During this week, Russia used almost 630 guided bombs, about 550 strike drones and more than 100 missiles of various types against Ukraine
"I am grateful to the soldiers who defend Ukraine, to the partners who understand our need to strengthen air defense to save the lives of our people," Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.
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Протягом цього тижня росія застосувала проти України майже 630 керованих авіаційних бомб, близько 550 ударних дронів та понад 100 ракет різних типів
«Я вдячний воїнам, які захищають Україну, партнерам, котрі розуміють нашу потребу в посиленні ППО для збереження життів наших людей», - повідомив Володимир Зеленський.
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Durante esta semana, a Rússia utilizou quase 630 bombas aéreas guiadas, cerca de 550 drones de ataque e mais de 100 mísseis de vários tipos contra a Ucrânia.
“Estou grato aos soldados que protegem a Ucrânia, aos parceiros que compreendem a nossa necessidade de reforçar a defesa aérea para salvar as vidas do nosso povo”, disse Volodymyr Zelenskyi.
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Durante esta semana, Rusia utilizó casi 630 bombas aéreas guiadas, unos 550 drones de ataque y más de 100 misiles de diversos tipos contra Ucrania
"Estoy agradecido a los soldados que protegen a Ucrania, a los socios que comprenden nuestra necesidad de fortalecer la defensa aérea para salvar las vidas de nuestro pueblo", dijo Volodymyr Zelenskyi.
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В течение этой недели россия применила против Украины почти 630 управляемых авиационных бомб, около 550 ударных дронов и более 100 ракет разных типов.
«Я благодарен воинам, защищающим Украину, партнерам, понимающим нашу потребность в усилении ПВО для сохранения жизней наших людей», - сообщил Владимир Зеленский.
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इस सप्ताह के दौरान, रूस ने यूक्रेन के खिलाफ लगभग 630 निर्देशित हवाई बम, लगभग 550 हमलावर ड्रोन और विभिन्न प्रकार की 100 से अधिक मिसाइलों का इस्तेमाल किया।
वलोडिमिर ज़ेलेंस्की ने कहा, "मैं यूक्रेन की रक्षा करने वाले सैनिकों, उन साझेदारों का आभारी हूं जो हमारे लोगों की जान बचाने के लिए हवाई रक्षा को मजबूत करने की हमारी आवश्यकता को समझते हैं।"
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Au cours de cette semaine, la Russie a utilisé près de 630 bombes aériennes guidées, environ 550 drones d'attaque et plus de 100 missiles de différents types contre l'Ukraine.
"Je suis reconnaissant envers les soldats qui protègent l'Ukraine, envers les partenaires qui comprennent notre nécessité de renforcer la défense aérienne afin de sauver la vie de notre peuple", a déclaré Volodymyr Zelenskyi.
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واستخدمت روسيا خلال هذا الأسبوع ما يقرب من 630 قنبلة جوية موجهة ونحو 550 طائرة بدون طيار هجومية وأكثر من 100 صاروخ من مختلف الأنواع ضد أوكرانيا.
وقال فولوديمير زيلينسكي: "أنا ممتن للجنود الذين يحمون أوكرانيا، وللشركاء الذين يفهمون حاجتنا إلى تعزيز الدفاع الجوي من أجل إنقاذ حياة شعبنا".
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In dieser Woche setzte Russland fast 630 gelenkte Fliegerbomben, etwa 550 Angriffsdrohnen und mehr als 100 Raketen verschiedener Typen gegen die Ukraine ein
„Ich bin den Soldaten dankbar, die die Ukraine schützen, den Partnern, die verstehen, dass wir die Luftverteidigung stärken müssen, um das Leben unseres Volkes zu retten“, sagte Wolodymyr Selenskyj.
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Durante questa settimana, la Russia ha utilizzato quasi 630 bombe aeree guidate, circa 550 droni d’attacco e più di 100 missili di vario tipo contro l’Ucraina
"Sono grato ai soldati che proteggono l'Ucraina, ai partner che comprendono la nostra necessità di rafforzare la difesa aerea per salvare la vita del nostro popolo", ha affermato Volodymyr Zelenskyi.
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Tijdens deze week gebruikte Rusland bijna 630 geleide luchtbommen, ongeveer 550 aanvalsdrones en meer dan 100 raketten van verschillende typen tegen Oekraïne
“Ik ben de soldaten dankbaar die Oekraïne beschermen, en de partners die begrijpen dat we de luchtverdediging moeten versterken om de levens van ons volk te redden”, zei Volodymyr Zelenskyi.
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Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της εβδομάδας, η Ρωσία χρησιμοποίησε σχεδόν 630 κατευθυνόμενες αεροπορικές βόμβες, περίπου 550 επιθετικά drones και περισσότερους από 100 πυραύλους διαφόρων τύπων εναντίον της Ουκρανίας
«Είμαι ευγνώμων στους στρατιώτες που προστατεύουν την Ουκρανία, στους εταίρους που κατανοούν την ανάγκη μας να ενισχύσουμε την αεράμυνα προκειμένου να σωθούν οι ζωές των ανθρώπων μας», δήλωσε ο Volodymyr Zelenskyi.
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12/21/2024, 11:31:59 PM
The fight between Usyk and Fury for the world heavyweight boxing championship ended with the victory of the Ukrainian
Today's fight between Oleksandr Usyk and Tyson Fury at the arena in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) was a rematch between the boxers from May 2024. Then the Ukrainian defeated the Briton and became the absolute world heavyweight champion.
That night, Usyk and Fury fought in a rematch for all the titles that the Ukrainian boxer owned. Unlike the first fight, this time the title of absolute world champion was not at stake, since Oleksandr previously gave up the IBF belt. The new owner of this title was Briton Daniel Dubois, who had already managed to defend it by knocking out his compatriot Anthony Joshua.
The boxers went all 12 rounds. Usyk won by decision.
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12/14/2024, 2:30:37 PM
Today, there is already preliminary data that the Russians have begun to use soldiers from North Korea in assaults - a significant number. The Russians are including them in consolidated units and using them in operations in the Kursk region. So far, only there. But we have information that they may be used in other parts of the front. Losses in this category are already noticeable.
In fact, Moscow has drawn another state into this war, and drawn it as much as possible. And if this is not escalation, then what is the escalation that many have been talking about? It is Putin who is taking steps that are expanding and prolonging this war. It is he who is pushing back the possibility of peace. And he wants the world to have more problems in Asia. That is why the Russians are teaching North Korea modern warfare.
And it is obvious that Moscow is ignoring the calls of all countries, from China and Brazil to many others, about the need to do everything to de-escalate. If there is no tough reaction from the world, Russia is making the war worse. Always.
We will defend ourselves, including against these North Koreans. We will continue to act in coordination with all our partners to stop this war – stop it reliably, with a guaranteed peace.
Next week we will talk in Europe about working together. Sanctions against Russia, support for our defense, investment in Europe’s common defense, and strong diplomacy for peace are things that must increase every week so that next year, together with our partners, we can achieve our main goal.
1/7/2025, 1:02:02 PM
The Commander of the Ground Forces reacted to the information about desertion in the 155th Brigade
Mykhailo Drapatiy expressed confidence during the telethon that "what was announced will be refuted over time," writes RBC Ukraine.
"A number of facts took place. For my part, I have a negative attitude towards all these manifestations and to the fact that it was possible to correct them on the ground by all levels of management. I mean all commanders, commanders," he said.
Drapatiy says that the success of the personnel depends on the influence of the command. The commander also added that work is currently underway to improve the command.
In a comment to the Public, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that "work on eliminating a number of shortcomings made public in the media continued even before the publications appeared," adding that the 155th Anna Kyivska Brigade in full force continues to perform tasks in the combat zone and has its own defense zone. The brigade's capabilities were also strengthened with UAV units,
1/7/2025, 1:24:40 PM
Poland to provide Ukraine with electricity if Slovakia stops its supply, - Reuters
"Poland will be able to increase electricity sales to Ukraine, but only if Ukraine asks for it. Our operator is ready, the only thing is whether Ukraine wants to, or has to use it. Fico's behavior is directed against Europe," - said the country's Minister of Climate and Environment Paulina Hennig-Kloska.
Recall that last week, the Prime Minister of Slovakia threatened to stop electricity supplies to Ukraine, reduce aid to refugees. Robert Fico also said that he would demand the restoration of gas transit or compensation for losses that Slovakia allegedly suffered as a result of the stoppage of gas transit from the Russian Federation through Ukraine. However, the Slovak energy company SEPS announced its readiness to supply electricity to Ukraine as part of emergency aid, despite Fico's threats.
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1/8/2025, 8:40:02 AM
Launches of guided aerial bombs by enemy tactical aircraft in Sumy region, - PS