He accompanied a military veil that was exposed to an ambush from the "lion regime's remnants" on the Homs -Tartous Road in Syria .. Speakers of breathtaking, the event correspondent, Mohamed Haroun, lived
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واكب رتلا عسكريا تعرض لكمين من "فلول نظام الأسد" في طريق حمص – طرطوس بسوريا.. لحظات تحبس الأنفاس عاشها مراسل الحدث محمد هارون
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🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Ele acompanhou um véu militar que foi exposto a uma emboscada dos "remanescentes do regime de leão" na estrada Homs -na Síria. Speakers of de tirar o fôlego, o correspondente do evento, Mohamed Haroun, viveu
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Acompañó un velo militar que estaba expuesto a una emboscada de los "restos del régimen de leones" en el camino de Homs -Tarttous en Siria. Presentes de impresionantes, el corresponsal del evento, Mohamed Haroun, vivió
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🚨 El evento @alhdth_now
Он сопровождал военную завесу, которая была подвергнута засаду из «остатков режима льва» на зачаточной дороге в Сирии.
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वह एक सैन्य घूंघट के साथ था जो सीरिया में होम्स -टार्टस रोड पर "शेर शासन के अवशेष" से एक घात के संपर्क में था।
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🚨 घटना @alhdth_now
Il a accompagné un voile militaire qui a été exposé à une embuscade des "restes du Lion Regime" sur la route homs-startous en Syrie .. des haut-parleurs à couper le souffle, le correspondant de l'événement, Mohamed Haroun, a vécu
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واكب رتلا عسكريا تعرض لكمين من "فلول نظام الأسد" في طريق حمص – طرطوس بسوريا.. لحظات تحبس الأنفاس عاشها مراسل الحدث محمد هارون
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🚨الحدث_عاجل تلجرام @alhdth_now
Er begleitete einen militärischen Schleier, der einem Hinterhalt aus den Überresten des "Löwenregimes" auf der HOMS -Tartous Road in Syrien ausgesetzt war. Sprecher von atemberaubendem Ereigniskorrespondent, Mohamed Haroun, lebte
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🚨 Das Ereignis @Alhdth_Now
Ha accompagnato un velo militare che era esposto a un agguato dai "resti del regime di leone" sulla strada durata di Homs in Siria. Altoparlanti di movimentazione, il corrispondente dell'evento, Mohamed Haroun, ha vissuto
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🚨 L'evento @alhdth_now
Hij vergezelde een militaire sluier die werd blootgesteld aan een hinderlaag van het "Lion Regime's Remnants" op de Homs -Startous Road in Syrië .. Sprekers van adembenemend, de correspondent van het evenement, Mohamed Haroun, leefde
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🚨 Het evenement @alhdth_now
Συνόδευσε ένα στρατιωτικό πέπλο που εκτέθηκε σε μια ενέδρα από τα υπολείμματα του καθεστώτος "του λιονταριού" στον Homs -μεροληπτικό δρόμο στη Συρία .. Οι ομιλητές της εκπληκτικής, ο ανταποκριτής του γεγονότος, ο Mohamed Haroun, έζησε
#Al -Hadath Channel ... Η εφαρμογή συμβάντος στο τηλέφωνό σας
🚨 Η εκδήλωση @alhdth_now
12/30/2024, 1:19:17 PM
Journalist Safaa Makna: The Israeli army expelled employees from government departments in the Quneitra countryside in southern Syria under the pretext of inspection
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🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/12/2025, 11:10:26 AM
A "semi-ready" deal is approaching Gaza.. and the Israeli army is preparing for a "rapid withdrawal" from the Strip
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🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
1/12/2025, 11:12:21 AM
After the army took control of it for the first time since December 2023.. "The map" reveals the importance of Wad Madani in Sudan
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🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/30/2024, 3:32:33 PM
UN Assistant Secretary-General for Near East Affairs Khaled Khiari: Exchange of attacks between the Houthis and Israel threatens greater escalation in the region
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🚨Al-Hadath_Urgent Telegram @alhdth_now
12/30/2024, 2:59:52 PM
We transmitted the events from the front line and were often the only "Ain Al Arab" .. Harvest 2024 for "Al-Hadath" coverage of the developments of the Russian-Ukrainian war
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