

Real time military news

Published date: 3/8/2025, 11:17:31 AM
3/8/2025, 11:17:31 AM
Image 2025-03-08T11:17:31
Syrian Public Security: Seizing weapons and ammunition belonging to the remnants of the "Assad regime" in Lattakia 📺 For more, follow us on the live broadcast ... the event application on your phone t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨 The event @alhdth_Now
الأمن العام السوري: ضبط أسلحة وذخائر تابعة لفلول "نظام الأسد" في اللاذقية 📺 للمزيد تابعونا على البث المباشر👇 ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
叙利亚公共安全:夺取拉塔基亚“阿萨德政权”残余物的武器和弹药 📺有关更多信息,请在直播中关注我们 ...手机上的活动申请 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨活动@alhdth_now
Segurança Pública Síria: Aproveitando armas e munições pertencentes aos remanescentes do "regime de Assad" em Lattakia 📺 Para mais, siga -nos na transmissão ao vivo ... o aplicativo de evento em seu telefone T.ME/ALARABIYA_ALHADATH1 🚨 O evento @Ahdth_now
Seguridad pública siria: confiscando armas y municiones pertenecientes a los restos del "régimen de Assad" en Lattakia 📺 Para más, síganos en la transmisión en vivo ... la aplicación del evento en su teléfono T.ME/ALARABIYA_ALHADATH1 🚨 El evento @alhdth_now
Сирийская общественная безопасность: захват оружия и боеприпасов, принадлежащих к остаткам «режима Асада» в Латтакии 📺 Для получения дополнительной информации следуйте за нами на живой трансляции ... приложение для событий на вашем телефоне t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨 Событие @alhdth_now
सीरियाई सार्वजनिक सुरक्षा: लत्ताकिया में "असद शासन" के अवशेषों से संबंधित हथियार और गोला -बारूद जब्त करना 📺 अधिक के लिए, लाइव प्रसारण पर हमें फॉलो करें ... आपके फोन पर इवेंट एप्लिकेशन t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨 घटना @alhdth_now
Sécurité publique syrienne: saisir des armes et des munitions appartenant aux restes du "régime Assad" à Lattakia 📺 Pour en savoir plus, suivez-nous sur la diffusion en direct ... l'application d'événement sur votre téléphone t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨 L'événement @alhdth_now
الأمن العام السوري: ضبط أسلحة وذخائر تابعة لفلول "نظام الأسد" في اللاذقية 📺 للمزيد تابعونا على البث المباشر👇 ...تطبيق الحدث على هاتفك📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Syrische öffentliche Sicherheit: Waffen und Munition beschlagnahmen, die den Überresten des "Assad -Regimes" in Lattakia gehören 📺 Folgen Sie uns in der Live -Sendung ... die Veranstaltungsanwendung auf Ihrem Telefon t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨 Das Ereignis @Alhdth_Now
Sicurezza pubblica siriana: sequestro di armi e munizioni appartenenti ai resti del "regime di Assad" in Lattakia 📺 Per ulteriori informazioni, seguici sulla trasmissione in diretta ... L'applicazione dell'evento sul tuo telefono T.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨 L'evento @alhdth_now
シリア公安:ラタキアの「アサド政権」の残骸に属する武器と弾薬の押収 詳細については、ライブブロードキャストでフォローしてください ...電話でのイベントアプリケーション T.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 eventイベント@alhdth_now
Syrische openbare veiligheid: het in beslag nemen van wapens en munitie die behoren tot de overblijfselen van het "Assad Regime" in Lattakia 📺 Volg ons voor meer informatie over de live -uitzending ... de evenemententoepassing op uw telefoon t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨 Het evenement @alhdth_now
Δημόσια ασφάλεια της Συρίας: Αξιοποίηση όπλων και πυρομαχικών που ανήκουν στα υπολείμματα του "καθεστώτος Assad" στην Lattakia 📺 Για περισσότερα, ακολουθήστε μας στη ζωντανή εκπομπή ... Η εφαρμογή συμβάντος στο τηλέφωνό σας t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨 Η εκδήλωση @alhdth_now

12/30/2024, 1:19:17 PM
Journalist Safaa Makna: The Israeli army expelled employees from government departments in the Quneitra countryside in southern Syria under the pretext of inspection #Syria #Israel #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/12/2025, 11:10:26 AM
A "semi-ready" deal is approaching Gaza.. and the Israeli army is preparing for a "rapid withdrawal" from the Strip #Gaza #Palestine #Al-Hadath_Studio #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/12/2025, 11:12:21 AM
After the army took control of it for the first time since December 2023.. "The map" reveals the importance of Wad Madani in Sudan #Wad_Madani #Sudan #Al-Hadath_Studio #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/30/2024, 3:32:33 PM
UN Assistant Secretary-General for Near East Affairs Khaled Khiari: Exchange of attacks between the Houthis and Israel threatens greater escalation in the region #Yemen #Israel #Al-Hadath Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/30/2024, 2:59:52 PM
We transmitted the events from the front line and were often the only "Ain Al Arab" .. Harvest 2024 for "Al-Hadath" coverage of the developments of the Russian-Ukrainian war #Russia #Ukraine #Al-Hadath_Channel ... Al-Hadath application on your phone📱 t.me/alarabiya_alhadath1 🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now