⚡️Main news for December 30:
▪️We managed to return 189 Ukrainians from Russian captivity
▪️Joe Biden announced the provision of $2.5 billion in military aid to Ukraine
▪️The official exchange rate crossed the level of 42 hryvnias per dollar for the first time
⚡️Головні новини за 30 грудня:
▪️Вдалося повернути 189 українців з російського полону
▪️Джо Байден оголосив про надання $2,5 млрд військової допомоги Україні
▪️Офіційний курс уперше перетнув рівень 42 гривні за долар
⚡️Principais novidades para 30 de dezembro:
▪️Conseguimos devolver 189 ucranianos do cativeiro russo
▪️Joe Biden anunciou o fornecimento de US$ 2,5 bilhões em ajuda militar à Ucrânia
▪️A taxa de câmbio oficial ultrapassou o nível de 42 hryvnias por dólar pela primeira vez
⚡️Principales novedades del 30 de diciembre:
▪️Conseguimos devolver a 189 ucranianos del cautiverio ruso
▪️Joe Biden anunció la provisión de 2.500 millones de dólares en ayuda militar a Ucrania
▪️El tipo de cambio oficial superó por primera vez el nivel de 42 grivnas por dólar
⚡️Главные новости за 30 декабря:
▪️Удалось вернуть 189 украинцев из русского плена
▪️Джо Байден объявил о предоставлении $2,5 млрд военной помощи Украине
▪️Официальный курс впервые пересек уровень 42 гривны за доллар
⚡️30 दिसंबर की मुख्य खबरें:
▪️हम 189 यूक्रेनियन को रूसी कैद से वापस लाने में कामयाब रहे
▪️जो बिडेन ने यूक्रेन को 2.5 अरब डॉलर की सैन्य सहायता देने की घोषणा की
▪️आधिकारिक विनिमय दर पहली बार 42 रिव्निया प्रति डॉलर के स्तर को पार कर गई
⚡️Principales nouveautés du 30 décembre :
▪️Nous avons réussi à ramener 189 Ukrainiens de la captivité russe
▪️Joe Biden a annoncé l'octroi d'une aide militaire de 2,5 milliards de dollars à l'Ukraine
▪️Le taux de change officiel a franchi pour la première fois le niveau de 42 hryvnias pour un dollar
⚡️أهم الأخبار ليوم 30 ديسمبر:
▪️تمكنا من إعادة 189 أوكرانيًا من الأسر الروسية
▪️أعلن جو بايدن عن تقديم مساعدات عسكرية بقيمة 2.5 مليار دولار لأوكرانيا
▪️تجاوز سعر الصرف الرسمي مستوى 42 هريفنيا لكل دولار لأول مرة
⚡️Hauptnachrichten für den 30. Dezember:
▪️Es ist uns gelungen, 189 Ukrainer aus russischer Gefangenschaft zurückzubringen
▪️Joe Biden kündigte die Bereitstellung von Militärhilfe in Höhe von 2,5 Milliarden US-Dollar für die Ukraine an
▪️Der offizielle Wechselkurs überschritt zum ersten Mal die Marke von 42 Griwna pro Dollar
⚡️Principali novità del 30 dicembre:
▪️Siamo riusciti a riportare indietro 189 ucraini dalla prigionia russa
▪️Joe Biden ha annunciato la fornitura di 2,5 miliardi di dollari in aiuti militari all'Ucraina
▪️Il tasso di cambio ufficiale ha superato per la prima volta il livello di 42 grivnie per dollaro
⚡️Belangrijkste nieuws voor 30 december:
▪️We zijn erin geslaagd 189 Oekraïners uit Russische gevangenschap terug te halen
▪️Joe Biden kondigde de verstrekking van 2,5 miljard dollar aan militaire hulp aan Oekraïne aan
▪️De officiële wisselkoers heeft voor het eerst het niveau van 42 hryvnia's per dollar overschreden
⚡️Κύρια νέα για τις 30 Δεκεμβρίου:
▪️Καταφέραμε να επιστρέψουμε 189 Ουκρανούς από τη ρωσική αιχμαλωσία
▪️Ο Τζο Μπάιντεν ανακοίνωσε την παροχή στρατιωτικής βοήθειας 2,5 δισεκατομμυρίων δολαρίων στην Ουκρανία
▪️Η επίσημη ισοτιμία ξεπέρασε για πρώτη φορά το επίπεδο των 42 εθνικού νομίσματος ανά δολάριο
2/19/2025, 5:34:42 PM
The DPRK's military who is fighting against Ukraine in Kurshchyna say they are also fighting against South Korea fighters
A prisoner of war North Korean Ri told about it in an interview with Chosun Ilbo.
According to him, each of the battalions had one or two staff of the Security Service of the Ministry of State Security of the DPRK, who carried out ideological and disciplinary control.
When asked by the journalists whether the DPRK fighters were fighting, thinking that they would oppose not only the Ukrainian but also the South Korean troops, the captive answered the affirmative.
Ri said that he had arrived in Russia as part of a party of another 2500 compatriots on October 10, 2024. At first, they were trained in Vladivostok, and in early December they were transferred to Kurschyna.
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2/19/2025, 5:52:15 PM
Norway Prime Minister called Donald Trump's deeply unjustified statements, who called Vladimir Zelensky a dictator
“I think it is deeply unreasonable. This is a nationally elected president with the vast majority of votes, whom the full -scale war caught in the middle of his term, ”said Jonas Gar Star by local media.
The premiere was also supported in opposition.
“It is dangerous and frankly lies by President Trump. It is sad to realize that there are almost no common values on the other side of the Atlantic. Now it becomes clear that Trump wants Putin to win, ”said the leader of the liberal party Guri Melby.
She also stressed that the only right solution for Norway now is to strengthen Ukraine's support.
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2/19/2025, 6:12:56 PM
US Vice President Vance warned Zelensky about the consequences of Trump's criticism
According to the US Vice President, "the idea that Zelensky is going to change the presidential opinion by pouring him dirt in the state media, anyone who knows the president will tell you that this is a terrible way to do this administration."
Jay Di Vation stated that the President of Ukraine had received "bad advice" on how to interact with the new administration in the United States.
Earlier, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky responded to the statements of the head of the White House Donald Trump that his support among Ukrainians is allegedly 4%. In particular, the Ukrainian president noted that Trump was a victim of Russian misinformation.
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2/19/2025, 6:26:23 PM
Lithuanian President called European countries for decisive action to support Ukraine and strengthen Europe's security
What exactly does Gitanas Naussed require:
▪️Areal security guarantees for Ukraine - NATO membership should remain on the negotiating table.
▪️ Russia should be held accountable for war crimes and sanctions should remain until the termination of aggression.
▪ferely paid arms financing and € 10 billion for the Ukrainian defense industry.
▪️Crivated introduction to the EU is the target date by 2030.
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2/19/2025, 6:37:10 PM
Olaf Sholtz stated that Trump's decision to call Zelensky dictator was "wrong and dangerous"
“It is simply wrong and dangerous to refuse President Zelensky in democratic legitimacy. The fact that the proper elections cannot be held in the middle of the war meets the requirements of the Ukrainian Constitution and electoral legislation, ”he said.
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