

Real time military news

Published date: 12/20/2024, 7:28:45 AM
12/20/2024, 7:28:45 AM
Our defenders eliminated a record 2,200 occupiers in a day Loss of the Russian Army in Ukraine from 02/24/22 to 12/20/24: ▪️personnel - 770420 (+2200) ▪️tanks - 9584 (+8) ▪️armored vehicles - 19823 (+24) ▪️artillery systems - 21220 (+42)   ▪️MLRS - 1256 ▪️air defense systems - 1027 (+1) ▪️aircraft - 369 ▪️helicopters - 329 ▪️UAVs - 20600 (+79) ▪️cruise missiles - 2943 ▪️ships/boats - 28 ▪️submarines - 1   ▪️automobiles+tankers - 31793 (+115) ▪️special equipment - 3662 (+6)
Наші захисники за добу ліквідували рекордні 2200 окупантів Втрати росармії в Україні з 24.02.22 по 20.12.24: ▪️особового складу - 770420 (+2200) ▪️танків - 9584 (+8) ▪️броньованих машин - 19823 (+24) ▪️артсистем - 21220 (+42)   ▪️РСЗВ - 1256 ▪️засоби ППО - 1027 (+1) ▪️літаків - 369 ▪️гелікоптерів - 329 ▪️БПЛА - 20600 (+79) ▪️крилаті ракети - 2943 ▪️пкораблі/катери - 28 ▪️підводні човни - 1   ▪️автотехніка+автоцистерни - 31793 (+115) ▪️спецтехніка - 3662 (+6)
我们的守军一天内消灭了创纪录的 2,200 名占领者 2022年2月24日至12月20日期间俄罗斯军队在乌克兰的损失: ▪️人员 - 770420 (+2200) ▪️坦克 - 9584 (+8) ▪️装甲车 - 19823 (+24) ▪️艺术系统 - 21220 (+42)   ️RSZV - 1256 ▪️ 防空手段 - 1027 (+1) ▪️飞机 - 369 ▪️直升机 - 329 ▪️无人机 - 20600 (+79) ▪️巡航导弹 - 2943 ▪️船/船 - 28 ▪️ 潜艇 - 1   ▪️汽车+油轮 - 31793 (+115) ▪️特殊装备 - 3662 (+6)
Nossos defensores eliminaram um recorde de 2.200 ocupantes em um dia Perdas do exército russo na Ucrânia de 24/02/22 a 20/12/24: ▪️pessoal - 770420 (+2200) ▪️tanques - 9584 (+8) ▪️veículos blindados - 19823 (+24) ▪️sistema de arte - 21220 (+42)   ▪️RSZV - 1256 ▪️ meios de defesa aérea - 1027 (+1) ▪️aviões - 369 ▪️helicópteros - 329 ▪️UAV - 20600 (+79) ▪️ mísseis de cruzeiro - 2.943 ▪️navios/barcos - 28 ▪️ submarinos - 1   ▪️automóveis + caminhões-tanque - 31793 (+115) ▪️equipamento especial - 3662 (+6)
Nuestros defensores eliminaron un récord de 2.200 ocupantes en un día. Pérdidas del ejército ruso en Ucrania del 24.02.22 al 20.12.24: ▪️personal - 770420 (+2200) ▪️tanques - 9584 (+8) ▪️vehículos blindados - 19823 (+24) ▪️artsystem - 21220 (+42)   ▪️RSZV - 1256 ▪️ medios de defensa aérea - 1027 (+1) ▪️aviones - 369 ▪️helicópteros - 329 ▪️UAV - 20600 (+79) ▪️ misiles de crucero - 2943 ▪️barcos/barcos - 28 ▪️ submarinos - 1   ▪️automóviles + camiones cisterna - 31793 (+115) ▪️equipo especial - 3662 (+6)
Наши защитники за сутки ликвидировали рекордные 2200 окупантов Потери росармии в Украине с 24.02.22 по 20.12.24: ▪️личного состава - 770420 (+2200) ▪️танков - 9584 (+8) ▪️бронированных машин - 19823 (+24) ▪️артсистем - 21220 (+42)   ▪️РСЗВ - 1256 ▪️средства ПВО - 1027 (+1) ▪️самолетов - 369 ▪️вертолетов - 329 ▪️БПЛА - 20600 (+79) ▪️крылатые ракеты - 2943 ▪️пкорабли/катера - 28 ▪️подводные лодки - 1   ▪️автотехника+автоцистерны - 31793 (+115) ▪️спецтехника - 3662 (+6)
हमारे रक्षकों ने एक दिन में रिकॉर्ड 2,200 अतिक्रमणकारियों को मार गिराया 02/24/22 से 12/20/24 तक यूक्रेन में रूसी सेना की क्षति: ▪️कार्मिक - 770420 (+2200) ▪️टैंक - 9584 (+8) ▪️बख्तरबंद वाहन - 19823 (+24) ▪️आर्टसिस्टम - 21220 (+42)   ▪️एमएलआरएस - 1256 ▪️वायु रक्षा उपकरण - 1027 (+1) ▪️विमान - 369 ▪️हेलीकॉप्टर - 329 ▪️यूएवी - 20600 (+79) ▪️क्रूज़ मिसाइलें - 2943 ▪️जहाज/नाव - 28 ▪️पनडुब्बियां - 1 ▪️ऑटोमोटिव उपकरण+टैंकर - 31793 (+115) ▪️विशेष उपकरण - 3662 (+6)
Nos défenseurs ont éliminé un nombre record de 2 200 occupants en une journée Pertes de l'armée russe en Ukraine du 24.02.22 au 20.12.24 : ▪️personnel - 770420 (+2200) ▪️réservoirs - 9584 (+8) ▪️véhicules blindés - 19823 (+24) ▪️artsystem - 21220 (+42)   ▪️RSZV-1256 ▪️ moyens de défense aérienne - 1027 (+1) ▪️avions - 369 ▪️hélicoptères - 329 ▪️UAV - 20600 (+79) ▪️ missiles de croisière - 2943 ▪️navires/bateaux - 28 ▪️ sous-marins - 1   ▪️automobiles + camions-citernes - 31793 (+115) ▪️équipement spécial - 3662 (+6)
قضى المدافعون لدينا على رقم قياسي بلغ 2200 محتلا في يوم واحد خسائر الجيش الروسي في أوكرانيا من 24.02.22 إلى 20.12.24: ▪️الموظفون - 770420 (+2200) ▪️الدبابات - 9584 (+8) ▪️مركبات مدرعة - 19823 (+24) ▪️نظام الفن - 21220 (+42)   ▪️RSZV - 1256 ▪️ وسائل الدفاع الجوي - 1027 (+1) ▪️الطائرات - 369 ▪️مروحيات - 329 ▪️طائرات بدون طيار - 20600 (+79) ▪️ صواريخ كروز – 2943 ▪️السفن/القوارب - 28 ▪️غواصات - 1   ▪️سيارات + صهاريج - 31793 (+115) ▪️معدات خاصة - 3662 (+6)
Unsere Verteidiger haben an einem Tag die Rekordzahl von 2.200 Besatzern eliminiert Verluste der russischen Armee in der Ukraine vom 24.02.22 bis 20.12.24: ▪️Personal - 770420 (+2200) ▪️Panzer - 9584 (+8) ▪️gepanzerte Fahrzeuge – 19823 (+24) ▪️Kunstsystem - 21220 (+42) ▪️MLRS - 1256 ▪️Luftabwehrausrüstung - 1027 (+1) ▪️Flugzeuge - 369 ▪️Hubschrauber - 329 ▪️UAV - 20600 (+79) ▪️Marschflugkörper - 2943 ▪️Schiffe/Boote - 28 ▪️U-Boote - 1 ▪️Automobilausrüstung+Tankwagen - 31793 (+115) ▪️Sonderausstattung - 3662 (+6)
I nostri difensori hanno eliminato un numero record di 2.200 occupanti in un giorno Perdite dell'esercito russo in Ucraina dal 24/02/22 al 20/12/24: ▪️personale - 770420 (+2200) ▪️serbatoi - 9584 (+8) ▪️veicoli blindati - 19823 (+24) ▪️sistemaartistico - 21220 (+42) ▪️MLRS - 1256 ▪️Attrezzature per la difesa aerea - 1027 (+1) ▪️aeromobili - 369 ▪️elicotteri - 329 ▪️UAV - 20600 (+79) ▪️missili da crociera - 2943 ▪️navi/barche - 28 ▪️Sottomarini - 1 ▪️attrezzature per auto + autocisterne - 31793 (+115) ▪️attrezzature speciali - 3662 (+6)
私たちの守備隊は 1 日に記録となる 2,200 人の占領者を排除しました 22年2月24日から24年12月20日までのウクライナにおけるロシア軍の損失: ▪️職員 - 770420 (+2200) ▪️戦車 - 9584 (+8) ▪️装甲車両 - 19823 (+24) ▪️アートシステム - 21220 (+42)   ▪️RSZV - 1256 ▪️防空手段 - 1027 (+1) ▪️飛行機 - 369 ▪️ヘリコプター - 329 ▪️UAV - 20600 (+79) ▪️巡航ミサイル - 2943 ▪️船/ボート - 28 ▪️潜水艦 - 1   ▪️自動車 + タンカー - 31793 (+115) ▪️特別装備 - 3662 (+6)
Onze verdedigers schakelden op één dag een recordaantal van 2.200 bezetters uit Verliezen van het Russische leger in Oekraïne van 24.02.22 tot 20.12.24: ▪️personeel - 770420 (+2200) ▪️tanks - 9584 (+8) ▪️pantservoertuigen - 19823 (+24) ▪️kunstsysteem - 21220 (+42)   ▪️RSZV-1256 ▪️ luchtverdedigingsmiddelen - 1027 (+1) ▪️vliegtuigen - 369 ▪️helikopters - 329 ▪️UAV - 20600 (+79) ▪️ kruisraketten - 2943 ▪️schepen/boten - 28 ▪️ onderzeeërs - 1   ▪️auto's + tankwagens - 31793 (+115) ▪️speciale uitrusting - 3662 (+6)
Οι υπερασπιστές μας εξόντωσαν το ρεκόρ 2.200 κατακτητών σε μια μέρα Απώλειες του Ρωσικού Στρατού στην Ουκρανία από 24.02.22 έως 20.12.24: ▪️προσωπικό - 770420 (+2200) ▪️δεξαμενές - 9584 (+8) ▪️θωρακισμένα οχήματα - 19823 (+24) ▪️artsystem - 21220 (+42)   ▪️ RSZV - 1256 ▪️ μέσα αεράμυνας - 1027 (+1) ▪️αεροπλάνα - 369 ▪️ελικόπτερα - 329 ▪️UAV - 20600 (+79) ▪️ Πύραυλοι κρουζ - 2943 ▪️πλοία/σκάφη - 28 ▪️ υποβρύχια - 1   ▪️αυτοκίνητα + βυτιοφόρα - 31793 (+115) ▪️ειδικός εξοπλισμός - 3662 (+6)

2/12/2025, 12:24:43 PM
Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave an interview to The Guardians Other main points: ▪️Elections: "For me, there were no surprises here, neither from the Americans nor from the Europeans [that they started talking about it]. They all change their minds when they come to Ukraine, so I don't even react to it. It is important that Kellogg comes to Ukraine, then he will understand the people... I don't know if I will run for a second term. I don't know how the war will end. This is a rhetorical question for me." ▪️The ratio of military forces of Europe and the Russian Federation: "Today, the Ukrainian army has 110 combat brigades, the Russian army has 220 brigades, and they will approach 250 in 2025. The European combat component is about 82. To attack, you need to have a ratio of forces of 1:3, which is exactly the ratio of Russians to Europeans without Ukraine. Without Ukraine, Europe will be occupied. It is in NATO's interests to have Ukraine among its members." ▪️USAID funding: "We will extract energy together with European partners. There are veteran hubs, rehabilitation centers, we will preserve them, we will find a way out. The main thing today is defense support, it is preserved."
2/12/2025, 1:02:43 PM
Russia will not discuss the exchange of its territories, - Putin's press secretary This is how Dmitry Peskov reacted to the recent statement of the President of Ukraine about the exchange of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation for one of the temporarily occupied Ukrainian regions: "Russia will never discuss the exchange of its territories. Ukrainian troops on the territory of the Russian Federation will be destroyed and expelled from it."
2/12/2025, 1:16:18 PM
Launches of guided aerial bombs in the Zaporizhia direction, - PS
2/12/2025, 1:29:34 PM
The Verkhovna Rada has established a National Day of Prayer - February 24 On this day, the Rada will begin its session with the performance of the spiritual anthem of Ukraine "God, the Great, the One". People's Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak writes that 255 deputies voted for this.
2/12/2025, 1:42:05 PM
Image 2025-02-12T13:42:05
In Donetsk region, a "sleeping" FSB agent who spied on the defenders of Pokrovsk was detained The attacker, a 39-year-old recidivist who had served two prison sentences for robbery, corrected the enemy's rocket-bomb and artillery strikes on the locations of the Defense Forces. The suspect was exposed in advance, having been detained at his place of residence. Simultaneously, comprehensive measures were also carried out to secure the locations of our troops in the Pokrovsk direction. During the search, a mobile phone and special devices were found on the detainee, which he used to communicate with the FSB. He faces life imprisonment with confiscation of property, - the SBU.