

Real time military news

Published date: 12/27/2024, 6:20:33 AM
12/27/2024, 6:20:33 AM
Plus 1650 Russians killed by the Defense Forces Loss of the Russian Army in Ukraine from 24.02.22 to 27.12.24: ▪️personnel - 782510 (+1650) ▪️tanks - 9644 (+14) ▪️armored vehicles - 19951 (+18) ▪️artillery systems - 21379 (+22)   ▪️MLRS - 1256 ▪️air defense systems - 1032 (+1) ▪️aircraft - 369 ▪️helicopters - 329 ▪️UAVs - 20999 (+28) ▪️cruise missiles - 3003 ▪️ships/boats - 28 ▪️submarines - 1   ▪️vehicles+tankers - 32262 (+82) ▪️special equipment - 3668 (+1)
Плюс 1650 ліквідованих Силами оборони росіян Втрати росармії в Україні з 24.02.22 по 27.12.24: ▪️особового складу - 782510 (+1650) ▪️танків - 9644 (+14) ▪️броньованих машин - 19951 (+18) ▪️артсистем - 21379 (+22)   ▪️РСЗВ - 1256 ▪️засоби ППО - 1032 (+1) ▪️літаків - 369 ▪️гелікоптерів - 329 ▪️БПЛА - 20999 (+28) ▪️крилаті ракети - 3003 ▪️кораблі/катери - 28 ▪️підводні човни - 1   ▪️автотехніка+автоцистерни - 32262 (+82) ▪️спецтехніка - 3668 (+1)
另外还有 1,650 名俄罗斯人被国防军消灭 2022年2月24日至12月27日期间俄罗斯军队在乌克兰的损失: ▪️人员 - 782510 (+1650) ▪️坦克 - 9644 (+14) ▪️装甲车 - 19951 (+18) ▪️艺术系统 - 21379 (+22)   ️RSZV - 1256 ▪️ 防空手段 - 1032 (+1) ▪️飞机 - 369 ▪️直升机 - 329 ▪️无人机 - 20999 (+28) ▪️巡航导弹 - 3003 ▪️船/船 - 28 ▪️ 潜艇 - 1   ▪️汽车+油轮 - 32262 (+82) ▪️特殊装备 - 3668 (+1)
Mais 1.650 russos eliminados pelas Forças de Defesa Perdas do exército russo na Ucrânia de 24/02/22 a 27/12/24: ▪️pessoal - 782510 (+1650) ▪️tanques - 9644 (+14) ▪️veículos blindados - 19951 (+18) ▪️sistema de arte - 21379 (+22)   ▪️RSZV - 1256 ▪️ meios de defesa aérea - 1032 (+1) ▪️aviões - 369 ▪️helicópteros - 329 ▪️UAV - 20999 (+28) ▪️ mísseis de cruzeiro - 3003 ▪️navios/barcos - 28 ▪️ submarinos - 1   ▪️automóveis + caminhões-tanque - 32262 (+82) ▪️equipamento especial - 3668 (+1)
Más 1.650 rusos eliminados por las Fuerzas de Defensa Pérdidas del ejército ruso en Ucrania del 24.02.22 al 27.12.24: ▪️personal - 782510 (+1650) ▪️tanques - 9644 (+14) ▪️vehículos blindados - 19951 (+18) ▪️sistema de arte - 21379 (+22)   ▪️RSZV - 1256 ▪️ medios de defensa aérea - 1032 (+1) ▪️aviones - 369 ▪️helicópteros - 329 ▪️UAV - 20999 (+28) ▪️ misiles de crucero - 3003 ▪️barcos/barcos - 28 ▪️ submarinos - 1   ▪️automóviles + camiones cisterna - 32262 (+82) ▪️equipo especial - 3668 (+1)
Плюс 1650 г. ликвидированных Силами обороны россиян Потери росармии в Украине с 24.02.22 по 27.12.24: ▪️личного состава - 782510 (+1650) ▪️танков - 9644 (+14) ▪️бронированных машин - 19951 (+18) ▪️артсистем - 21379 (+22)   ▪️РСЗВ - 1256 ▪️средства ПВО - 1032 (+1) ▪️самолетов - 369 ▪️вертолетов - 329 ▪️БПЛА - 20999 (+28) ▪️крылатые ракеты - 3003 ▪️корабли/катера - 28 ▪️подводные лодки - 1   ▪️автотехника+автоцистерны- 32262 (+82) ▪️спецтехника - 3668 (+1)
साथ ही रक्षा बलों द्वारा 1,650 रूसियों का सफाया कर दिया गया 24.02.22 से 27.12.24 तक यूक्रेन में रूसी सेना की हानि: ▪️कार्मिक - 782510 (+1650) ▪️टैंक - 9644 (+14) ▪️बख्तरबंद वाहन - 19951 (+18) ▪️आर्टसिस्टम - 21379 (+22)   ▪️आरएसजेडवी-1256 ▪️ वायु रक्षा के साधन - 1032 (+1) ▪️विमान - 369 ▪️हेलीकॉप्टर - 329 ▪️यूएवी - 20999 (+28) ▪️ क्रूज़ मिसाइलें - 3003 ▪️जहाज/नावें - 28 ▪️पनडुब्बियां - 1   ▪️ऑटोमोबाइल्स + टैंकर - 32262 (+82) ▪️विशेष उपकरण - 3668 (+1)
Plus 1 650 Russes éliminés par les Forces de défense Pertes de l'armée russe en Ukraine du 24.02.22 au 27.12.24 : ▪️personnel - 782510 (+1650) ▪️réservoirs - 9644 (+14) ▪️véhicules blindés - 19951 (+18) ▪️artsystem - 21379 (+22)   ▪️RSZV-1256 ▪️ moyens de défense aérienne - 1032 (+1) ▪️avions - 369 ▪️hélicoptères - 329 ▪️UAV - 20999 (+28) ▪️ missiles de croisière - 3003 ▪️navires/bateaux - 28 ▪️ sous-marins - 1   ▪️automobiles + camions-citernes - 32262 (+82) ▪️équipement spécial - 3668 (+1)
بالإضافة إلى 1650 روسيًا تم القضاء عليهم على يد قوات الدفاع خسائر الجيش الروسي في أوكرانيا من 24.02.22 إلى 27.12.24: ▪️الموظفون - 782510 (+1650) ▪️الدبابات - 9644 (+14) ▪️مركبات مدرعة - 19951 (+18) ▪️نظام الفن - 21379 (+22)   ▪️RSZV - 1256 ▪️ وسائل الدفاع الجوي - 1032 (+1) ▪️الطائرات - 369 ▪️مروحيات - 329 ▪️طائرات بدون طيار - 20999 (+28) ▪️صواريخ كروز – 3003 ▪️السفن/القوارب - 28 ▪️غواصات - 1   ▪️سيارات + صهاريج - 32262 (+82) ▪️معدات خاصة - 3668 (+1)
Plus 1.650 von den Verteidigungskräften eliminierte Russen Verluste der russischen Armee in der Ukraine vom 24.02.22 bis 27.12.24: ▪️Personal - 782510 (+1650) ▪️Panzer – 9644 (+14) ▪️gepanzerte Fahrzeuge – 19951 (+18) ▪️artsystem - 21379 (+22)   ▪️ RSZV - 1256 ▪️ Luftverteidigungsmittel – 1032 (+1) ▪️Flugzeuge – 369 ▪️Hubschrauber – 329 ▪️UAV – 20999 (+28) ▪️ Marschflugkörper – 3003 ▪️Schiffe/Boote – 28 ▪️ U-Boote - 1   ▪️Automobile + Tankwagen - 32262 (+82) ▪️Sonderausrüstung – 3668 (+1)
Più 1.650 russi eliminati dalle Forze di Difesa Perdite dell'esercito russo in Ucraina dal 24.02.22 al 27.12.24: ▪️personale - 782510 (+1650) ▪️carri armati - 9644 (+14) ▪️veicoli blindati - 19951 (+18) ▪️artsystem - 21379 (+22)   ▪️RSZV-1256 ▪️mezzi di difesa aerea - 1032 (+1) ▪️aerei - 369 ▪️elicotteri - 329 ▪️UAV - 20999 (+28) ▪️missili da crociera - 3003 ▪️navi/barche - 28 ▪️ sottomarini - 1   ▪️automobili + cisterne - 32262 (+82) ▪️attrezzature speciali - 3668 (+1)
さらに1,650人のロシア人が国防軍によって排除された 22年2月24日から24年12月27日までのウクライナにおけるロシア軍の損失: ▪️職員 - 782510 (+1650) ▪️戦車 - 9644 (+14) ▪️装甲車両 - 19951 (+18) ▪️アートシステム - 21379 (+22)   ▪️RSZV - 1256 ▪️防空手段 - 1032 (+1) ▪️飛行機 - 369 ▪️ヘリコプター - 329 ▪️UAV - 20999 (+28) ▪️巡航ミサイル - 3003 ▪️船/ボート - 28 ▪️潜水艦 - 1   ▪️自動車 + タンカー - 32262 (+82) ▪️特別装備 - 3668 (+1)
Plus 1.650 Russen geëlimineerd door de strijdkrachten Verliezen van het Russische leger in Oekraïne van 24.02.22 tot 27.12.24: ▪️personeel - 782510 (+1650) ▪️tanks - 9644 (+14) ▪️pantservoertuigen - 19951 (+18) ▪️kunstsysteem - 21379 (+22)   ▪️RSZV-1256 ▪️ luchtverdedigingsmiddelen - 1032 (+1) ▪️vliegtuigen - 369 ▪️helikopters - 329 ▪️UAV - 20999 (+28) ▪️ kruisraketten - 3003 ▪️schepen/boten - 28 ▪️ onderzeeërs - 1   ▪️auto's + tankwagens - 32262 (+82) ▪️speciale uitrusting - 3668 (+1)
Συν 1.650 Ρώσοι που εξολοθρεύτηκαν από τις Αμυντικές Δυνάμεις Απώλειες του Ρωσικού Στρατού στην Ουκρανία από 24.02.22 έως 27.12.24: ▪️προσωπικό - 782510 (+1650) ▪️δεξαμενές - 9644 (+14) ▪️θωρακισμένα οχήματα - 19951 (+18) ▪️artsystem - 21379 (+22)   ▪️ RSZV - 1256 ▪️ μέσα αεράμυνας - 1032 (+1) ▪️αεροπλάνα - 369 ▪️ελικόπτερα - 329 ▪️UAV - 20999 (+28) ▪️ Πύραυλοι κρουζ - 3003 ▪️πλοία/σκάφη - 28 ▪️ υποβρύχια - 1   ▪️αυτοκίνητα + βυτιοφόρα - 32262 (+82) ▪️ειδικός εξοπλισμός - 3668 (+1)

1/10/2025, 6:15:08 AM
Another minus 1830 Russian soldiers Loss of the Russian Army in Ukraine from 24.02.22 to 10.01.25: ▪️personnel - 804930 (+1830) ▪️tanks - 9741 (+10) ▪️armored vehicles - 20253 (+32) ▪️artillery systems - 21789 (+24)   ▪️MLRS - 1260 ▪️air defense systems - 1041 (+3) ▪️aircraft - 369 ▪️helicopters - 331 ▪️UAVs - 21884 (+71) ▪️cruise missiles - 3017 (+3) ▪️ships/boats - 28 ▪️submarines - 1   ▪️vehicles+tankers - 33473 (+86) ▪️special equipment - 3689 (+3)
1/10/2025, 6:58:57 AM
Image 2025-01-10T06:58:57
Russian occupiers once again attacked the civilian infrastructure of Semenivka in Chernihiv region Five explosions from a Geran-2 UAV were recorded. An elderly woman was hospitalized with injuries. 2 houses and a business were damaged. Non-residential buildings were occupied, - OVA.
1/10/2025, 7:15:08 AM
German Chancellor Blocks New Aid Package for Ukraine - Der Spiegel The country's Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock and Defense Minister Boris Pistorius want to allocate about €3 billion for weapons for Ukraine before the Bundestag elections. However, Scholz is probably against this. The publication writes that the list of weapons for Ukraine was drawn up in November 2024 - after the collapse of the German government coalition. It included 3 Iris-T air defense batteries with missiles for them, Patriot missiles, 10 wheeled howitzers and artillery ammunition. Der Spiegel sources believe that Scholz does not want to announce further weapons supplies to Ukraine in the midst of the election campaign, so as not to alienate potential voters of the Social Democratic Party of Germany.
1/10/2025, 7:22:55 AM
Image 2025-01-10T07:22:55
The sky defenders neutralized 33 of 72 enemy strike UAVs 34 of them did not reach their targets, and 1 flew to the Russian Federation. The drones were shot down in Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Khmelnytskyi, Vinnytsia and Kherson regions. In the Kyiv region, the shot down UAV fell on a high-rise building, damaging a building and 20 cars. In the Chernihiv region - 5 drone hits in enterprises and farm buildings. A civilian was injured, - PS.
1/10/2025, 7:36:20 AM
Enterprises in Rostov and Leningrad regions caught fire in the swamps At least 16 UAVs attacked the Rostov region. The PlastFaktor plant in the village of Krym caught fire, Russian media write. And in the Leningrad region, a fire broke out with an area of ​​1,900 m² in the industrial zone of the city of Gatchina, where factories producing acetone, varnishes and paints are located. The cause of the fire is not specified. Locals wrote about the sounds of explosions. ☝️ Head of the Central Defense Directorate at the National Security and Defense Council Andriy Kovalenko writes that camouflaged military facilities were attacked: "Russia presents military plants as ordinary, trying to hide their real products. But everything is known."