Main news for January 5
▪️Ukrainian scouts eliminated the chief of staff of the occupying battalion "Storm-Ossetia"
▪️The Armed Forces are actively attacking the enemy in Kurshchyna
▪️Ukraine agrees to a ceasefire if it is supplied with weapons to repel future attacks, - President Zelensky
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Головні новини за 5 січня
▪️Українські розвідники ліквідували начальника штабу батальйону окупантів “шторм-осєтія”
▪️ЗСУ активно атакують ворога на Курщині
▪️Україна згодна на зупинку вогню, якщо їй поставлять зброю для відбиття майбутніх нападів, - президент Зеленський
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Principais notícias de 5 de janeiro
▪️Os batedores ucranianos eliminaram o chefe do Estado-Maior do batalhão de ocupação "Storm-Ossetia"
▪️As Forças Armadas estão atacando ativamente o inimigo em Kurshchyna
▪️A Ucrânia concorda com um cessar-fogo se receber armas para repelir futuros ataques, - Presidente Zelensky
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Principales novedades del 5 de enero
▪️Los exploradores ucranianos eliminaron al jefe de estado mayor del batallón de ocupación "Tormenta-Osetia"
▪️Las Fuerzas Armadas atacan activamente al enemigo en Kurshchyna
▪️Ucrania acepta un alto el fuego si se le suministran armas para repeler futuros ataques, - Presidente Zelensky
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Главные новости за 5 января
▪️Украинские разведчики ликвидировали начальника штаба батальона оккупантов "шторм-осеть"
▪️ЗСУ активно атакуют врага на Курщине
▪️Украина согласна на остановку огня, если ей поставят оружие для отражения будущих нападений, - президент Зеленский
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5 जनवरी की मुख्य ख़बरें
▪️यूक्रेनी स्काउट्स ने कब्जे वाली बटालियन "स्टॉर्म-ओसेशिया" के चीफ ऑफ स्टाफ को खत्म कर दिया
▪️कुर्सचिना में सशस्त्र बल सक्रिय रूप से दुश्मन पर हमला कर रहे हैं
▪️यूक्रेन युद्धविराम के लिए सहमत है यदि उसे भविष्य के हमलों को रोकने के लिए हथियारों की आपूर्ति की जाती है, - राष्ट्रपति ज़ेलेंस्की
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Principales nouvelles du 5 janvier
▪️Les éclaireurs ukrainiens ont éliminé le chef d'état-major du bataillon d'occupation "Storm-Ossétia"
▪️Les forces armées attaquent activement l'ennemi à Kurshchyna
▪️L'Ukraine accepte un cessez-le-feu si elle reçoit des armes pour repousser de futures attaques, - Président Zelensky
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أهم الأخبار ليوم 5 يناير
▪️الكشافة الأوكرانية تقضي على رئيس أركان كتيبة "العاصفة-أوسيتيا" المحتلة
▪️القوات المسلحة تهاجم العدو بشكل فعال في كورشتشينا
▪️أوكرانيا توافق على وقف إطلاق النار إذا تم تزويدها بالأسلحة لصد الهجمات المستقبلية، - الرئيس زيلينسكي
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Hauptnachrichten für den 5. Januar
▪️Ukrainische Späher haben den Stabschef des Besatzungsbataillons „Sturm-Ossetien“ eliminiert
▪️Die Streitkräfte greifen den Feind in Kurshchyna aktiv an
▪️Die Ukraine stimmt einem Waffenstillstand zu, wenn sie mit Waffen zur Abwehr künftiger Angriffe versorgt wird, - Präsident Selenskyj
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Principali novità del 5 gennaio
▪️Gli esploratori ucraini hanno eliminato il capo di stato maggiore del battaglione occupante "Storm-Ossetia"
▪️Le forze armate stanno attaccando attivamente il nemico a Kurshchyna
▪️L'Ucraina accetta un cessate il fuoco se le verranno fornite armi per respingere futuri attacchi, - il presidente Zelenskyj
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Belangrijkste nieuws voor 5 januari
▪️Oekraïense verkenners schakelden de stafchef van het bezettingsbataljon "Storm-Ossetia" uit
▪️De strijdkrachten vallen actief de vijand in Kurshchyna aan
▪️Oekraïne stemt in met een staakt-het-vuren als het land wordt voorzien van wapens om toekomstige aanvallen af te weren, - President Zelensky
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Τα κύρια νέα για τις 5 Ιανουαρίου
▪️Ουκρανοί πρόσκοποι απέκλεισαν τον αρχηγό του επιτελείου του κατοχικού τάγματος "Storm-Ossetia"
▪️Οι Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις επιτίθενται ενεργά στον εχθρό στο Kurshchyna
▪️Η Ουκρανία συμφωνεί σε κατάπαυση του πυρός εάν εφοδιαστεί με όπλα για να αποκρούσει μελλοντικές επιθέσεις, - Πρόεδρος Ζελένσκι
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1/29/2025, 3:37:00 PM
The occupier took a local resident from Izyum region to Belgorod, where he held her captive and raped her for over a year
In the spring of 2022, while staying in one of the villages of Izyum district, a serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation broke into the house where a 21-year-old girl lived with her family. Threatening her with a firearm, he raped the girl. Later, he did it again.
Later, the occupier asked two “brothers” to take the girl to Belgorod, Russia. For over a year, he held the girl in an apartment against her will, raped her and systematically beat her. Suffering from constant torture, the girl even tried to commit suicide.
The girl managed to escape from captivity after the occupier was detained for evading military service.
The victim is currently in Ukraine.
Currently, the Russian military has been reported in absentia on suspicion of ill-treatment of civilians and violations of the laws and customs of war.
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1/29/2025, 3:56:48 PM
Last night, SBU drones also hit the Russian oil pumping station "Andreapol"
It is an important part of the Baltic Pipeline System-2. The station's filtration pump site and tanks with additives were damaged, and there was also a spill of oil products and a fire. This is reported by Suspilne, citing sources in the SBU.
Drones also hit a missile arsenal in the Tver region of the Russian Federation, namely a warehouse and three buildings of a military unit.
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1/29/2025, 4:26:06 PM
Alarm due to enemy tactical aviation activity in the northeast direction
Threat of air strikes!
1/29/2025, 5:05:05 PM
Business asks government to extend criticality update deadlines and existing bookings
The European Business Association explained in a statement that after cyberattacks in late 2024 and a rather long restoration of state registers, the booking systems and granting companies critical status were not working all this time.
The suspension of registers also led to the fact that most authorities approved their sectoral and regional criteria with a significant delay.
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1/29/2025, 5:22:54 PM
The Slovak Foreign Ministry summoned the Ukrainian ambassador and protested, accusing Kyiv of interfering in the country's internal affairs
This is reported by the Slovak newspaper Dennik.
The protest was expressed to the Ukrainian ambassador after the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry stated that Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was "poisoned by Russian propaganda".
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