The threat of using ballistic weapons, - PS of the Armed Forces
Загроза застосування балістичного озброєння, - ПС ЗСУ
A ameaça do uso de armas balísticas, - PS das Forças Armadas
La amenaza del uso de armas balísticas, - PS de las Fuerzas Armadas
Угроза применения баллистического вооружения, - ПС ВСУ
बैलिस्टिक हथियारों के इस्तेमाल का खतरा, - सशस्त्र बलों के पीएस
La menace d'utiliser des armes balistiques, - PS des Forces armées
التهديد باستخدام الأسلحة الباليستية - PS للقوات المسلحة
Drohung mit dem Einsatz ballistischer Waffen, - Streitkräfte der Ukraine
La minaccia dell'uso di armi balistiche, - PS delle Forze Armate
弾道兵器使用の脅威 - 国軍 PS
De dreiging van het gebruik van ballistische wapens, - PS van de strijdkrachten
Η απειλή χρήσης βαλλιστικών όπλων, - ΠΣ των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων
3/10/2025, 2:55:31 PM
Syrsky told about the situation in Kursk region
"There are currently no threats to our units in the Kursk region. The units are taking timely measures to maneuver on favorable defense lines," the Armed Forces Commissar said.
He assured that individual DRGs trying to penetrate the territory of Ukraine are being destroyed.
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3/10/2025, 3:10:45 PM
You will buy one state outside - and it is not so expensive that the European Union has paralysis - the MP of the European Parliament
The Group's Group proposes to create a mechanism that cannot be blocked by one veto.
"You buy one state outside - and it is not so expensive that the European Union has paralysis. So far, there is a special article by which a decision can be made by a majority of votes, if you need to make some emergency decision.
But I see and feel that patience is already over with both the members of the European Parliament and members of the Council of Europe, because it is obviously working against the EU, " - said the MP of the European Parliament
and the excellent defense of Lithuania Ras Yuknyvichen about the intention of the MEPs to deprive Hungary
Yuknyvichene suggests that the desire of Orban to be vetoed by the Hungarians themselves, who use all the benefits of the country's membership in the EU, "but do not understand that this person is fighting just against those who provide their good and now."
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3/10/2025, 3:19:03 PM
The threat of use of ballistic weapons from the northeast - PS
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3/10/2025, 5:10:26 PM
The Ukrainians replenished Poland for $ 4 billion in 2024. Help received five less - $ 728 million
"Given the amount of taxes paid in Poland by migrants from Ukraine, it can be stated that for every Polish zloty, received by citizens of Ukraine under the program" Family 800+ ", migrants paid about 5.4 zlotys to the state budget of Poland," the state Bank Gospodarsstwa Krajowego said in the report of the State Bank.
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3/10/2025, 6:18:31 PM
Denmark is ready to send their troops to Ukraine if necessary to reach a truce or peace agreement
“It is important that we send the right signals in Europe both Putin and Washington. This is what we do today, saying: "If the matter comes to the ceasefire or reaching a peace agreement, a European presence is needed, then Denmark is ready for that," - said Denmark.
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