
16:00 Ukrainian Theater, Odesa, 24-26 Staroznesenska st. Pastera, 15
January 27 (Monday):
• Charity stand-up show Udachnyky (Shcherban, Trandafilov, Korotkov, Bu)
19:00 "Pepper's Club", Kyiv, Knyaziv Ostrozkykh St., 8, Building 7
January 30 (Thursday):
• Exhibition "Elena Turyanska. Agape. Absolute Love"
Wednesday-Sunday, from 12:00 to 18:30, Kyiv, Mystetskyi Arsenal
• Underground Stand-up
18.30 Underground Stand-up Club, Kyiv, Zolotovoritska St., 15
1/24/2025, 12:45:17 PM
A man who wanted to ferry 3 Odessans to Moldova by boat for $14,000 was detained
The State Border Service of Ukraine writes that the amount included delivery to the Dniester River, a rubber boat, and oars: "The violators were detained near the border. Led by their ferryman, they traveled in a passenger car with the necessary equipment. The organizer faces criminal liability, and the passengers have been brought to administrative liability."
1/24/2025, 1:49:52 PM
The Armed Forces of Ukraine have plans to prevent the encirclement of Velyka Novoselka in the Donetsk region, - OSUV "Khortytsia"
"The situation near Velyka Novoselka is really difficult. The Russians are aiming to surround the village," - said Viktor Tregubov, a spokesman for the "Khortytsia" group, adding that the goal of the Defense Forces is to prevent encirclement. He noted that there are certain plans in this regard, and "the situation is in the focus of attention."